Don't drown the miller

Posted by David FG on February 13, 2010 at 08:33

In Reply to: Don't drown the miller posted by Benny on February 12, 2010 at 22:02:

: My mother (born in 1914) used to use the phrase "Don't drown the miller" as someone was making gravy. I don't recall ever asking her the origin, but have concluded that in adding to much milk to the flour/meat drippings you would be drowning the man who operated the flour mill. Has anyone ever heard this saying before or know of its origin? My mother's side was Scottish and Irish descent, and one family spent 50 to a 100 years in Canada before moving back into the states at or around the revolutionary war. Thank you.

It is not a phrase I have ever come across, so I can't be much help I'm afraid. I am not much of a cook, but your Mother put milk in gravy? Is that the usual way?