Contributors please note: this is an archived page of the Phrase Finder Discussion Forum. You cannot add to these posts.
- Put that in your pipe and smoke it - Deon 11/August/10
- Making buttons - Patricia Talley 09/August/10
- Trash the dress - Patty 08/August/10
- Don't you think? - Chad Bambrick 06/August/10
- Sold your piano? - Tyler 06/August/10
- The bigger they are the harder they fall - Ruth Maddison 03/August/10
- The bigger they are the harder they fall - ESC 03/August/10
- Sweet as a nut - Mark Mc Ananey 02/August/10
- There is more than one way to skin a cat - Sharon 31/July/10
- There is more than one way to skin a cat - ESC 31/July/10
- Roll over in his grave - Gloria 30/July/10
- Roll over in his grave - Victoria S Dennis 30/July/10
- Roll over in his grave - Aka Darrell 30/July/10
- Roll over in his grave - Aka Darrell 30/July/10
- Roll over in his grave - Victoria S Dennis 30/July/10
- Hell or high water - Cynthia Logan 30/July/10
- Wig hole - Emily 28/July/10
- Wig hole - James Briggs 28/July/10
- Mad Men and language - ESC 25/July/10
- Making headway - Deb Tjarks 23/July/10
- Tail-end charlie - Bruce 22/July/10
- Good copy - John 20/July/10
- Chicken talk - ESC 19/July/10
- Don't count your chickens - Nell 19/July/10
- Skeleton key - Hanale 18/July/10
- Panic stations - SteveH 12/July/10
- We feel in Yiddish - Max Tomlinson 11/July/10
- Uppy to in a shabo - Alyce 10/July/10
- Sew buttons on your underwear etc. - KathyP 09/July/10
- Picking at the daises - Sandra Gray 08/July/10
- Tell tale signs - Jeanne Nelson 07/July/10
- Off the hook - Rusty Clauss 06/July/10
- Off the hook - Victoria S Dennis 06/July/10
- Off the hook - ESC 07/July/10
- Off the hook - Victoria S Dennis 06/July/10
- Puss urban - Jackie 05/July/10
- The Queen of France... - Stan P 05/July/10
- Throw a sausage - John 05/July/10
- Dead man's hand - Johnny 04/July/10
- The ... from hell - Marcus Bruté 04/July/10
- Warning: slang humor (!!) - ESC 04/July/10
- That was then, this is now - ESC 03/July/10
- When the cat's away... - Montgomery 02/July/10
- was born ready - Dave 01/July/10
- All generalisations are wrong... - Bob Smith 30/June/10
- Dutchman's pants - I. Skuja 30/June/10
- A fat lot of good - Adrian 30/June/10
- Like the back of my hand - Denny 28/June/10
- Third man syndrome - ESC 26/June/10
- Knickerbocker Glory - Gary Martin 25/June/10
- Knickerbocker Glory - ESC 25/June/10
- Do you zummish? - John Banghart 24/June/10
- Seeking the Great White Biscuit - Jim Johnstone 23/June/10
- Well, I swan - Gary Martin 22/June/10
- Well, I swan - ESC 22/June/10
- Beat the tar out of you - Dave LaBounty 20/June/10
- Playing the fool - TB 19/June/10
- Cowboy advice - ESC 18/June/10
- If you can't beat them... - Sarah-Jane 17/June/10
- Scotch a rumour - Keith Coulman 17/June/10
- Don't have a bar of - Julia Miller 17/June/10
- Don't have a bar of - ESC 17/June/10
- Land with your bum in the butter - Leizl Mowbray 17/June/10
- A wigwam for a mustard po - Alan 16/June/10
- The pits - Gabrielle 16/June/10
- The pits - ESC 16/June/10
- Chlorine in the gene pool - ESC 14/June/10
- Dodged the column - Kmccary 13/June/10
- Until the last dog is hung - Brenda 11/June/10
- Drive your CHEVROLET to the levy - ESC 10/June/10
- You crack me up - A Harbone 09/June/10
- Never discuss politics and religion - Larry C. Shelton 08/June/10
- That will do the trick - Alex 07/June/10
- My cup of tea - Karen 07/June/10
- Lost the plot - James 06/June/10
- Pissed as a rat - Katie 05/June/10
- God willing and the creek dont rise - Dan Biggs 05/June/10
- A burr under your saddle - Ken 03/June/10
- Did a number on - Andria W 02/June/10
- Looks can be deceiving - Ken Ciehnbaum 02/June/10
- Hey Presto - Christopher Styles 31/May/10
- Cabbage onto - Beth 30/May/10
- Lands a mercy! - Katherine 29/May/10
- Forty wink - Charmaine 29/May/10
- Drama queen - Des 27/May/10
- Wire - A. Caldwell 27/May/10
- You can't have your cake and eat it too - Don Palmer 26/May/10
- Draw the bath - Pat 25/May/10
- Sootin(g) the **** - Roy 24/May/10
- It ain't funny Magee - Donna L. 22/May/10
- My god? - Ruth 22/May/10
- Holy mackerel - Tom Rumpf 21/May/10
- Let sleeping dogs lie - Al Seif 17/May/10
- Wigs on the Green - Sean 16/May/10
- Screw the pooch - David Beaumont 15/May/10
- Best of British luck - Mark Sevier 14/May/10
- Roses in December - Sandra 13/May/10
- Life is not measured by the amount of breaths... - Paula Erasmus 11/May/10
- Down for power - Katey 11/May/10
- All bogged down - Donna 10/May/10
- It's all over bar the shouting - James Briggs 09/May/10
- Alexandrian solution - Charlotte 07/May/10
- It aint over till the fat lady sings - Tiamat 07/May/10
- It aint over till the fat lady sings - Brian from Shawnee 07/May/10
- Hold the rin - Ericonabike 06/May/10
- Charlies dead - Ross 06/May/10
- Mad as a wet hen - Gloria Ogelvie 05/May/10
- Time for all good men to come to the aid of their country - Chris Strange 05/May/10
- Time for all good men to come to the aid of their country - john 05/May/10
- Time for all good men to come to the aid of their country - David FG 05/May/10
- Make those zeros rhyme - Roger 04/May/10
- With bells on - Nicole 04/May/10
- With bells on - Smokey Stover 04/May/10
- With bells on - Victoria S Dennis 04/May/10
- With bells on - Smokey Stover 04/May/10
- Carnival of Death - Jacob 04/May/10
- w h o r e's dream - Laurie Russell 03/May/10
- Gobbley gook - Terrence neilan 03/May/10
- Terrence Neilan - Rigamaroll 03/May/10
- Ring a ring a roses - Ruth White 03/May/10
- Well done Grasshopper - Cat 01/May/10
- Right jockey - Linda 01/May/10
- Ne'er cast a clout till May be out - Isobel Child 28/April/10
- The Pill - Joe 28/April/10
- Cockled over - M. Leverettt 27/April/10
- Suffolk phrases? - Michael Motts 27/April/10
- The gravy train - Bill 26/April/10
- A run for your money - Chris 26/April/10
- The truth is subversive - Regan 26/April/10
- Bloody Nora - Joy 25/April/10
- £100 - Susie 25/April/10
- My dogs are killing me - Tatjana 23/April/10
- Take a hairbrush to - Julius 23/April/10
- The King's English - Patsy 22/April/10
- The King's English - Gary Martin 22/April/10
- The King's English - David FG 22/April/10
- The King's English - Gary Martin 22/April/10
- Curiosity killed the cat... - Sheila 22/April/10
- Monkey Wards - Latimer.23 22/April/10
- Bugger Lugs - JC Caldwell 22/April/10
- rolling stone - John Paul Brophy 21/April/10
- rolling stone - Gary Martin 21/April/10
- rolling stone - David FG 21/April/10
- If nobody likes it... - Doug 21/April/10
- For toffee - Andrew Reynolds 21/April/10
- Locking the stable door after the horse has bolted - Gordon Emery 20/April/10
- Nichills in nine pokes - Gordon Emery 20/April/10
- A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do - Marcus Webb 20/April/10
- Take it away Rosedale - Rose 19/April/10
- Not all who wander are lost - Matt C 19/April/10
- Healed up and haired over - Barbara 19/April/10
- Like a blue arsed fly - Karen 17/April/10
- Who pissed across his path? - Chesley Kemp 16/April/10
- Coffee has two virtues: it is wet and warm - GoForThisWorld 15/April/10
- Bonnie Palones - Bob Smith 15/April/10
- Same spot on the dial - Angela Butler 14/April/10
- As easy as pie - Brian Dennis 14/April/10
- Fell off the back of a lorry - Mark Mywords 14/April/10
- Do a John Travolta - Thomas McCann 14/April/10
- The proverbial buffalo - Aviad 13/April/10
- The proverbial buffalo - Smokey Stover 15/April/10
- Hung parliament - Michael Moule 09/April/10
- Yanking my chain - Mary 09/April/10
- Screwed like a house cat (revisited) - Brian from Shawnee 09/April/10
- Meaner than second skimmings - Sandy 09/April/10
- In country - CRo 06/April/10
- In country - Smokey Stover 06/April/10
- Go out of my way - Bill 06/April/10
- I'll swing for you - Thomas McCann 06/April/10
- Pull it off - Travis Hawkins 06/April/10
- Going round the bend - Felix Windham 06/April/10
- Walk the cat back - Laurie Miller 05/April/10
- Walk the cat back - Baceseras 05/April/10
- Close your eyes - Rob Colwell 05/April/10
- To London - Kes 04/April/10
- To London - David FG 04/April/10
- Cultural Mecca - JJS 03/April/10
- The root of all evil - Crystal Payne 03/April/10
- a possible explanation for "bite the bullet" - Victor Rivas 02/April/10
- Postman's Oath - David B. Magee, Jr. 01/April/10
- Press you for an answer - Jo Seaman 31/March/10
- Pulling your leg - Jo Seaman 31/March/10
- Hot damn! - Jefferson Adams 31/March/10
- God stiffen the crow - Margaret Ritchie 30/March/10
- Cooper's ducks - Kirky 30/March/10
- Shooting a line - Dani Miles 30/March/10
- My dog ate my homework - Steven 28/March/10
- Sweating tin hats - Gary Martin 27/March/10
- Missing posts - Gary Martin 27/March/10
- Nellie's Chamber - David 26/March/10
- More than you can shake a stick at - Rick 24/March/10
- Aim low, they're riding shetlands - Jessica 24/March/10
- Three jumps and a bite of the latch - William O'Donohoe 22/March/10
- Name rings a bell - Ben Bowles 21/March/10
- You're not the boss of me! - ESC 21/March/10
- Who put the pig on the wall... - David Cropper 20/March/10
- Hendiadys - Anders 20/March/10
- Hendiadys - Smokey Stover 21/March/10
- Ti na na - Lloyd Formby 20/March/10
- Pew - Chris Cameron 20/March/10
- Turn about fair play - Brent Dillahunty 20/March/10
- On the lamb - Rod Tvrdy 20/March/10
- Your father wasn't a glass blower - Julie 19/March/10
- He's got big stones... - Mike Gorton 19/March/10
- A long tall cool drink of water - Shirley Thompson 18/March/10
- A long tall cool drink of water - john 19/March/10
- A long tall cool drink of water - Victoria S Dennis 19/March/10
- A long tall cool drink of water - john 19/March/10
- Poo pooed - G S 17/March/10
- Get off your high horse - J. Modisett 15/March/10
- Blow off - Nacrouts413 15/March/10
- The patient dog - O. Ima Kagho 15/March/10
- Give it a rest - Netmouse 14/March/10
- April showers - Tricia 14/March/10
- April showers - James Briggs 15/March/10
- April showers - Brian from Shawnee 15/March/10
- April showers - James Briggs 15/March/10
- Greasing the cogs - Amster 12/March/10
- Confirmed bachelor - Ky 12/March/10
- Confirmed bachelor - Smokey Stover 13/March/10
- For Whom The Bell Tolls - Roberta Summers 12/March/10
- For Whom The Bell Tolls - Victoria S Dennis 12/March/10
- The Penny Drops - Paul 12/March/10
- Would not touch it with a ten foot pole - RCP 12/March/10
- Would not touch it with a ten foot pole - James Briggs 12/March/10
- Beat a wooden hen - John Wiseman 11/March/10
- Shop till you drop - Ian 10/March/10
- Cry off - John 10/March/10
- Cooper's Ducks - Warren William Hodson 10/March/10
- What's it all about, Bertie? - Sarah 10/March/10
- Nosey parker - GeorgeM 09/March/10
- Fall under your umbrella - Rebecca 09/March/10
- Anger management - Beth 08/March/10
- Pan Crack - Bernie Onn 08/March/10
- Eyes in the back of her head - Yvette 08/March/10
- Taking it up - John Woodsworth 07/March/10
- Bob's your uncle - Victor Bennett 07/March/10
- Larking - Dave Johnson 06/March/10
- Caddy-corner - Mark Perry 06/March/10
- Caramba - my bowling arm - Ruprecht 05/March/10
- Buck naked - Mike Feuerborn 04/March/10
- Buck naked - Baceseras 04/March/10
- Rding on the sheep's back - Eric Hayman 04/March/10
- Casting one's withers - Richelene 04/March/10
- Hit the kip - Carol Cook 04/March/10
- To have mastered the art of teachin... - Grainne Hegarty 03/March/10
- The Land of Good and Evil - Barbara 03/March/10
- The riscj get richer... - Mary 01/March/10
- Out of the ditch and on the bus - jlsnyder 28/February/10
- Raise sand - GC 28/February/10
- Up a hill, one-in-four - Antoinette Vawter 27/February/10
- Man's inhumanity to man - John R. Carpenter 27/February/10
- If ifs and buts were apples and nuts - Derek Illingworth 27/February/10
- The biggest shilling - Denni O'Brien 25/February/10
- Tickety-boo - Colin Hawthorn 25/February/10
- Putting a stake in the ground - Michael Thompson, Sr. 24/February/10
- Putting a stake in the ground - Smokey Stover 06/March/10
- Putting a stake in the ground - Smokey Stover 06/March/10
- What is a girl to do? - Henry Steward 23/February/10
- Sloshed to the gills - Carole Carpenter 23/February/10
- Chicken Eye - Rob 22/February/10
- Rat's ass - Shawn 20/February/10
- New Nineveh - G. Cauldron 20/February/10
- North America - G. Cauldron 20/February/10
- Hanged with a new rope - kchadwick 20/February/10
- Hanged with a new rope - Victoria S Dennis 22/February/10
- On the button - Suzanne 20/February/10
- Until the last dog is hung - Michael Scheib 19/February/10
- Full as a tick - kmoore 19/February/10
- Close but no wee-oh - Randy 19/February/10
- Drinking whiskey before dinner... - Patti Cruz 19/February/10
- The gushing rain - Marathe Leena 19/February/10
- Last legs - Dave 18/February/10
- It's not even funny - Lori 18/February/10
- You can take the boy out of the country... - M Robson 18/February/10
- Why so glum? - Rod 16/February/10
- You crossed the line - Rachel Lyons 16/February/10
- The emo look - ESC 15/February/10
- Climbing Mt. Everest in house slippers - ESC 15/February/10
- The strongest guard... - Rahim Allana 15/February/10
- Beaten to the punch - N.Meaux 14/February/10
- Took off like Snyder's hound - Nancy 14/February/10
- Sitting on the fence - Dave Rado 14/February/10
- Don't drown the miller - Benny 12/February/10
- Pushing bits around rather than atoms - Ashli Ahrens 12/February/10
- As the actress said to the bishop - Louise Thomas 12/February/10
- Silent and supine - Therese 10/February/10
- Navel gazing - Rinky 08/February/10
- Sucking and blowing - Bill 07/February/10
- Sucking and blowing - Smokey Stover 08/February/10
- All get out - Edward Putnam 07/February/10
- All get out - Smokey Stover 08/February/10
- All get out - Gary Martin 07/February/10
- Blue devils - ESC 06/February/10
- Blood on the dance floor - Ibrahim Suleiman 06/February/10
- Cutting corner - R Black 06/February/10
- Cutting corner - David FG 06/February/10
- Cutting corner - Victoria S Dennis 06/February/10
- Cutting corner - David FG 06/February/10
- You do the math - Carol 06/February/10
- Watch under - Johnny O 05/February/10
- It's cold enough for a walking stick - Peter Rogers 04/February/10
- Bite off more that you can chew - Mike 04/February/10
- In the house - Scott Ellis 04/February/10
- Bad innocence - Violet H. 03/February/10
- Wigs on the lawn - Julie 03/February/10
- Yank my marley - Susan Herrick 03/February/10
- Woman of the hous - Ruth 03/February/10
- Up to scratch etc. - Shenfield 01/February/10
- Crash blossoms - ESC 01/February/10
- Cchevrons on my sleeve - Ward 30/January/10
- Cchevrons on my sleeve - Victoria S Dennis 30/January/10
- Golden fiddles - Annie 30/January/10
- My bowling arm - Ruprecht 30/January/10
- Stretched too thin - Kathleen Moore 30/January/10
- Sail through - John Pryce 29/January/10
- Seven points of departure - Tassy Smith 28/January/10
- In the driver's seat - Michael 28/January/10
- Reach for the stars - Ngawai 28/January/10
- Two, Six Heave - Kelvin Tonks 27/January/10
- Two, Six Heave - Victoria S Dennis 28/January/10
- Bat an eylid - Mike 26/January/10
- Eight miles out... - Linda Nybo 26/January/10
- Too funny by half - Tom 25/January/10
- Too funny by half - Gary Martin 25/January/10
- Too funny by half - Brian from Shawnee 26/January/10
- Too funny by half - Gary Martin 25/January/10
- I swan - Timothy H. Freeman 25/January/10
- Straight from the shoulder - Mike 25/January/10
- Holding on by a thread/Red tape - Boyd B. McNiel 25/January/10
- What - David 25/January/10
- Well paying jobs - ESC 24/January/10
- Well paying jobs - David FG 24/January/10
- Cold Harbour or Coldharbour - Glen Dryhurst 24/January/10
- It depends on the state of the tide at London Bridge - Michael 23/January/10
- Cochelled up - Les 23/January/10
- Yuck - Mike 22/January/10
- 'We may mock the pretension... - Steve 21/January/10
- Sucks mud - David 21/January/10
- Plums - Anne Carruthers 20/January/10
- What up - Kim 19/January/10
- Smarter than a beekeeper - Richard Webb 18/January/10
- Passing strange - David EM 18/January/10
- Punching holes in the darkness - Stephen 18/January/10
- Guerilla queer bar - ESC 17/January/10
- Feather the blade - Vicky Parry 17/January/10
- Unlucky 13 - GoForThisWorld 17/January/10
- A dirty mind is a joy forever - Rod Franz 16/January/10
- By the Lord Harry - Terry 16/January/10
- Smarty pants - Jason 15/January/10
- Various phrases - Gary Martin 14/January/10
- Pop goes the weasel - Dave 14/January/10
- In Hades - Jeff Thompson 14/January/10
- It ain't over til the fat lady sings - Tom 13/January/10
- Hindsight is 20-20 - Tom 12/January/10
- Okey - Tom 12/January/10
- This won't get the old woman her ninepence - John Donmall-Hicks 12/January/10
- Who shot John and who laid the rail - Mike Chason 11/January/10
- Warm enough to snow - Julie 11/January/10
- Go in feet first - Andrew 11/January/10
- A wet calamari - Lindsay 10/January/10
- The old world is gone - Peter 09/January/10
- Have your cake and eat it too - Ed 08/January/10
- Petrel/Petrol - Jackie 08/January/10
- As cold as a flugen - Helen Crossland 07/January/10
- Ogre's choice - Rylie Hilscher 06/January/10
- Wouldn't have a bar of - avid 06/January/10
- Wouldn't have a bar of - ESC 08/January/10
- Roll the hard six - Charlie 05/January/10
- Scootin Newton - Russ Taylor 05/January/10
- As a sworty duck - Linda Harrison 05/January/10
- Nothing ventured, nothing gained - John Helms 04/January/10
- Swallow a perkin - MB 04/January/10
- Evil communications corrupt good manners - Amos King 04/January/10
- Dicky dancing - June 03/January/10
- Bar doxy - Candy 03/January/10
- Plugging along - Glo_wing 02/January/10
- Cowabunga - Kay 02/January/10
- The back of... - Laura 02/January/10
- Lock and load - Malhori 02/January/10
- Bogey eyes - Tom Anderson 02/January/10
- Tots - ESC 02/January/10
- 2009 words to be banished - ESC 31/December/09
- 2009 words to be banished - ESC 31/December/09
- Hell for leather - Malcolm 29/December/09
- Take it away Rosedale - Merrilee Brown 29/December/09
- Like a greased pig - Tormat Selector 27/December/09
- Like a greased pig - Victoria S Dennis 27/December/09
- Like a greased pig - Smokey Stover 29/December/09
- Like a greased pig - Victoria S Dennis 27/December/09
- Regarding "Where the rubber meets the road. - Mike Billingsley 25/December/09
- That's why coffins are so short - Jenni 25/December/09
- Tiny Tim - ESC 24/December/09
- Casting shadows in the dark - Nicole 23/December/09
- Play action pass - Aaron 23/December/09
- The cat's meow - Reed Peterson 22/December/09
- Guns before butter - Sonia S 21/December/09
- Guns before butter - Smokey Stover 22/December/09
- Guns before butter - ESC 22/December/09
- Guns before butter - Victoria S Dennis 22/December/09
- Guns before butter - Smokey Stover 22/December/09
- Annoying Business Jargon - ESC 21/December/09
- Dracula sneeze - ESC 20/December/09
- I owe everything to the spaghetti - ESC 20/December/09
- Dick weed - Rick 20/December/09
- My giddy aunt - Dr R.W. Dyson 17/December/09
- My giddy aunt - James Briggs 18/December/09
- My giddy aunt - Smokey Stover 19/December/09
- My giddy aunt - James Briggs 18/December/09
- Shoot the devil in the eye - Saltinureye 17/December/09
- I'll be your Huckleberry - Richard S. Washburn 17/December/09
- We got cotton - Johnny Edenfield 15/December/09
- Carrying coals to Newcastle - Paul Shelby 14/December/09
- Carrying coals to Newcastle - Baceseras 14/December/09
- Rocks in your head - Morgan 13/December/09
- Big Bubba - Dr. Hahn 13/December/09
- Lazarushian leather - Woman_in_shoe 12/December/09
- Lazarushian leather - Victoria S Dennis 12/December/09
- Will wonders never cease? - Owne 11/December/09
- Dead lice - Steve 10/December/09
- The more public, the more private - Nan 10/December/09
- Put you on your head... - Kat 10/December/09
- The dark side - Fiona Yeates 09/December/09
- Doe-popped - Rod 08/December/09
- The future is now - William Bergmann 07/December/09
- Present hands - Steve 06/December/09
- On the lam - Marty 05/December/09
- Rat in the lug - Gail Irvine 04/December/09
- At it like knives - Jim Stuart 04/December/09
- Like okra - John 03/December/09
- Top of the bottle - Suzanne 03/December/09
- Awfully wide of you - Tyler Jernigan 03/December/09
- Short end of the stick - Tom Meyer 02/December/09
- Short end of the stick - Victoria S Dennis 03/December/09
- A man with a hammer - Mark Hales 01/December/09
- Taken into adultery - Joana 01/December/09
- Taken into adultery - RRC 01/December/09
- The continental - Max 30/November/09
- Hang you up by your toes - Karen 30/November/09
- Whistle down the wind - Vair 28/November/09
- Hot sand and ginger - Peter Munro 27/November/09
- Hot sand and ginger - Victoria S Dennis 27/November/09
- Hot sand and ginger - Victoria S Dennis 28/November/09
- Hot sand and ginger - Victoria S Dennis 27/November/09
- A good hiding - David 25/November/09
- In Meredith - Alastair Thompson 24/November/09
- You are a peach... - Luis Beal 23/November/09
- Jibber jabber - MichaelSean 20/November/09
- Jibber jabber - David FG 21/November/09
- Jibber jabber - Victoria S Dennis 21/November/09
- Jibber jabber - David FG 21/November/09
- On me bill - Carol Thomson 20/November/09
- Save one's bacon - Gail 20/November/09
- Put the scuppers on - Jack 20/November/09
- Keep in seed grain - Paul 19/November/09
- Are You Raising a Furkid? - ESC 18/November/09
- Off with the head... - Justine Donald 18/November/09
- Give someone a cricket bat - Neil Willey 17/November/09
- To hear is to forget... - K. Mackay 17/November/09
- To hear is to forget... - Juliette Coates 03/December/09
- To hear is to forget... - Juliette Coates 03/December/09
- To hear is to forget... - Juliette Coates 03/December/09
- To hear is to forget... - Juliette Coates 03/December/09
- Drunk as a skunk - Cornelia 17/November/09
- Bare bonded - Darian 16/November/09
- Barber's knock - Tony Tolley 14/November/09
- Birds - Arena 14/November/09
- Birds - Victoria S Dennis 14/November/09
- God giveth and God taketh away - PCMACguy 14/November/09
- Boo turkey - Debbie 13/November/09
- Boo turkey - RRC 14/November/09
- Boo turkey - ESC 14/November/09
- ..., will travel - Mary Lentz 11/November/09
- ..., will travel - Smokey Stover 11/November/09
- ..., will travel - ESC 11/November/09
- ..., will travel - Smokey Stover 11/November/09
- ... no waiting - Bill 11/November/09
- A blinding glimpse of the obvious - Joe 09/November/09
- Send lawyers, guns and money - Kevin 09/November/09
- Generous to a tee - Liz Curry 08/November/09
- Kidding on the square - John 08/November/09
- All aboard for the Skylark - Eleanor 06/November/09
- Tough bananas - Aaron 05/November/09
- Tough bananas - RRC 05/November/09
- Far-fetched - Joe 04/November/09
- Bunting & frolics - Ursula 04/November/09
- Ring a ring of roses - Rachel Bowen 03/November/09
- Ring a ring of roses - Gary Martin 04/November/09
- Ring a ring of roses - Victoria S Dennis 03/November/09
- Keep calm and carry on - ESC 02/November/09
- On the rocks - Scott 01/November/09
- Need a word for expression - ESC 31/October/09
- Need a word for expression - Gary Martin 01/November/09
- Panic stations
- Don't count your chickens
- Put that in your pipe and smoke it
- Top of the bottle
- Present hands
- Play action pass
- Warm enough to snow
- Wouldn't have a bar of
- It ain't over til the fat lady sings
- Go in feet first
- Various phrases
- Far-fetched
- It depends on the state of the tide at London Bridge
- Well paying jobs
- Bat an eylid
- Eight miles out...
- Cchevrons on my sleeve
- Navel gazing
- Don't drown the miller
- You crossed the line
- Until the last dog is hung
- On the button
- Last legs
- Hanged with a new rope
- Up a hill, one-in-four
- Cry off
- Birds
- You're not the boss of me!
- Nellie's Chamber
- Shooting a line
- Go out of my way
- On the rocks
- Turn about fair play
- Fell off the back of a lorry
- The proverbial buffalo
- For toffee
- A run for your money
- Right jockey
- Mad as a wet hen
- Wigs on the Green
- My god?
- Draw the bath
- You can't have your cake and eat it too
- Never discuss politics and religion
- You crack me up
- Until the last dog is hung
- You are a peach...
- Cowboy advice
- Dutchman's pants
- Puss urban