Posted by Fred on April 12, 2003
In the last few days I've heard several news commentators talk about a *cache* of weapons,
pronouncing 'cache' as 'cash-A'. This pronunciation is wrong, yes? Should they be saying
'cache for' rather than 'cache of'?
- Cache Word Camel 04/12/03
- Cache Bob 04/13/03
- Cache and cachet TheFallen 04/13/03
- Crotch crochet crotchetty Talking Head 04/14/03
- Crotch crochet crotchetty bella 04/15/03
- Crotch crochet crotchetty bella 04/15/03
- Crotch crochet crotchetty bella 04/15/03
- Crotch crochet crotchetty Talking Head 04/14/03
- Cache and cachet TheFallen 04/13/03
- Cache Bob 04/13/03