Contributors please note: this is an archived page of the Phrase Finder Discussion Forum. You cannot add to these posts.
- British, Scottish, Irish Phrases - joel 12/16/00
- Origin and/or Meaning - Beth 12/16/00
- Birds and bees - ESC 12/16/00
- Origin and/or Meaning - lavsbs 12/16/00
- Phrase - Q 12/15/00
- Alcoholism - Red 12/15/00
- Nothing succeeds like a parrot with no teeth - Adam Kerr 12/15/00
- Nothing succeeds like a parrot with no teeth - Gary Martin 12/16/00
- Give over (an english expression) - Jane
S. 12/14/00
- Give over (an english expression) - Gary Martin 12/15/00
- Motley Crew - Anne 12/14/00
- Queer as folk - Saint Peter 12/14/00
- Queer as folk - Barney Scott 12/14/00
- Queer as folk - Saint Peter 12/15/00
- Queer as folk - Barney Scott 12/14/00
- Need Help Bad - Kelly 12/12/00
- 12 ways from Sunday - bruce 12/12/00
- Get pissed - dan 12/11/00
- Get pissed - Bob 12/12/00
- Get off the schnied - Kevin Shinners 12/11/00
- Get off the schnied - Bruce Kahl 12/11/00
- Salt of the Earth - Ursula 12/11/00
- Salt of the Earth - ESC 12/11/00
- Salt of the Earth - Eckard 12/15/00
- Salt of the Earth - ESC 12/11/00
- Salt of the Earth - ESC 12/11/00
- Dead as a door please - Mary 12/11/00
- What is the origin of the phrase . . . . . .? - Pete Ridler 12/10/00
- Tom, Dick and Harry (Any ) - GeeCee 12/10/00
- Meaning-rolling stone - Victoria 12/09/00
- Meaning-rolling stone - joel 12/10/00
- "Pretty please" - rusty 12/08/00
- "Pretty please" - ESC 12/10/00
- "Pretty please" - Barney 12/10/00
- Drop in the bucket - Jane S. 12/08/00
- Nuts - Barney 12/08/00
- Child of the Universe - Bob Poston 12/08/00
- "Child of the Universe" is from Desidirata - Bruce Kahl 12/08/00
- Dog and Pony show - Larry Hershfield 12/07/00
- Dog and Pony show - Sauerkraut 12/15/00
- Dog and Pony show - Bob 12/07/00
- Foot of the Cross - Jenn 12/07/00
- True of false - K. Yone 12/07/00
- Jazz music talk - Patty 12/06/00
- A Quote? - Btd 12/06/00
- Ive got bigger fish to fry - daniel 12/05/00
- Ive got bigger fish to fry - James Briggs 12/05/00
- Cute as a Button - Noah Youn 12/05/00
- Splice the Main Brace? - slothrop 12/04/00
- Splice the Main Brace? - James Briggs 12/04/00
- Origin of "Never judge a book by its cover" - Jim Allers 12/04/00
- Nip and Tuck - chicoles 12/03/00
- Gone south - x 12/02/00
- Use of a phrase - McKee 12/02/00
- Might and main - ESC 12/02/00
- Might and main - Bob 12/03/00
- Might and main - Bob 12/03/00
- Might and main - ESC 12/02/00
- You play with fire your gonna get burned! - crystal 12/02/00
- As sick as a parrot - Colin Ride 12/01/00
- Out of here like Vladimier - Kari Holloway 12/01/00
- Football terms - hat-trick, derby and nutmeg - futoomph 12/01/00
- Football terms - hat-trick, derby and
nutmeg - Bob 12/01/00
- Football terms - hat-trick, derby and nutmeg - Gary Martin 12/01/00
- Football terms - hat-trick, derby and
nutmeg - Bob 12/01/00
- Champing at the Bit - Amy Fifer 11/30/00
- George Washinghton :I can´t tell a lie - Maximilian Koch 11/30/00
- George Washinghton :I can´t tell a lie - ESC 11/30/00
- Not worth the candle - Albert Delgado 11/30/00
- Source of phrase - Nola Mosier 11/29/00
- The word for non-communicative communications - Christie 11/29/00
- The word for non-communicative communications - ESC 11/29/00
- The word for non-communicative communications - Bob 11/30/00
- The word for non-communicative communications - ESC 11/29/00
- "And for all that" (British Usage) - Patty 11/29/00
- "And for all that" (British Usage) - Barney 11/29/00
- E-mail or an e-mail? - Kodai Yonehara 11/29/00
- E-mail or an e-mail? - Frankie 11/29/00
- Please explain box your ears - lynne 11/29/00
- Short end of the stick - Dora Fletcher 11/29/00
- Olly olly oxen free - Jaye 11/29/00
- Red-headed stepchild - Steve Waldhalm 11/28/00
- Red-headed stepchild - ESC 11/28/00
- Red-headed stepchild - Btd 11/28/00
- Carpet bagger - Q 11/28/00
- Carpet bagger - Jane 11/29/00
- Carpet bagger - SW 11/28/00
- Phrase Derivation - Jay Tischenkel 11/28/00
- Plum off - connie 11/28/00
- Ginchiest - Catherine Rhodes 11/28/00
- What is the origin of the phrase" Keep if
simple" - Earl 11/27/00
- What is the origin of the phrase" Keep It Simple" - earl 11/27/00
- Eat Crow! - Vinnie Rinaldi 11/27/00
- "Getting ahead" - Patty 11/27/00
- Sayings that I have not been able to find. - Rita Sabini 11/27/00
- Designer Baby - Robert Dingwall 11/27/00
- Tall (long) drink of water - Michelle 11/26/00
- Different as chalk and cheese - Elsa Vorwerk 11/26/00
- What in the Sam Hill? - Mr. Lime 11/26/00
- Now You're Cooking With Gas - reds 11/25/00
- Now You're Cooking With Gas - Bruce Kahl 11/26/00
- Apple Of My Eye - Reds 11/25/00
- Expressions, sayings or idioms with the word "million" - Joan B. Harper 11/25/00
- Meaning and origin of a phrase - Cheryl Minvielle 11/25/00
- Elephants never forget - Holly Barnes 11/25/00
- Phrase - mike 11/24/00
- Addendum to "April Fool" - hawggie 11/24/00
- Right as Rain - Skip 11/23/00
- Right as Rain - ESC 11/24/00
- Meaning of phrase Quick and Dirty - John 11/23/00
- Cheap at half the price - ash 11/23/00
- Cheap at half the price - James Briggs 11/23/00
- 3 words that ends in gry. - autnes 11/22/00
- 3 words that ends in gry. - Chris 11/27/00
- 3 words that ends in gry. - Bob 11/23/00
- H20 author please - Cindy Fisher 11/22/00
- Origin of "wake up on the wrong side of bed" - Wayne Magnuson 11/22/00
- Phrase: by times - Richard A . Dominico 11/22/00
- Right as rain - connie 11/22/00
- Chuffed - ESC 11/21/00
- Mandarin? - Btd 11/21/00
- Phrase - S. Green 11/21/00
- How do you say "Merry Christmas"? - ESC 11/21/00
- Song "We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel - 3pint 11/21/00
- Why use profanity on this site? - Jeanine
Plante 11/20/00
- Why use profanity on this site? - Gary
Martin 11/21/00
- Why use profanity on this site? - ESC 11/21/00
- Why profanity? - ESC 11/21/00
- Why use profanity on this site? - Jacqualine-Marie Nunes 11/20/00
- Why use profanity on this site? - Gary
Martin 11/21/00
- The crowning touch - Bob 11/20/00
- Pigs Ear & More Tea Vicar - Carl Williams 11/20/00
- Deaf as a post - Chris 11/20/00
- Meaning of the phrase.. - Kandie 11/20/00
- Meaning of the phrase.. - James Briggs 11/20/00
- What is the meaning of on cloud nine? - jessica 11/20/00
- Rocks and Shoals - Erin 11/19/00
- Origin or etymology - Sheri 11/19/00
- "The exception that proves the rule" - Patty 11/19/00
- "The exception that proves the rule" - Bob 11/19/00
- End of pea (pee?) time - Leslie 11/18/00
- End of pea (pee?) time - ESC 11/19/00
- Elephant in the room. - Q 11/17/00
- Looking for a phrase. - Btd 11/17/00
- Looking for a phrase. - hog 11/30/00
- Looking for a phrase. - ESC 11/17/00
- Taking the Mickey - Malcolm 11/17/00
- Can anyone help me?? - Dawn 11/16/00
- Can anyone help me?? - Jodi Drenner 11/28/00
- Rhubarb - Bruce Kahl 11/17/00
- Mohammed and the Mountain - Kenton 11/16/00
- Phrase "a gnashing of teeth" - trevor 11/16/00
- Phrase "a gnashing of teeth" - Kenton 11/16/00
- Phrase "a gnashing of teeth" - biblethumper 11/17/00
- Phrase "a gnashing of teeth" - biblethumper 11/17/00
- Phrase "a gnashing of teeth" - Kenton 11/16/00
- How many words in the English Language?? - Alex 11/16/00
- Origins of Chinses curses eg;"May you live in interesting times" - Soooo Confused 11/16/00
- Keep em peeled - Martin 11/16/00
- Beg the question - john 11/16/00
- Dimple/pregnant chad - ESC 11/15/00
- Dimple/pregnant chad - Barney Scott 11/15/00
- Dimple/pregnant chad - ESC 11/15/00
- Dimple/pregnant chad - Barney Scott 11/15/00
- Dimple/pregnant chad - Barney Scott 11/15/00
- "Belly button" - Natalia 11/15/00
- "Get the axe" - Natalia 11/15/00
- The Whole Nine Yards - Ann 12/14/00
- "Get the axe" - ESC 11/15/00
- Meaning of an old stereotype - Katherine 11/15/00
- Cat's meow - Margaret Tuttle 11/14/00
- Food - CLAIRE CSOKA 11/14/00
- Add to list - Margaret Tutle 11/14/00
- The coast is clear - Jeannie 11/14/00
- Baited breath - carol schmidt 11/13/00
- Question????? - stephanie 11/13/00
- School/Work Phrase - Btd 11/13/00
- Pass along - Georgios Pap 11/13/00
- He is all business and proud of it - Georgios Pap 11/13/00
- Phrase meaning - michelle kientz 11/13/00
- FOOD POUNDING - Dana 11/13/00
- Two phrases - Georgios Pap 11/12/00
- Pig Iron Underwater - David Stegall 11/12/00
- Origin of Going Dutch - John Beeley 11/12/00
- Meaning - Tom 11/12/00
- Meaning - krys 11/28/00
- Pin someone's ears back - ESC 11/12/00
- Origin of phrase "meal ticket" - jim 11/11/00
- Need assistance - Michelle 11/11/00
- Passive sentence and more - George Gore 11/11/00
- Explanation - andy barnard 11/10/00
- 'teetotaler' - is it religious? - guy
(yes, really) 11/10/00
- 'teetotaler' - is it religious? - Bob 11/11/00
- Carrot and stick - keina 11/10/00
- Carrot ON a stick; carrot and a stick - ESC 11/10/00
- Carrot OR stick - Bob 11/10/00
- Carrot ON a stick; carrot and a stick - Bob 11/10/00
- Carrot ON a stick; carrot and a stick - ESC 11/10/00
- "JUST US CHICKENS" - carley 11/10/00
- Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens.... - Bob 11/10/00
- Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens.... - ESC 11/10/00
- Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens.... - Bob 11/10/00
- On the mantel - Georgios Pap 11/10/00
- Crazy like a fox - Georgios Pap 11/10/00
- Need help on English homework!!! - Jamie 11/10/00
- THE BIG YIN - TERRY. 11/09/00
- Many questions - K. Yone 11/09/00
- The origin of - dana 11/09/00
- Get (keep) the ball rolling - ESC 11/09/00
- Get (keep) the ball rolling - Bob 11/09/00
- Get (keep) the ball rolling - ESC 11/09/00
- Origin of "On the lam" - Chris 11/09/00
- You can run but you can't hide - Laura Brennan 11/09/00
- A plum job - James Briggs 11/08/00
- Home is where the heart is - Deb Niejadlik 11/08/00
- Get the butter from the duck - Ruben 11/07/00
- Silence of the Lambs? - Hillary 11/07/00
- Silence of the Lambs? - Scott Marsden 11/07/00
- Silence of the Lambs? - Scott 11/07/00
- The best laid plans of mice and men... - Jane 11/07/00
- Down to the wire - mathieu 11/07/00
- Swine - marcus 11/07/00
- Don't buy a pig in a poke - Gimlie 11/07/00
- Uglier than a mud fence - Gimlie 11/07/00
- Origin of Kill with Kindness - Madame 11/07/00
- Origin of Kill with Kindness - Jodi Drenner 11/28/00
- Meaning of Soup to Nuts - Madame 11/07/00
- The Worm Has Turned - SueEllen Clair 11/06/00
- If it ain't broke, don't fix it - Sy Stevens 11/06/00
- If it ain't broke, don't fix it - ESC 11/06/00
- Jumping someone elses train - Rosena 11/06/00
- Jumping someone elses train - Bruce Kahl 11/06/00
- Jumping jehosophat - marcus 11/06/00
- Trying to find a definition - Brigitte
Engelfried 11/05/00
- Trying to find a definition - James
Briggs 11/05/00
- Trying to find a definition - Bruce Kahl 11/06/00
- Trying to find a definition - James
Briggs 11/05/00
- That or when - Tom Yonehara 11/04/00
- them thar hills - Philippe 11/04/00
- them thar hills - Philippe 11/05/00
- them thar hills - James Briggs 11/05/00
- Them-there - ESC 11/05/00
- Origin of phrase - Wayne 11/03/00
- Trip the Light Fantastic - Valerie Ainscough 11/02/00
- Trip the Light Fantastic - FJR 11/02/00
- Trip the Light Fantastic - Bob 11/02/00
- The Sidewalks Of New York - Bruce Kahl 11/02/00
- Widget - Sauerkraut 11/02/00
- MEANING - sarah 11/01/00
- Urban guerrilla? - ESC 11/02/00
- MEANING - Sauerkraut 11/02/00
- MEANING - stickler 11/02/00
- Word meaning and orgins - frank 11/01/00
- Set the Thames on fire - Brian 11/01/00
- Can of corn - Clayton Platt 10/31/00
- I Should Cocoa - James 10/31/00
- AbsorPtion?? - Robert M. Moore 10/31/00
- Meaning - mike 10/31/00
- "For the love of Mike" - Bruce Kahl 11/01/00
- Meaning of a phrase - Shane Guy 10/31/00
- Etymology of "Pass with flying colors" - Monoson 10/31/00
- When in Rome do as the Romans do - howard 10/31/00
- To the manor/manner born - Barbara 10/30/00
- A dream COME true. - Mura 10/30/00
- A dream COME true. - Bruce Kahl 10/31/00
- A Camel is a Horse Designed by Committee - John 10/29/00
- College Football - Steve Brown 10/29/00
- "Bumper crop' origins?? - how786 10/29/00
- Bone Up on It - Bruce Kahl 10/29/00
- Egg in your beer?? - Bennet 10/29/00
- French translation - GREG 10/29/00
- 'if wishes were horses, beggars would ride' - Bob 10/29/00
- Red/blue and green should never be seen - Sue Thomas 10/28/00
- Sitting in the Catbird's Seat - K. Timonen 10/28/00
- Sitting in the Catbird's Seat - Clayton Platt 11/01/00
- Sitting in the Catbird's Seat - Bruce Kahl 10/28/00
- "Pull a fast one" - Mark 10/28/00
- Suffer fools gladly - Mary 10/28/00
- Tell it to the Marines! - Scott Marsden 10/27/00
- Dixiechicks lyric - Dan Rashid 10/27/00
- Brand Spanking New - Bruce Kahl 10/27/00
- Brand Spanking New - Bob 10/27/00
- A Fly on the wall. - Jon Gallock 10/27/00
- A Fly on the wall. - James Briggs 10/27/00
- A Fly on the wall. - Jon Gallock 10/29/00
- A Fly on the wall. - Bob 10/27/00
- A Fly on the wall. - James Briggs 10/27/00
- What is it called???? - shelly 10/27/00
- What is it called???? - Bob 10/27/00
- What is it called???? - shelly 10/29/00
- What is it called???? - Bob 10/27/00
- "I'm your Frankenstein." & "Clarence is come, false fleeting, perjured Clarence." - Yer 10/27/00
- Seize the day - Melissa Bosse 10/26/00
- Seize the day - frank 10/31/00
- Seize the day - Bob 10/26/00
- Clean your clock - Jen Sexton 10/26/00
- Clean your clock?? - ESC 10/27/00
- Get into hot water - Vinnie Rinaldi 10/26/00
- Get into hot water - ESC 10/27/00
- Get into hot water- thanx! - vinnie rinaldi 10/28/00
- Get into hot water - ESC 10/27/00
- Goodspeed - Kyra lopez 10/26/00
- Meaning of phrase - Isla Kudrna 10/26/00
- HUNKY DORRY - J. WEST 10/26/00
- Damned if you do - B Knutson 10/26/00
- Fat Lady Sings - Patrick in Taipei 10/26/00
- Fat Lady Sings - phil palmer 12/07/00
- Fat Lady Sings - Bruce Kahl 10/26/00
- Tangled up in Blue - BabySilver 10/25/00
- He changed into his brown trousers - BabySilver 10/25/00
- He changed into his brown trousers - Scott Marsden 10/25/00
- Chump change - D Debertin 10/25/00
- Happy as a sandboy - charlotte 10/25/00
- Get off the dime. - Actor 10/24/00
- Kind hearts and coronets - Ryan 10/24/00
- Origin of "God Bless You" - Bonnie 10/24/00
- The Whole 9 Yards - Bill Martin 11/24/00
- Origin of "God Bless You" - ESC 10/24/00
- Definition - Rudy Pascoe 10/24/00
- Rhubarb - silvio 10/24/00
- Definitions - Adeline 10/24/00
- Cheap as Chips - Mike 10/24/00
- Double-or-nothing - BB 10/24/00
- Cute as a button. - Tarquin 10/24/00
- Rose-colored glasses - becky 10/23/00
- Origin and meanifng of below listed saying - anne 10/23/00
- Water water everywhere but not a drop to drink - zeal 10/23/00
- Water water everywhere but not a drop to
drink - Barney Scott 10/23/00
- Water water everywhere but not a drop to drink - Sauerkraut 10/26/00
- Water water everywhere but not a drop to
drink - Barney Scott 10/23/00
- A phrase defination...and origin - Patty 10/22/00
- A phrase defination...and origin - dan 12/07/00
- Death of a thousand cuts - ESC 10/22/00
- Goddy two shoes - guy 10/22/00
- Goody Two-shoes - ESC 10/22/00
- Three on a match - BRJ 10/22/00
- Defination of word Kittles - Dennis Laga 10/21/00
- Definition of word Kittles - James Briggs 10/21/00
- Feed a cold. starve a fever - keith 10/20/00
- Gig - Btd 10/20/00
- Gig - Bob 10/20/00
- Play the white man - Lynne Penn 10/20/00
- Money laundering - Sophie 10/20/00
- FUNNY PHRASES - Krazykook 12/04/00
- Funny Phrases - angela 11/01/00
- Money laundering - Oxhead 10/20/00
- Boxing clever / box clever - Sophie 10/20/00
- Boxing clever / box clever - Bruce Kahl 10/20/00
- Beam Me UpScotty - Chuan-long Lee 10/20/00
- Meanin go f aphrase - samridhi 10/20/00
- Preaching to the choir - E 10/20/00
- Preaching to the converted (choir) - ESC 10/20/00
- Don't throw the baby... - ESC 10/20/00
- Here's Mud in Your Eye - Tom Weber 10/19/00
- Source of "South Paw" - Tom Weber 10/19/00
- Tomato Paste - Shannon 10/19/00
- For Pete's Sake - Martin Thomas 10/19/00
- For Pete's Sake - ESC 10/20/00
- Origin of phrase - Amy 10/19/00
- Whistling in the graveyard - Paul 10/18/00
- Slowly I Turn - Ted Lucas 10/18/00
- Slowly I Turn - Bob 10/18/00
- Slowly I Turn - Bruce Kahl 10/18/00
- Slowly I Turn - Bob 10/18/00
- Lunch cum learning - google 10/18/00
- Bad penny - Kay 10/17/00
- Stay Until The Last Dog is Hung - Doug Dearth 10/17/00
- Night Night - Simon Carter 10/17/00
- Two Bits - Tim Finnegan 10/17/00
- 'with bells on" - Harold Nassau 10/17/00
- More's the Pity - Ted Lucas 10/17/00
- Thanks- where do I go from here? - Vinnie Rinaldi 10/17/00
- Have trouble understanding this. - Kurt 10/17/00
- Have trouble understanding this. - Gary Martin 10/17/00
- Have trouble understanding this. - ESC 10/17/00
- Phrase dispute - critical! - Todd_C 10/17/00
- Phrase dispute - critical! - Gary Martin 10/17/00
- Who said "get a life!" was it william
shatner? - karl kill 10/17/00
- Who said "get a life!" was it
william shatner? - ESC 10/17/00
- Who said "get a life!" was it william shatner? - Bob 10/19/00
- Who said "get a life!" was it
william shatner? - ESC 10/17/00
- Fair to middling - Rose 10/17/00
- What is the origin of the word 'janner' for a Plymothian (UK)? - Tony 11/25/00
- Fair to middling - ESC 10/17/00
- The Pope's Nose - Frank 10/17/00
- The Pope's Nose - Bob 10/17/00
- Bum steer - Robert Smith 11/22/00
- The Pope's Nose - Sauerkraut 10/26/00
- The Pope's Nose - Bob 10/17/00
- ISO: To get one's back up.. - Vinnie Rinaldi 10/16/00
- "Peanut Gallery" - Teresa 10/16/00
- Somebody has just walked over my grave - Debbie Winkworth 10/16/00
- Help me - emma barrett 10/16/00
- Don't know from Adam - Jewell Jungman 10/14/00
- Misheard song lyrics - Jan Knight 10/13/00
- Misheard song lyrics - Bruce Kahl 10/14/00
- Misheard song lyrics - Bob 10/14/00
- Misheard song lyrics - Bruce Kahl 10/14/00
- Fast and Loose - Tim Chandler 10/13/00
- Happy Friday 13th! - Frankie 10/13/00
- Jumping the shark - ESC 10/13/00
- It was over the top - Daniel Dainty 10/12/00
- Meaning orgin - TOHM 10/14/00
- It was over the top - ESC 10/13/00
- Pie hole - pie hole 11/18/00
- It was over the top - Ted Lucas 10/17/00
- You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours - Daniel Dainty 10/12/00
- Living well is best revenge - false idol 10/30/00
- You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours - ESC 10/13/00
- You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours - Sauerkraut 10/26/00
- I'm under the weather - Daniel Dainty 10/12/00
- Thats par for the course - Daniel Dainty 10/12/00
- He was taken for a ride - Daniel Dainty 10/12/00
- I was over the moon - Daniel Dainty 10/12/00
- Questions - KRIS HEERASING 10/20/00
- Questions - KRIS HEERASING 10/20/00
- I was over the moon - Bruce Kahl 10/13/00
- Don't beat about the bush - Daniel Dainty 10/12/00
- Toe the Line - Stephanie Mackay 10/12/00
- Toe the Line - Oxhead 10/12/00
- Gauntlet - Eddie 10/12/00
- If at first you don't succeed... - Will G. Londonstone 11/26/00
- Throw down the gauntlet - ESC 10/12/00
- Etymology of "dog-tired" - Eric Weis 10/12/00
- Origins - gordon 10/11/00
- Origins - ESC 10/11/00
- Under the weather; take for a ride - ESC 10/12/00
- Origins - ESC 10/11/00
- Selling like hotcakes - kirsten benson 10/11/00
- CHECK PLEASE - Bob 10/11/00
- Woman's place in the home - origin? - Jan
Bradley 10/11/00
- Carrot ON a stick - Constantine (Conny) Roussos 12/05/00
- Woman's place, Part II - ESC 10/12/00
- Woman's place in the home - origin? - ESC 10/12/00
- Hotel/Motel - Shannon 10/11/00
- Nothing much new under the sun - lori
p 10/11/00
- Nothing much new under the sun - Oxhead 10/11/00
- Brass - Michael 10/11/00
- Cats out of the bag - michael 10/11/00
- Bob's Your Uncle, Fanny's your Aunt - Paul 10/11/00
- Daylight second - milchcow 10/11/00
- Daylight second - ESC 10/11/00
- Merry Christmas, origin of - some guy 11/28/00
- Daylight second - Milchcow 10/11/00
- Daylight second - ESC 10/11/00
- Dog's Dinner - Greeble 10/10/00
- Dog's Dinner - Bruce Kahl 10/10/00
- Author of a Phrase - Kathy Sullivan 10/10/00
- Love (or God) works... - ESC 10/11/00
- Love (or God) works... - Paul G 10/11/00
- Love (or God) works... - ESC 10/11/00
- "No Strings Attached" - Bruce Kahl 10/10/00
- A riddle wrapped up in an enigma - Michael 10/10/00
- Settle a bet - Kim 10/09/00
- The best thing since sliced bread??? - Lilymaid 10/09/00
- Learning by heart - Art Gittleman 10/09/00
- Gentleman's handshake? - jane 10/09/00
- "Run the gauntlet" - Hilary 10/09/00
- "Run the gauntlet" - Barney Scott 10/09/00
- In cold blood? - Venticello2 10/08/00
- Born and Bred - Mary 10/08/00
- Sex symbol - Stan McKenzie 10/07/00
- A slate loose - Derek Gribble 10/07/00
- Okey-dokey - Ray Gough 12/04/00
- A slate loose - Sauerkraut 10/09/00
- Cox's army - ron twilla 10/07/00
- "Shows his true colors" - Wayne
Jackson 10/06/00
- "Shows his true colors" - ESC 10/07/00
- Beef - Sauerkraut 10/06/00
- Beef - ESC 10/07/00
- Beef. Another explanation - James Briggs 10/07/00
- Beef. Another explanation - James Briggs 10/07/00
- Beef - ESC 10/07/00
- Meaning - Patricia 10/06/00
- Can't find "Pandora's Box" - Kurt 10/06/00
- Phrase: Enlightened self-interest - John Penna 10/05/00
- Let bygone's be bygone's - Maddog 10/05/00
- Peachy Keen - Maddog 10/05/00
- Happy as a Lark - Maddog 10/05/00
- Stranger - JJL 10/05/00
- Term for a type of comparative phrase - lotte Larsen 10/05/00
- Goodbye - Greg 10/05/00
- Phrase derivation - Rod E;lliott 10/04/00
- Nitty Gritty - Dave 10/04/00
- Nitty-Gritty - ESC 10/05/00
- Sticks & Stones - James Briggs 10/04/00
- Re:heavy metal and few other questions - Daniela 10/04/00
- Manna from heaven - mike 10/04/00
- Please help: Sermons in Books, Stones in Running
Brooks - venky 10/03/00
- Bill Shakespeare--As You Like It--Sermons in Books, Stones in Running Brooks - Bruce Kahl 10/03/00
- Pulling my hair out!!!! Help!!! - Bryan 10/03/00
- "Wear your heart out on your sleve" - Cristy 10/02/00
- Luke warm - Btd 10/02/00
- You're joshin' me - WickedClown 10/02/00
- Josh - ESC 10/02/00
- Old mick vs old nick - kmg 10/02/00
- Old mick vs old nick - Ron Peeples 11/27/00
- Old mick vs old nick - Ron Peeples 11/27/00
- Old mick vs old nick - ESC 10/02/00
- Pharse's - spencer dawkins 10/02/00
- Question - eloise 10/01/00
- Question - Gary Martin 10/02/00
- Pot calling the kettle black - ethnic slur? - Gary Ackerman 10/19/00
- Problems posting - ESC 10/02/00
- Question - Gary Martin 10/02/00
- What is a kitchen sink drama?? - Craig 10/01/00
- Kitchen sink drama?? - ESC 10/03/00
- Phrase: "whistling in the dark" - Patty 10/01/00
- Feisty - James Briggs 10/01/00
- If you think you are smart help me with this!!! - sam 09/30/00
- If you think you are smart help me with this!!! - eloise 10/01/00
- If you think you are smart help me with this!!! - eloise 10/01/00
- Coon's age - Allen Watson 09/30/00
- Golly Gee Willakers - Ruth 09/30/00
- Phrase meaning - eleanor 09/30/00
- Phrase Meaning: - Dave 09/29/00
- To buttonhole - Larry Hershfield 09/29/00
- Please explain "BEYOND DOUBT" - alesia 09/29/00
- Chickens come home to roost - Katie 09/28/00
- The chickens have come home to roost - ESC 09/29/00
- Jump Street - Jessica Rice 12/05/00
- The chickens roost Part II - ESC 09/29/00
- The chickens have come home to roost - ESC 09/29/00
- CATTY-KEY-WAMPUS - John Ottlinger 09/28/00
- Origin of the phrase "SandBag" - Chris 09/28/00
- "Dub" or "dubbing" - carolyn bolinger 09/28/00
- "Dub" or "dubbing" - carolyn 09/28/00
- By Hook or by Crook - Barney 09/28/00
- By the hair of my chinny chin chin? - Calla 09/28/00
- 40 Winks - Greeble 09/27/00
- Unknown Messages - That Guy 09/27/00
- Unknown Messages - sam 09/27/00
- Lorry - ESC 09/27/00
- Found it! Ho, ho, ho. - Roger williams 12/05/00
- Lorry - James Briggs 09/27/00
- Wish - Allen Ghasemy 09/27/00
- Wish - Bob 09/27/00
- Why is cowardice (and treason) yellow? - Ann David 10/09/00
- Why is cowardice (and treason) yellow? - Katherine Davis 10/09/00
- Wish - Greeble 09/28/00
- Wish - Bob 09/27/00
- Thanks Bob and more to solve as well please help
anyone!! - sam 09/27/00
- Thanks Bob and more to solve as well please
help anyone!! - Bob 09/27/00
- Hi !!! Bob thanks again I have a few more that I am unsure off!! - sam 09/27/00
- Thanks Bob and more to solve as well please
help anyone!! - Bob 09/27/00
- Important question - Jay Mcmullen 09/26/00
- Ride the Shank's Mare means to walk, go on foot - Bruce Kahl 09/26/00
- New list started - earlier messages archived - Gary Martin 09/26/00
- New list started - earlier messages archived - Greeble 09/27/00
- New list - ESC 09/28/00
- New list started - earlier messages archived - Greeble 09/27/00
- Box your ears
- Source of phrase
- George Washinghton :I can´t tell a lie
- Fox guarding the henhouse
- Champing at the Bit
- Playing inside/outside
- Foot of the Cross
- No skin off my nose...
- Tom, Dick and Harry (Any )
- Phrases using "grant."
- Pecking order
- Falling off the wagon
- Goodbye
- Happy as a Lark
- Meaning
- Pandora's Box
- Let bygones be bygones
- In cold blood
- Settle a bet
- Greatest thing since sliced bread
- He was taken for a ride
- Don't beat about the bush
- Help me
- Somebody has just walked over my grave
- ISO: To get one's back up..
- Lunch cum learning
- Whistling in the graveyard
- Two Bits
- Feed a cold and starve a fever
- The apple never falls far from the tree
- Cute as a button.
- Chump change
- Unknown Messages
- Mother Goose
- French translation
- Red/blue and green should never be seen
- College Football
- A Camel is a Horse Designed by Committee
- Flying colors; false colors
- Cats out of the bag
- I Should Cocoa
- Widget
- Reasonable doubt; moral certainty
- The Worm Has Turned
- That or when, or another way...
- Swine
- You can run but you can't hide
- Many questions
- Two phrases
- He is all business and proud of it
- Play hooky
- Wild oats
- Food
- Origin: What else do I have to say??
- Mandarin?
- Knowledge is power
- Phrase: by times
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
- Get up on the wrong side of the bed
- An elephant never forgets
- Designer stuff
- Oil the pig??