Flaking out?
Posted by Word Camel on May 15, 2003
In Reply to: Flanking out? posted by ESC on May 14, 2003
: : : : : hello,
: : : : : 1)hold out
: : : : : 2)followed up
: : : : : 3)flanking out
: : : : : 4)steer clear of someone
: : : : : 5)scoop out
: : : : : thank you all for your time and efforts.
: : : : 1) hold out. It depends on how the phrase is used. It could mean wait or delay action on something to gain an advantage, etc. "She wanted to buy a new car but decided to hold out until she can afford a really nice one." Or, literally: "Hold out your hand and I'll give you candy."
: : : : 2) followed up. Took additional action after an event - gathered more information, checked to see if something was being done properly, etc.
: : : : 3) flanking out. See "flank" "Flank" is "the right or left of a formation.
: : : : 4) steer clear of someone. Stay away from someone, avoid the places that person goes.
: : : : 5) scoop out. Dip out - like with an ice cream scoop. (Scope out is "check out" or look at.)
: : : I've never seen the phrasal verb "flank out" and honestly can't come up with any meaningful sentence in which it might be used. I wonder if the question-setter meant "outflank", which literally means "to get round the side of", or figuratively "to best".
: : Or maybe it was a typo for "flunking out"--failing academically, with expulsion from school as a result.
: I thought maybe "flanking out" mean spreading out.
Flaking out is to go crazy or to lose one's cool. Maybe it's that, though perhaps flaking out is a little slangy.