- household words
- A different kettle of fish
- A golden key can open any door
- A skeleton in the closet
- A watched pot never boils
- A drop in the bucket
- A fly in the ointment
- A place for everything and everything in its place
- A red rag to a bull
- Aga saga
- As black as Newgate's knocker
- As daft as a brush
- As dead as a doornail
- As snug as a bug in a rug
- Bag and baggage
- Bell, book and candle
- Between you, me and the bed-post
- Between two stools
- Born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
- Bottom drawer
- Brummagem screwdriver
- Bun in the oven
- Bury the hatchet
- By hook or by crook
- Call a spade a spade
- Can't hold a candle to
- Chaise lounge
- Daft as a brush
- Don't wash your dirty linen in public
- Down the pan
- Duvet day
- Go to pot
- Go to the mattresses
- Going to hell in a handbasket
- Grandfather clock
- Handbags at ten paces
- Have an axe to grind
- In the doghouse
- Keep your nose to the grindstone
- Kettle of fish
- Kick the bucket
- Lay it on with a trowel
- Let the cat out of the bag
- Lock stock and barrel
- My cup runneth over
- Nice kettle of fish
- Not worth the candle
- Out of the frying pan into the fire
- Over a barrel
- Point Percy at the porcelain
- Praying at the porcelain altar
- Pretty kettle of fish
- Pull yourself up by your bootstraps
- Put a spanner in the works
- Raining stair-rods
- Skeleton in the closet
- Sleep on a clothesline
- Sleep like a top
- Stool pigeon
- Storm in a teacup
- Strain at the leash
- Strike while the iron is hot
- Take a back seat
- Take down a peg or two
- Tempest in a teapot
- The fly in the ointment
- The pot calling the kettle black
- The wrong side of the blanket
- Throw a spanner in the works
- Throw in the towel
- Up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire
- Up the apples and pears
- Upset the apple-cart
- Use a sledgehammer to crack a nut