Contributors please note: this is an archived page of the Phrase Finder Discussion Forum. You cannot add to these posts.
- Things that go bump - Rand 05/18/03
- Things that go bump - ESC 05/19/03
- Or not - Fred 05/18/03
- Or not - R. Berg 05/18/03
- Whether or not - Henry 05/19/03
- Or not - R. Berg 05/18/03
- Crunch time - MM 05/18/03
- Crunch time - R. Berg 05/18/03
- Not really on - MM 05/18/03
- Not really on - R.
Berg 05/18/03
- Not really on - MM 05/19/03
- Not really on - R.
Berg 05/18/03
- Carter's Liver Pills - TRG 05/18/03
- Carter's Little Liver Pills - ESC 05/18/03
- Carter's Little Liver Pills - Bob 05/18/03
- Carter's Little Liver Pills - ESC 05/18/03
- Surname - Lotg 05/17/03
- Surname - R. Berg 05/18/03
- The Origin of Names - Lap
of the Goddess 05/17/03
- The Origin of Names - James Briggs 05/18/03
- Hold your peace - David
Bergdahl 05/17/03
- Hold your peace - masakim 05/17/03
- 'everything's all Sir Garnet' - John 05/17/03
- 'everything's all Sir Garnet' - R. Berg 05/17/03
- Carminow - Julian 05/17/03
- WAGG - Lilly 05/17/03
- WAGG - ESC 05/17/03
- MEANING OF "POINT BLANK" - BillShope 05/17/03
- MEANING OF "POINT BLANK" and thoughts about media phrases - janes_kid 05/18/03
- Pass the buck - TRG 05/17/03
- Pass the buck - Bob 05/17/03
- Two cents worth & pounds, shillings
& pence - Lotg 05/17/03
- Two cents worth & pounds, shillings & pence - James Briggs 05/17/03
- Blue-Sky Thinking - Brian from Shawnee 05/16/03
- Hootnanny - Word Smitten 05/16/03
- Got the red ass - Raymond 05/16/03
- Lounge - ESC 05/16/03
- Heavens to mugatroyd - mandy 05/16/03
- Heavens to Murgatroyd - ESC 05/16/03
- Heavens to Murgatroyd - R. Berg 05/16/03
- Heavens to Murgatroyd - ESC 05/16/03
- Why a baby is "it"? - Roman Korolenko 05/16/03
- Murphys Law - Lap of the Goddess 05/16/03
- Tuckered out - Lap of the
Goddess 05/16/03
- Tuckered out - ESC 05/16/03
- Tuckered out - R. Berg 05/16/03
- Tuckered out - ESC 05/16/03
- Help plz - kathaab afandi 05/16/03
- Hop in the hay - Bob 05/16/03
- Hop in the hay - ESC 05/16/03
- Fourteen-day rule - Mei 05/16/03
- Fourteen-day rule - Bruce Kahl 05/16/03
- Corny (as in jokes) - Lap of the Goddess 05/16/03
- Cripes & crikey - Lap
of the Goddess 05/16/03
- Cripes & crikey - TheFallen 05/16/03
- Cripes & crikey - James Briggs 05/16/03
- Cripes & crikey - TheFallen 05/16/03
- Ignorance is bliss - Mike 05/16/03
- Ignorance is bliss - R. Berg 05/16/03
- Ignorance is bliss - ESC 05/16/03
- Ignorance is bliss - R. Berg 05/16/03
- The oldest phrase in the English
language? - Krissy Lavery 05/15/03
- The oldest phrase in the English language? - ESC 05/16/03
- Origination of phrase - willie 05/15/03
- Origination of phrase - masakim 05/15/03
- The ultimate challenge! help me
with my english project! - kirby 05/15/03
- My English project! - ESC 05/16/03
- All 8 Metric Feet (unless anyone knows more...) - TheFallen 05/16/03
- English project! - R. Berg 05/15/03
- English project! - Krissy Lavery 05/15/03
- My English project! - ESC 05/16/03
- Every Man a Rembrandt - ESC 05/15/03
- Words ending in 'gry' - Kit 05/15/03
- Girl Friday where did it come from? - Low Rider 05/15/03
- Girl Friday where did it
come from? - Lotg 05/15/03
- Man Friday, Girl Friday - ESC 05/16/03
- Girl Friday where did it
come from? - Lotg 05/15/03
- Thick skinned - Lap of the
Goddess 05/15/03
- Thick skinned - R. Berg 05/15/03
- Buzz words - Lap of the Goddess 05/15/03
- More phrasal verbs - kathaab
afandi 05/15/03
- More phrasal verbs - TheFallen 05/15/03
- Somethink, anythink, I seen it,
I done it. - Lotg 05/15/03
- Somethink, anythink, I
seen it, I done it. - Kit 05/15/03
- Somethink, anythink, I seen it, I done it. - Lotg 05/15/03
- Somethink, anythink, I
seen it, I done it. - Kit 05/15/03
- A friend in need is a friend indeed - Felicity 05/15/03
- Archived discussion - R. Berg 05/15/03
- Is this a trick question? - Wayne 05/15/03
- Is this a trick question? - ESC 05/15/03
- A square meal - toastie 05/14/03
- Quit cold turkey - steve
bradley 05/14/03
- Quit cold turkey - ESC 05/14/03
- Pot Hole - Erik Zalenski 05/14/03
- "That's The Horse I Ride" - Bubba 05/14/03
- "That's The Horse I Ride" - James Briggs 05/14/03
- Pennsylvania talk - ESC 05/14/03
- Rode him like a one-hump camel (?) - ESC 05/14/03
- "In a zero sum game"? - Nina Xu 05/14/03
- "In a zero sum game" - R. Berg 05/14/03
- Cats Curiosity and Fat - Professor
Dan Remenyi 05/14/03
- Cats Curiosity and Fat - Shae 05/14/03
- Cats Curiosity and Fat - ESC 05/14/03
- Cats Curiosity and Fat - Shae 05/14/03
- BBC's "redness" - Celia 05/14/03
- BBC's "redness" - Shae 05/14/03
- Shoot the Moon - Lap of the Goddess 05/14/03
- Jump through hoops - Penny
Rea 05/14/03
- Jump through hoops - ESC 05/14/03
- Jump through hoops - Shae 05/14/03
- Jump through hoops - ESC 05/14/03
- The phrase 'corner case' - Rob Lanphier 05/14/03
- The phrase 'corner case' - ESC 05/14/03
- Nipple Nazis - TheFallen 05/14/03
- Humanized radio - Celia 05/14/03
- What is this phrase???? - Jamie 05/13/03
- Double shame - TheFallen 05/13/03
- You can't have your cake
and eat it - TheFallen 05/13/03
- You can't have your cake and eat it - ESC 05/14/03
- You can't have your cake
and eat it - TheFallen 05/13/03
- Sailing quote - R. Bromleigh-McNeil 05/13/03
- Sailing quote - masakim 05/13/03
- Bean counter - Shirley Vander Vorste 05/13/03
- Other Fish in the Sea - Bev 05/13/03
- Other Fish in the Sea - masakim 05/13/03
- "She is really a moth in the
wool" - Ward A. Fredericks 05/13/03
- "She is really a moth in the wool" - ESC 05/13/03
- Grammar mavens - a question - ESC 05/13/03
- BBC's political loyalty - Mei 05/13/03
- BBC's political loyalty - Bob 05/13/03
- Hunkey Dorey - Kev Hendry 05/13/03
- Hunkey Dorey - Bruce
Kahl 05/13/03
- Hunkey Dorey - Lotg 05/14/03
- Hunkey Dorey - Bruce
Kahl 05/13/03
- Some phrases plz - kathaab afandi 05/13/03
- Yowza! - Cogito 05/13/03
- To "hold a candle" for
someone - tina callcut 05/12/03
- To "hold a candle" for someone - Word Camel 05/12/03
- Can't hold a candle to; Carry a torch for - ESC 05/13/03
- To "hold a candle" for someone - Word Camel 05/12/03
- Who wrote this, in what? - joan king 05/12/03
- Tiger by the tail - KGT 05/12/03
- A Glossary site - James
Briggs 05/12/03
- A Glossary site - ESC 05/12/03
- Origin of "To Put Your Foot
in Your Mouth" - emily ann 05/11/03
- "To Put Your Foot in Your Mouth" - ESC 05/11/03
- Put something down & Put something
right - MM 05/11/03
- Put something down & Put something right - ESC 05/11/03
- Put something down & Put something right - MM 05/12/03
- Put something down & Put something right - ESC 05/11/03
- "Cut Yourself a Piece of Cake" - Don Gregory 05/11/03
- "Cut Yourself a Piece
of Cake" - ESC 05/11/03
- "Cut Yourself a Piece of Cake" - R. Berg 05/11/03
- "Cut Yourself a Piece
of Cake" - ESC 05/11/03
- Larking about - Angri of
'Uddersfield 05/11/03
- Larking about - James
Briggs 05/11/03
- Larking about - Lotg 05/14/03
- Larking about - James
Briggs 05/11/03
- Cock a Snook - DanF 05/11/03
- Dodgy and Dicey - Lap of the Goddess 05/11/03
- Phrase through - Jane 05/11/03
- Paint your self in to a corner - S. 05/11/03
- Paint yourself in to a corner - TheFallen 05/11/03
- Crime Scene Investigation - Miri Barak 05/10/03
- Bandwagon - Lotg 05/10/03
- Bandwagon - Bruce Kahl 05/10/03
- The toil of ink-stained hacks - Mei 05/10/03
- Cotton-pickin - jeff 05/09/03
- Yous, (Youse?) Ireland and New York - Word Camel 05/09/03
- Past experience - Lap of
the Goddess 05/09/03
- Past experience - TheFallen 05/09/03
- Good point, actually - SCBert 05/09/03
- Past experience - TheFallen 05/09/03
- Whether or Not - Lap of the Goddess 05/09/03
- Usage vs Use - Lap of the
Goddess 05/09/03
- Usage vs Use - Fred 05/09/03
- Usage vs Use - Bob 05/09/03
- Usage vs Use - janes_kid 05/09/03
- Who coined the phrase "coined
the phrase?" - Govenah 05/09/03
- Coined a phrase - ESC 05/09/03
- First you see it, then you don't - Lotg 05/08/03
- Now you see it, now you don't - Lotg 05/08/03
- Now you see it - R. Berg 05/09/03
- Now you see it, now you don't - Lotg 05/08/03
- Origin of "third world country" - chas 05/08/03
- Shot in the saddle???? - jon
Erickson 05/08/03
- Shot in the saddle???? - ESC 05/08/03
- Daylight robbery & window tax - Julian 05/08/03
- Daylight robbery & window tax - TheFallen 05/08/03
- Happy birthday spam - ESC 05/08/03
- Happy birthday spam - Dirk 05/08/03
- Can't make an omlette without breaking
eggs.... - Paul B 05/08/03
- Can't make an omlette without
breaking eggs.... - ESC 05/08/03
- Can't make an omlette without breaking eggs.... - masakim 05/08/03
- Can't make an omlette without
breaking eggs.... - ESC 05/08/03
- Brass Monkeys - Kev 05/08/03
- Brass Monkeys - ESC 05/08/03
- Brass Monkeys - Mr Ri 05/09/03
- Brass Monkeys - ESC 05/08/03
- BULLY FOR YOU - John Faith (Cyprus) 05/08/03
- All hands on deck - SF 05/08/03
- Provide me the phrase - pravesh 05/08/03
- Red herring? - R. Berg 05/08/03
- More Important vs. More Importantly - S. 05/08/03
- The meaning of a phrase - Bob Trower 05/08/03
- Help a desperate Brazilian young
woman - Elaine Pepe 05/08/03
- Postcards from the Edge - ESC 05/08/03
- Postcards from the Edge - R. Berg 05/08/03
- Postcards from the Edge - ESC 05/08/03
- What do you mean if you say'Such
being the case, I can't help but support him' - whengrowup 05/08/03
- I can't help but support
him - ESC 05/08/03
- I can't help but support him - TheFallen 05/08/03
- I can't help but support
him - ESC 05/08/03
- History Repeats Itself -- who said
this?? - Brock 05/08/03
- History Repeats Itself - ESC 05/08/03
- Those who cannot remember... - Henry 05/08/03
- History Repeats Itself - ESC 05/08/03
- Ben Franklin - Tisha 05/07/03
- Misheard lyrics - Kenn v 05/07/03
- What's the meaning - Mloes 05/07/03
- "Worth his/her salt" - Summer 05/07/03
- "Worth his/her salt" - Shae 05/07/03
- Origin of "Get a handle on
it" - J 05/07/03
- Get a handle on it - ESC 05/07/03
- Origin of "Heads up" - J 05/07/03
- Drunken Sky - D.L. 05/07/03
- Drunken Sky - S. 05/08/03
- Drunken Sky - ESC 05/08/03
- Drunken Sky - S. 05/08/03
- Cats in the cradle - Neil Cavanagh 05/07/03
- Straws in the wind - Sophia 05/07/03
- Straws in the wind - peter persoff 05/07/03
- Impartiality - Mei 05/07/03
- Impartiality - Word Camel 05/07/03
- Public scepticism - Purple 05/07/03
- Public scepticism - R. Berg 05/07/03
- Impersonal techniques - Mei 05/07/03
- Office jargon - ESC 05/06/03
- Drinking of toasts from skulls - Celia 05/06/03
- Drinking of toasts from skulls - ESC 05/06/03
- Origin of phrase - Bruce
Smith 05/06/03
- Origin of phrase - ESC 05/06/03
- Ahead of the game - S. Ryan 05/06/03
- A few more phrasal verbs - kathaab
afandi 05/06/03
- A few more phrasal verbs - ESC 05/06/03
- A few more phrasal verbs. Shoe/boot on the other foot - James Briggs 05/06/03
- A few more phrasal verbs - ESC 05/06/03
- In One's Dodge - S. 05/05/03
- To Feel One's Oats - S. 05/05/03
- To Feel (and Sow) One's
Oats - Bookworm 05/05/03
- "To feel one's oats" is related to horses - SCBert 05/09/03
- To Feel (and Sow) One's
Oats - Bookworm 05/05/03
- Dear John Letter - S. 05/05/03
- Sling your hook - ceafumoon 05/05/03
- Sling your hook - Dirk 05/05/03
- Out of whack - Michael Scullin 05/05/03
- On the fritz - R. Berg 05/05/03
- Whack, fritz - R. Berg 05/05/03
- Stamp duties - Mei 05/05/03
- Stamp duties - esther
laventhol 05/05/03
- Stamp duties - Lewis 05/09/03
- Stamp duties - esther
laventhol 05/05/03
- Oops! - Lotg 05/05/03
- Oops & Whoops! - Lotg (again) 05/05/03
- Cannot or can not? - EE 05/05/03
- Cannot or can not? - R. Berg 05/05/03
- In the proverbial toilet - SF 05/05/03
- In the proverbial toilet - R.Berg 05/05/03
- In the proverbial toilet - lewis 05/09/03
- In the proverbial toilet - R.Berg 05/05/03
- Birds and the bees - Bob 05/04/03
- Birds and the bees - ESC 05/05/03
- The lowest hacks of literature - Mei 05/04/03
- The lowest hacks of literature - ESC 05/05/03
- The lowest hacks of literature - Dirk 05/05/03
- The lowest hacks of literature - ESC 05/05/03
- Meaning of "Going off half
cocked" - Dakota raised 05/04/03
- Going off half cocked - ESC 05/05/03
- Going off half cocked - Lewis 05/09/03
- Going off half cocked - ESC 05/05/03
- "A Lightning Rod" - Jerre Conder 05/04/03
- Devils advocate - Andrew
Powell 05/04/03
- Devil's advocate - ESC 05/04/03
- Devil's advocate - Andrew Powell 05/04/03
- Devil's advocate - Andrew Powell 05/04/03
- Devil's advocate - ESC 05/04/03
- If I didn't know any better - MM 05/04/03
- If I didn't know any better - ESC 05/04/03
- If I didn't know any better - MM 05/05/03
- If I didn't know any better - R. Berg 05/04/03
- If I didn't know any better - ESC 05/04/03
- Believe in the tooth fairly - MM 05/04/03
- Tooth fairy - ESC 05/04/03
- Tooth fairy - MM 05/05/03
- Tooth fairy - ESC 05/04/03
- Coquettish allure - kathaab
afandi 05/04/03
- Coquettish allure - ESC 05/04/03
- Phrase, explanation not found - Heath Lawrence 05/04/03
- Significance of the telegraph - Mei 05/04/03
- Significance of the telegraph - Bob 05/04/03
- Offer an olive branch - G 05/04/03
- Offer an olive branch - ESC 05/04/03
- Olive tree as symbol - ESC 05/04/03
- Offer an olive branch - ESC 05/04/03
- Obscure meaning. - stefan 05/03/03
- Obscure meaning. - TheFallen 05/04/03
- Obscure meaning. - stefan 05/05/03
- Obscure meaning. - TheFallen 05/04/03
- "To do an Irish" - Cedric Barfoot 05/03/03
- Some Phrases plz - kathaab afandi 05/03/03
- What does "keep in touch" mean? - varda 05/03/03
- What does "keep in
touch" mean? - James Briggs 05/03/03
- Keep in touch - ESC 05/03/03
- What does "keep in
touch" mean? - James Briggs 05/03/03
- Need help - pasiree 05/03/03
- Brave boys, shy girls, men fixing roofs, women baking cookies, God, witches, owls, heathens, birthday cake, and religious fanatics - Word Camel 05/03/03
- Low point - AA 05/03/03
- Low point - R. Berg 05/03/03
- Low point - Henry 05/03/03
- Low point - R. Berg 05/03/03
- What the heck does this mean? - LisSuz 05/03/03
- At large - witchbaby 05/02/03
- Thanks - witchbaby 05/03/03
- At large - Henry 05/03/03
- These phrases meaning plz - kathaab afandi 05/02/03
- More (insert word) than you can
shake a stick at - Jenn 05/02/03
- Shake a stick at - ESC 05/02/03
- Shake a stick at - Lewis 05/09/03
- Shake a stick at - ESC 05/02/03
- Today is the day they give away
babies... - Dan Dennis 05/02/03
- Today is the day they give away babies... - Woodchuck 05/02/03
- Tooth & Nail - Pamela
Winter 05/02/03
- Tooth & Nail - ESC 05/02/03
- Two more - Miri Barak 05/02/03
- Its all down hill from here - Drew Collin 05/02/03
- Herd of turtles - Carol 05/02/03
- Killing with kindness - Sax 05/02/03
- Killing with kindness - ESC 05/02/03
- Kill with kindness; Heap coals on his head - ESC 05/02/03
- Killing with kindness - ESC 05/02/03
- Slang and pun - Miri Barak 05/01/03
- Tag team, soaking wet - TheFallen 05/01/03
- Slang and pun - ESC 05/01/03
- Slang and pun and a lot of thanks - Miri Barak 05/01/03
- Fissle or fistle - Steph
Phillips 05/01/03
- Fissle or fistle - Lewis 05/02/03
- Fissle or fistle - R.Berg 05/01/03
- Make my day - ESC 05/01/03
- Make my day - Arjan
Smits 05/02/03
- Make my day - ESC 05/02/03
- Make my day - Arjan
Smits 05/02/03
- Oh dear me - is it suds, sauce,
suss or something else entirely? - Woodchuck 05/01/03
- Oh dear me - is it suds, sauce, suss or something else entirely? - masakim 05/01/03
- Parsons nose - dan 05/01/03
- Thick and thin? - S. Ryan 05/01/03
- Through thick and thin - ESC 05/01/03
- Old saying? - S. Ryan 05/01/03
- Old saying? - James Briggs 05/01/03
- Lady of the Night - slang names - Maria S 05/01/03
- Hurricanes - Sax 05/01/03
- Help - chryssie 05/01/03
- Hurricanes - R. Berg 05/01/03
- Hurricanes - masakim 05/01/03
- No matter where you go, there you are - Mike Huovila 05/01/03
- Towards or Towards? - Brian from Shawnee 04/30/03
- Get your goat - ESC 04/30/03
- Coopers ducks - irene 04/30/03
- Too much information - andrew 04/30/03
- Too much information - Lewis 05/09/03
- Rock of Ages - S. 04/30/03
- The art of printing - Mei 04/30/03
- The art of printing - R. Berg 04/30/03
- The art of printing - bella 04/30/03
- The art of printing - R. Berg 04/30/03
- Don't come the raw prawn with me - Lotg 04/29/03
- Raw prawn; ripoff - R. Berg 04/29/03
- Raw prawn; ripoff & Hoodwink - James Briggs 04/30/03
- Raw prawn; ripoff - R. Berg 04/29/03
- Lap of the Gods - Lap of
the Goddess 04/29/03
- Lap of the Gods - ESC 04/30/03
- Synonyms? - S. 04/29/03
- Belie / Give (the) lie to - TheFallen 04/30/03
- Belie / Give (the) lie to - ESC 04/30/03
- Belie / Give (the) lie to - TheFallen 04/30/03
- Blowing smoke revisited - Word Camel 04/29/03
- Gone for a Burton - Ian Hamilton 04/29/03
- Gone for a Burton - ESC 04/29/03
- Gone for a Burton - ESC 04/29/03
- Gone for a Burton - ESC 04/29/03
- HELP - Mike Floyd 04/29/03
- "Boondocks" in archives - R. Berg 04/29/03
- Not to build at all - Celia 04/29/03
- Depth/independence - Purple 04/28/03
- Could we have a little mor context? - Word Camel 04/28/03
- Could we have a little MORE context? (Had to correct it) - Word Camel 04/28/03
- Could we have a little mor context? - Word Camel 04/28/03
- Hand in marriage - S. Ryan 04/28/03
- Capitals - holly 04/28/03
- My grandad, Grandad - ESC 04/28/03
- Tie the knot - S. Ryan 04/28/03
- Turn a question on its head - Azad 04/28/03
- Here's the meaning - Word
Camel 04/28/03
- Ps - Word Camel 04/28/03
- Here's the meaning - Word
Camel 04/28/03
- Shag like a Minx - Nick 04/28/03
- Programming language - Mei 04/28/03
- Programming language - James Briggs 04/28/03
- Common as Muck - Heatherbelle 04/27/03
- "With all due respect" - Dr. Ward Fredericks 04/27/03
- "With all due respect" - Lewis 05/02/03
- Accidents by flood and field - Mei 04/27/03
- HELP please!! - Allison 04/27/03
- It's your call - TheFallen 04/27/03
- It's your call - R. Berg 04/27/03
- It's your call - TheFallen 04/27/03
- What's the origin - ANgElnDEvil 04/27/03
- Cross my heart - ESC 04/27/03
- Cross my heart - TheFallen 04/28/03
- Cross my heart - ESC 04/27/03
- What is the origin? - Linda 04/27/03
- What is the origin? - Bob 04/27/03
- Questions from TOEFL - Tom 04/26/03
- Infamous publications - Mei 04/26/03
- King's-Arms Tavern - Celia 04/26/03
- King's-Arms Tavern - R. Berg 04/26/03
- Three florins - Mei 04/25/03
- Pack Sand - jen 04/25/03
- Pack Sand - ESC 04/25/03
- Full fathom five - Brian from Shawnee 04/25/03
- Millionaire's family - Barbara 04/25/03
- Millionaire's family - bella 04/25/03
- Millionaire's family - bella 04/25/03
- Wine press - Celia 04/25/03
- Paper journey - Mei 04/25/03
- Paper journey - Bob 04/25/03
- Paper journey - Mei 04/25/03
- Paper journey - Bob 04/25/03
- Persian flaw - Sharon 04/25/03
- Don't mention the War! - C Salway 04/24/03
- Origin of "beelzebub has a devil for a sideboard"? - Mama Mia 04/24/03
- The Opposite of "The Benefit of the Doubt" - S. 04/24/03
- German words commonly used in English? - EE 04/24/03
- German words commonly used in English? - James Briggs 04/24/03
- By some mysterious alchemy - Anders 04/23/03
- Phrase - Connie 04/23/03
- Beauty is as Beauty Does? - Darold Vredberg 04/23/03
- Beauty is as Beauty Does? - Brenda 04/23/03
- Beauty is as Beauty Does? - ESC 04/23/03
- Beauty is as Beauty Does? - Brenda 04/23/03
- Chaos! Panic! Disorder! - Lost
Choice 04/23/03
- Button/magnet - R. Berg 04/23/03
- Mondegreen - stu 04/23/03
- Mondegreen - bella 04/23/03
- I give you props - Dali 04/23/03
- Propers, props - ESC 04/23/03
- Propers, props - masakim 04/23/03
- Propers, props - ESC 04/23/03
- Need speling - Ed 04/23/03
- Need spelling - R.
Berg 04/23/03
- Need spelling - Matt 04/26/03
- Need spelling - R.
Berg 04/23/03
- Love conquers all - Saxon 04/23/03
- What does this expression mean? - Ben McDevitt 04/23/03
- What does this expression
mean? - James Briggs 04/23/03
- Blow me down - Henry 04/23/03
- What does this expression
mean? - James Briggs 04/23/03
- Well, blow me down - Bev Graham 04/22/03
- The origin of Football Terms - Kris Hans 04/22/03
- The origin of Football Terms - Rugby - TheFallen 04/23/03
- The origin of Football Terms - Henry 04/23/03
- Cat - Kim 04/22/03
- "Let the dead bury the dead," - andrew 04/22/03
- "Let the dead bury the dead," - ESC 04/22/03
- Straight-edgers - ESC 04/22/03
- What gives me power - alivingbeing 04/22/03
- What gives me power - ESC 04/22/03
- What gives me power - A Thinking Being 04/22/03
- What gives me gas - ANonCalifornianBeing 04/22/03
- A bum rap - EE 04/22/03
- A bum rap - R. Berg 04/22/03
- Meaning of..... - Guy 04/22/03
- Meaning of..... - Henry 04/22/03
- English - Latin - James 04/21/03
- English . . . - R. Berg 04/22/03
- Tough row/ road - S. Ryan 04/21/03
- Put money in the kitty. - Bill Kipp-Young 04/21/03
- Domineering wife and submissive husband - EE 04/21/03
- Kith and kin - ESC 04/21/03
- Goo Goo eyes-The meaning and origin - Don 04/21/03
- Fall between the cracks - celia 04/20/03
- Rode hard and put away wet - Dr. Ward Fredericks 04/20/03
- Antonyms - Gordon Bates 04/19/03
- Antonyms - Fred 04/19/03
- Antonyms - Gordon 04/20/03
- Antonyms - Fred 04/19/03
- **** - **** stabber 04/18/03
- **** - R. Berg 04/19/03
- Phrase "How's your father?" - Michael 04/18/03
- Phrase "How's your
father?" - masakim 04/18/03
- Phrase - Michael 04/21/03
- Phrase "How's your
father?" - masakim 04/18/03
- There but for fortune... - S.
Ryan 04/18/03
- There but for the grace of God - ESC 04/18/03
- Quotation: Forgetting a wrong is
a mild revenge - E. Gaffney 04/18/03
- Quotation: Forgetting a wrong is a mild revenge - E. Gaffney 04/22/03
- Forgetting a wrong is a
mild revenge - ESC 04/18/03
- Forgetting a wrong is a mild revenge - masakim 04/18/03
- Translation - Stella 04/18/03
- Cali girl - zxc 04/18/03
- SOME HELP FROM SPAIN!!!!!!! - marian 04/17/03
- Help for spain - bella 04/17/03
- Help for Spain - a UK postscript & the aftershave connection - TheFallen 04/18/03
- SOME HELP FROM SPAIN!!!!!!! - Bob 04/17/03
- Help for spain - bella 04/17/03
- Rudyard Kipling Gunga Din - Frazer Rice 04/17/03
- Rudyard Kipling Gunga Din - Henry 04/17/03
- Rudyard Kipling Gunga Din - S. Ryan 04/18/03
- Rudyard Kipling Gunga Din - Henry 04/17/03
- Getting older - S. Ryan 04/17/03
- Level best - S. Ryan 04/17/03
- Cooter Brown - Man or Myth - Matt Cooke 04/17/03
- Four ways from Sunday - John
Buttner 04/17/03
- Four ways from Sunday - R. Berg 04/17/03
- French words commonly used in English - AA 04/17/03
- Identify a poem? - the monk 04/17/03
- Identify a poem? - Bob 04/17/03
- Identify a poem? - ESC 04/18/03
- Identify a poem? - Bob 04/17/03
- Phrasal verbs - janes_kid 04/16/03
- Phrasal verbs - R. Berg 04/17/03
- Constructive termination - ESC 04/16/03
- Constructive termination - Shae 04/17/03
- Eluviation expert - ESC 04/16/03
- Crossword clue - Bookworm 04/16/03
- Replaced with/by - Fred 04/15/03
- Replaced with/by - henry 04/15/03
- Replaced with/by - R. Berg 04/16/03
- Replaced with/by - henry 04/15/03
- War words - ESC 04/15/03
- In tension with - Mei 04/15/03
- Extra credit, please help - Misty 04/14/03
- RE: Nice word or phrase - S.
Ryan 04/14/03
- Fun girls - ESC 04/14/03
- Fun guys?? - S. Ryan 04/15/03
- Fun girls - ESC 04/14/03
- Origin of "Hi There" - Eva Cameron 04/14/03
- On midstream merit - celia 04/14/03
- On midstream merit - bella 04/18/03
- In the large - mei227 04/14/03
- Quiet Land Title - S. 04/14/03
- Easter egg - Jim Judson 04/14/03
- Pot shots or pop shots? - Dan Tyler 04/14/03
- An intervention into the ongoing
debates - Mei 04/13/03
- An intervention into the ongoing debates - R. Berg 04/13/03
- Phrase origin - nikki 04/13/03
- To coin a phrase - ESC 04/13/03
- To coin a phrase - masakim 04/13/03
- To coin a phrase - ESC 04/13/03
- The Living End - Tom 04/13/03
- The Living End - ESC 04/13/03
- The Living End - ESC 04/13/03
- The Living End - ESC 04/13/03
- Origin of "from pillar to post" - Frank J. Mandriota 04/13/03
- New words - James Briggs 04/13/03
- Friend of yours - Anders 04/13/03
- Friend of yours - R. Berg 04/13/03
- More of the same - Miri Barak 04/13/03
- Book recommendation for word fans - Wrod Camel 04/12/03
- Cache - Fred 04/12/03
- Pearl Harbour - Catherine
Clacher 04/12/03
- Sleeping giant - ESC 04/12/03
- Sleeping giant - Catherine Clacher 04/12/03
- Sleeping giant - ESC 04/12/03
- Sleeping giant - ESC 04/12/03
- Damn the Torpedos - S. 04/12/03
- Damn the Torpedos - Bruce Kahl 04/12/03
- Damn the Torpedos - S. 04/14/03
- Damn the Torpedos - Bruce Kahl 04/12/03
- "Mox nix" "Mocks
Nicks" "Machts nichts" actually Macht Nichts - David P. Hagar 04/11/03
- "Mox nix" usually
Macht Nichts but sometimes Macht's Nichts. - TheFallen 04/12/03
- "Mox nix" and American GI's - Word Camel 04/12/03
- "Mox nix" usually
Macht Nichts but sometimes Macht's Nichts. - TheFallen 04/12/03
- Origin of the phase "win the hearts and minds of the people" - Martin Bogue 04/11/03
- "Train is sailing"? - Visio 04/11/03
- "Train is sailing"? - S. Ryan 04/15/03
- German Profs declare war on English
terms - ESC 04/11/03
- Idiots - Lewis 04/14/03
- A matter of understanding - Miri Barak 04/11/03
- Turbas, thumbs up and other Iraqi images - ESC 04/10/03
- Origin of phrase - CJ 04/10/03
- In his heyday - ESC 04/10/03
- In his heyday - ESC 04/11/03
- In his heyday - ESC 04/10/03
- A codified definition - Mei 04/10/03
- A codified definition - ESC 04/10/03
- Please Help with This Quotation - S. 04/10/03
- Please Help with This Quotation - ESC 04/10/03
- Please Help with This Quotation - S. Ryan 04/15/03
- Please Help with This Quotation - ESC 04/10/03
- "Close to" or "close with" - HGL 04/10/03
- Everyone has his/her or their? - EE 04/10/03
- Oxford English - AA 04/10/03
- "I am not too/also." - EE 04/10/03
- "I am not too/also." - R. Berg 04/10/03
- Rock the bop - Bob 04/09/03
- BROOK(S) NO TRUCK: what does this mean? - Paula Dispenza 04/09/03
- Meaning of this phrase - Vimala Raheja 04/09/03
- An old maxim - Mei 04/09/03
- An old maxim - ESC 04/09/03
- Journalism & strong drink - ESC 04/09/03
- An old maxim - ESC 04/09/03
- Make for grim reading - Mei 04/09/03
- Make for grim reading - TheFallen 04/09/03
- Make for grim reading - Mei 04/09/03
- Make for grim reading - TheFallen 04/09/03
- Including but not limited to - a 04/09/03
- Including but not limited to - R. Berg 04/09/03
- Devil docs - ESC 04/09/03
- P.U. - Homer 04/08/03
- P.U. - masakim 04/08/03
- P.U. - Homer 04/08/03
- P.U. - masakim 04/08/03
- Too smart - peter dunn 04/08/03
- By half - R. Berg 04/09/03
- Carpe diem - EE 04/08/03
- "Que sera, sera" - AA 04/08/03
- "Que sera, sera" - bella 04/08/03
- "Que sera, sera" - Jerry 04/08/03
- Origins of the phrase "crazy
like a fox" - Justin Radell 04/08/03
- Crazy like a fox - ESC 04/08/03
- Going to town - mike 04/08/03
- Summer Teeth - S. 04/08/03
- Summer Teeth - Woodchuck 04/08/03
- Terrible and horrible - EE 04/08/03
- Terrible and horrible - R.Berg 04/08/03
- The phrase, "Wait for it..." - Mike 04/08/03
- Front and center - MM 04/08/03
- Front and center - TheFallen 04/08/03
- What do these quotes mean from shakespeare??? - liz 04/08/03
- Shakespeare - ESC 04/09/03
- Phrasal verb - Eudes Martins 04/07/03
- Phrasal verb - Bruce Kahl 04/07/03
- In like Flint - Johnny Drako 04/07/03
- In like Flint - andrew 04/21/03
- In like Flint - ESC 04/07/03
- In like Flint - Brian from Shawnee 04/07/03
- "The God that Failed" - S. 04/07/03
- "The God that Failed" - TheFallen 04/07/03
- "The God that Failed" - S. 04/08/03
- "The God that Failed" - TheFallen 04/07/03
- Love Jones - mayur 04/07/03
- Love Jones - ESC 04/07/03
- Similie and metaphor - AA 04/06/03
- Similie and metaphor - ESC 04/07/03
- Info please - Sherry 04/06/03
- Help - sharon 04/06/03
- One swallow doesn't make a summer - TheFallen 04/06/03
- Walk the talk - MM 04/06/03
- Has a hook to it - MM 04/06/03
- New coinage - Sauerkraut 04/06/03
- A pot or a window - Marian 04/05/03
- A pot or a window - ESC 04/05/03
- What does this mean - rita 04/05/03
- You're Sitting on a Gold Mine - Hal Moldauer 04/05/03
- You're Sitting on a Gold Mine - Hal Moldauer 04/05/03
- "Own the process" - rur42 04/05/03
- "Own the process" - ESC 04/05/03
- "Own the process" - Lewis 04/07/03
- "Own the process" - ESC 04/05/03
- Goose and gander - steve miller 04/04/03
- Sizzle meaning? - manpu 04/04/03
- Royalty - ESC 04/04/03
- Killing the monkey - miri
barak 04/04/03
- Killing the monkey - manky - James Briggs 04/04/03
- Killing the monkey - manky - Miri Barak 04/05/03
- Killing the monkey - manky - James Briggs 04/04/03
- A coat of many colours - Roslyn
Glow 04/04/03
- A coat of many colours - Harikrishnan Menon 04/04/03
- A coat of many colours - Shae 04/04/03
- A coat of many colours - Harikrishnan Menon 04/04/03
- Mug - S. 04/04/03
- Hello! - andrew 04/04/03
- Origin? - Welcome to the show that never ends... - Jack Chung 04/04/03
- Origin of Out of the frying pan,
into the fire - Kristen DeWitt 04/03/03
- Origin of Out of the frying
pan, into the fire - James Briggs 04/03/03
- Jump out of the frying pan into the fire - ESC 04/03/03
- Origin of Out of the frying
pan, into the fire - James Briggs 04/03/03
- Hell for leather - Lisa Jennings 04/03/03
- Archives on leather - R. Berg 04/03/03
- Curate's Egg - John Levy 04/03/03
- Curate's Egg - Harikrishnan Menon 04/04/03
- Curate's Egg - ESC 04/03/03
- Pull your socks up - Simon 04/03/03
- Pull your socks up - ESC 04/03/03
- Pull your socks up - masakim 04/03/03
- Pull your socks up - ESC 04/03/03
- To kill the monkey - miri
barak 04/03/03
- To kill the monkey - Lewis 04/04/03
- To kill the monkey - Miri Barak 04/04/03
- To kill the monkey - Lewis 04/04/03
- Spaghetti Western - Gerard 04/03/03
- Spaghetti Western - ESC 04/03/03
- Spaghetti Western - masakim 04/03/03
- Spaghetti Western - ESC 04/03/03
- Skinny Winnie - EC 04/02/03
- Skinny Winnie and her sister Minnie - Woodchuck 04/03/03
- The price of fish - Kit 04/02/03
- What is Milton's impact on current English? - Anders 04/02/03
- Words with no opposite equivalent - James Briggs 04/02/03
- Do no. 17 - stile 04/02/03
- SHALLOW GRAVE - Alex 04/02/03
- Shallow grave - ESC 04/02/03
- Shallow grave - James Briggs 04/02/03
- Shallow grave - ESC 04/02/03
- Piece, bunch, pair, - HGL 04/02/03
- Ship, boat, airplane, etc. - AA 04/02/03
- Ship, boat, airplane, etc. - TheFallen 04/02/03
- Ship, boat, airplane, etc. - AA 04/03/03
- Ship, boat, airplane, etc. - TheFallen 04/02/03
- More Pentagon Jargon - S. 04/02/03
- More Pentagon Jargon - ESC 04/02/03
- High-handed - S. 04/02/03
- Monkeys and Nuts - Steve 04/02/03
- Monkeys and Nuts - Curious 04/04/03
- Mark Twain - Saxon 04/02/03
- Mark Twain - S. 04/02/03
- Origin of "Halcyon Days" - Dorothy Doyle 04/02/03
- Origin of "Halcyon Days" - James Briggs 04/02/03
- More "daily basis" vs
"daily" - al 04/01/03
- More "daily basis" vs "daily" - al 04/01/03
- Shakespeare quote - Kit 04/01/03
- Shakespeare quote - Anders 04/01/03
- Shakespeare quote - Anders 04/01/03
- Shakespeare quote - Anders 04/01/03
- Conscience and alcohol - Peter
Jenkins 04/01/03
- Conscience and alcohol - ESC 04/02/03
- Conscience and alcohol - S. 04/02/03
- Conscience and alcohol - ESC 04/02/03
- Schadenfreude - an update - James Briggs 04/01/03
- A short history of April Fool's Day - James Briggs 04/01/03
- A short history of April
Fool's Day - ESC 04/01/03
- A short history of April Fool's Day - Kit 04/01/03
- A short history of April
Fool's Day - ESC 04/01/03
- Whelk stall - S. 04/01/03
- Whelk stall - TheFallen 04/01/03
- Retributive Justice - AA 04/01/03
- Retributive Justice - Fred 04/01/03
- Retributive Justice - Bruce Kahl 04/01/03
- Retribution - Lewis 04/04/03
- Brass Monkeys and Cold Weather - George Pearsall 04/01/03
- Brass Monkeys and Cold Weather - Spurious 04/04/03
- Update - Lewis 04/07/03
- Brass Monkeys and Cold Weather - Spurious 04/04/03
- Cook's tour - Adrian 04/01/03
- Cook's tour - Bruce
Kahl 04/01/03
- Cook's tour - James Briggs 04/01/03
- Cook's tour - Bruce
Kahl 04/01/03
- THE BOTTOM OF THE NINTH - R. Berg 04/01/03
- Circle of Hell - Brimstone 04/04/03
- THE BOTTOM OF THE NINTH - R. Berg 04/01/03
- White Rabbits - Kit 04/01/03
- Say when - Alex 04/01/03
- Say when - R. Berg 04/01/03
- Not on your Nelly - Cedric Barfoot 03/31/03
- About kick - stile 03/31/03
- About kick - R. Berg 03/31/03
- Phatic speech and language bullies - Word Camel 03/31/03
- Crying wolf,or to call a cry wolf - Ilana gavra 03/31/03
- To cry wolf - TheFallen 03/31/03
- Crying wolf,or to call a cry wolf - Ilana 03/31/03
- Quote of Winston Churchill - EE 03/31/03
- Quote of Winston Churchill - ESC 04/01/03
- Quote of Winston Churchill - Lewis 04/04/03
- Quote of Winston Churchill - ESC 04/01/03
- Origin of stuck up - HGL 03/31/03
- Origin of stuck up - R. Berg 03/31/03
- Origin of stuck up - TheFallen 03/31/03
- Origin of stuck up - R. Berg 03/31/03
- A watched pot never boils - Steven
Syme 03/31/03
- A watched pot never boils - TheFallen 03/31/03
- Origin of a weather proverb - Lucky 03/31/03
- Origin of a weather proverb - Bruce Kahl 03/31/03
- Robes - stacy 03/31/03
- Robes - Lewis 03/31/03
- Robes - TheFallen 03/31/03
- Robes - Lewis 03/31/03
- Draw lines in the sand - MM 03/30/03
- Draw lines in the sand - ESC 03/30/03
- Pull the other one, it's got bells on - Yasmin Mazur 03/30/03
- ANY - EE 03/30/03
- ANY - Gary 03/30/03
- ANY - R. Berg 03/30/03
- Origin of saying "Every now
and then" - Carolyn Thiers 03/30/03
- Origin of saying "Every now and then" - James Briggs 03/30/03
- Divine justice in King Lear - HGL 03/30/03
- Divine justice in King Lear - James Briggs 03/30/03
- Phrases origin - Chen 03/29/03
- Phrases origin - Toni 05/15/03
- "Daily basis" vs "daily" and similar usage - al 03/29/03
- "Daily basis" vs "daily" . . . - R. Berg 03/29/03
- Origin of 'I am shown and I forget' - Gareth Noakes 03/29/03
- Origin of 'I see and I forget' - TheFallen 03/29/03
- Origin of 'I see and I forget' - ESC 03/29/03
- Origin of 'I see and I forget' - TheFallen 03/29/03
- Phrase - Thomas Jacob 03/29/03
- The Collywobbles - Kevin Brewer 03/29/03
- Help me! - stile 03/29/03
- Snake skins
- Whether or Not
- Old ladies with cats become joggers with a pocket full of Viagra(tm)
- Yous, (Youse?) Ireland and New York
- Cotton-picking
- Yous, (Youse?) Ireland and New York
- Dodgy and Dicey
- Phase through
- Pothole
- Bean counter
- Flaking out?
- Piece, bunch, pair,
- What is Milton's impact on current English?
- Why a baby is "it"?
- ...went out with an high hand
- Royalty.PS
- Sizzle meaning?
- Weeny, weedy, weaky
- Buck naked - of racist origin?
- More of the same
- Quiet Land Title
- Origin of "Hi There"
- French words
- Googoo eyes - The meaning and origin
- Mysterious alchemy
- Don't mention the War!
- Three florins
- Fall between the cracks
- White Rabbits
- Hand in marriage
- Tobacco smoke where the sun don't shine.
- Get your goat a link to the picture
- Phrase, explanation not found
- Herd of turtles
- In One's Dodge