Contributors please note: this is an archived page of the Phrase Finder Discussion Forum. You cannot add to these posts.
- Coming
out - nick ainscough 03/29/03
- coming out - R. Berg 03/29/03
- When
it's out in the open - Tamio 03/29/03
- When it's out in the open - R. Berg 03/29/03
- Department of Defense Term - S. 03/29/03
- The
war in Iraq and the meaning of words - James Briggs 03/28/03
- The war in Iraq and the meaning
of words - James Briggs 03/28/03
- The war in Iraq and the meaning of words - kitty 03/28/03
- The war in Iraq and the meaning
of words - James Briggs 03/28/03
- Pull the other on, it's got bells on - Yasmin Mazur 03/28/03
- Dead-pan - S. 03/28/03
- At a boy - Luc Balemans 03/28/03
- 818
Lifestyle - festino 03/28/03
- 818 Lifestyle - Hari Menon 03/28/03
- 818 Lifestyle - R. Berg 03/28/03
- 818 Lifestyle - Hari Menon 03/28/03
- Snake
and charmer? - EE 03/28/03
- snake and charmer? - Hari Menon 03/28/03
- Definition - tom chink 03/28/03
- Workbrickle - ESC 03/28/03
- Phrase - lulu 03/28/03
- Italian phrase? "forget about it" - D 03/27/03
- By
dint of - Stuart 03/27/03
- by dint of - Shae 03/27/03
- by dint of - TheFallen 03/27/03
- by dint of - Shae 03/27/03
- Runs - ESC 03/27/03
- Somewhere there is a copy writer... - Word Camel 03/27/03
- Telestrate - S. 03/27/03
- Looking for a word - James Briggs 03/27/03
- Ring true - EE 03/27/03
- Two Slang expressions - Miri Barak 03/27/03
- If/when
all you have is a hammer... - J. Vincent 03/27/03
- If/when all you have is a hammer... - ESC 03/27/03
- Why are the French called 'frogs' by their detractors? - Word Camel 03/26/03
- Build
it and they will come - andrew 03/26/03
- If you build it, they will come. - TheFallen 03/26/03
- You can lead a w h o r e to culture
but you can't make her think - Hook 03/26/03
- You can lead a horse to water... - ESC 03/27/03
- Horticulture - Woodchuck 03/27/03
- You can lead a horse to water... - ESC 03/27/03
- What
is a shortened first day - kknd 03/26/03
- shortened first day - R. Berg 03/26/03
- My
two cents - EE 03/26/03
- my two cents - Bruce Kahl 03/26/03
- my two cents - James Briggs 03/27/03
- my two cents - Bruce Kahl 03/26/03
- Kicking
tires - EE 03/26/03
- kicking tires - R. Berg 03/26/03
- Pleaseeeee help - jay need help 03/26/03
- Cannon
Fodder - Hoopy Frood 03/26/03
- Kanonenfutter - ESC 03/26/03
- More
war words - Shae 03/26/03
- More war words - Jessica 03/26/03
- When
and while - EE 03/26/03
- when and while - TheFallen 03/26/03
- To Put Paid To - S. 03/26/03
- Idiom:
Leave someone holding the bag - Jacqueline 03/26/03
- Idiom: Leave someone holding the bag - ESC daughter 03/26/03
- Another kick at the can/cat - Greg 03/26/03
- Help me - foreigner 03/25/03
- Land
sakes - Louis Hung 03/25/03
- land sakes - R. Berg 03/25/03
- land sakes - al 03/25/03
- land sakes - R. Berg 03/25/03
- In which wester is this line: Man's got to do, what a man's got to do - AIF 03/25/03
- Bluefish? - stile 03/25/03
- Bluefish? - ESC 03/25/03
- "Flash
in the pan" - Blondin 03/25/03
- "Flash in the pan" - ESC 03/25/03
- Top hole - John Horlivy 03/25/03
- Origination of "worry wort" - Chas 03/25/03
- Help to or without to? - EE 03/25/03
- help to or without to? - R. Berg 03/25/03
- help to or without to? - Bob 03/25/03
- help to or without to? - R. Berg 03/25/03
- To
google - Word Camel 03/24/03
- To google - ESC 03/24/03
- "Googling" as a favorite word - janes_kid 03/24/03
- To google - ESC 03/24/03
- Fear change - paul 03/24/03
- East Is East - S. 03/24/03
- Draculonisis - S. 03/24/03
- To
Make One's Bones - S. 03/24/03
- To Make One's Bones - ESC 03/24/03
- Green-eyeshaders - S. 03/24/03
- Help
me to find the meaning of this phrase - nitti 03/24/03
- Help me to find the meaning of this phrase - mano 03/24/03
- Help me to find the meaning of this phrase - Subin Abraham 03/25/03
- Beware the Ides of March - ESC 03/24/03
- Help me to find the meaning of this phrase - mano 03/24/03
- True
Lie? - EC 03/23/03
- True Lie? - ESC 03/24/03
- True Lie? - EC 03/27/03
- True Lie? - ESC 03/24/03
- Dirt - EB 03/22/03
- Blogger - EE 03/22/03
- Wait
in the wings? - Zhanghai 03/22/03
- wait in the wings? - Bob 03/22/03
- " a lot of" or "many" - EE 03/22/03
- I need help with a phrase from a George Kelly play!!! - Lynnae Andersen 03/21/03
- His name is Dennis - ESC 03/21/03
- His name is Dennis - ESC 03/21/03
- His name is Dennis - ESC 03/21/03
- To cut both ways - Dave M. 03/21/03
- "All
shall love me and despair" - Marina 03/21/03
- "All shall love me and despair" - TheFallen 03/21/03
- Shock and Awe - Brian from Shawnee 03/21/03
- Odd
phrases - Nancy 03/21/03
- odd phrases - ESC 03/21/03
- Meaning
of - ron rosato 03/21/03
- Dancing on your grave - ESC 03/21/03
- Tick-tock - ESC 03/21/03
- Origin of mothers, lock up your daughters. - William 03/21/03
- Dog days - Sax 03/21/03
- Every dog has his day - ESC 03/21/03
- The sun's going to shine... - ESC 03/21/03
- Every dog has his day - ESC 03/21/03
- Sugar-dipped Response - Bookworm 03/21/03
- I need help - Ed 03/21/03
- What
do those stars mean after subject lines in the archives? - al 03/20/03
- What do those stars mean after subject lines in the archives? - Bookworm 03/21/03
- What do those stars mean after subject lines in the archives? - Bruce Kahl 03/21/03
- What do those stars mean after subject lines in the archives? - Gary 03/21/03
- That poor camel's back - Sax 03/20/03
- Straw that broke the camel's back - ESC 03/20/03
- Execute - Chinese 03/20/03
- execute - TheFallen 03/20/03
- execute - ESC 03/20/03
- execute - TheFallen 03/20/03
- Do
you know? - zhs 03/20/03
- Turn
in his grave - R. Berg 03/20/03
- Turn in his grave - masakim 03/20/03
- Turn
in his grave - R. Berg 03/20/03
- Bob - punctuation - Monica 03/20/03
- Thank you balls to the walls people - Monica 03/20/03
- Sugar-dipped - S. 03/19/03
- Sugar-dipped - Bookworm 03/21/03
- Sugar-dipped - S. 03/21/03
- Sugar-dipped - Bookworm 03/21/03
- Bob's
your uncle - JB 03/19/03
- Bob's your uncle - Gary 03/19/03
- Bob's your uncle - masakim 03/20/03
- Bob's your uncle - R. Berg 03/19/03
- Bob's your uncle - Gary 03/19/03
- Monkey
off my back - Juju 03/19/03
- monkey off my back - R. Berg 03/19/03
- monkey off my back - another use - Lewis 03/24/03
- monkey off my back - R. Berg 03/19/03
- Canary
in a coal mine - 2003 version - ESC 03/19/03
- Canary in a coal mine - 2003 version - R. Berg 03/19/03
- Canary - ESC 03/19/03
- Canary in a coal mine - 2003 version - R. Berg 03/19/03
- Who's got a derivation for "may the best team/man win"? - david kipen 03/19/03
- Joey - threepence coin - Brian from Shawnee 03/19/03
- "In future" and "in the future" - HGL 03/19/03
- The
four monkeys - P 03/19/03
- the four monkeys - ESC 03/19/03
- the four monkeys - Brian from Shawnee 03/19/03
- the four monkeys - TheFallen 03/19/03
- the four monkeys - ESC 03/19/03
- Jewban = Cuban Jew - ESC 03/19/03
- A
prayer - Miri Barak 03/19/03
- a prayer - TheFallen 03/19/03
- a prayer - Miri Barak 03/19/03
- a prayer - TheFallen 03/19/03
- Forum - English Buff 03/19/03
- Good and bad - Ignorant 03/19/03
- Soda and pop - TK 03/19/03
- Allusions? - TK 03/19/03
- Allusions? - Harikrishnan Menon 03/19/03
- allusions? - ESC 03/19/03
- Allusions? - Harikrishnan Menon 03/19/03
- Grain
of Salt - Marie Potts 03/19/03
- Grain of Salt - R. Berg 03/19/03
- "Stupid
is as stupid does." - Tony Lee 03/19/03
- "Stupid is as stupid does." - Word Camel 03/19/03
- SCUD - Bruce Kahl 03/19/03
- Shelf ball - ESC 03/18/03
- Combat
suck - ESC 03/18/03
- Combat suck - GI Joe 03/21/03
- Trophy building - ESC 03/18/03
- Excess of emotion - kitty 03/18/03
- Huggers? - Chinese 03/18/03
- huggers? - S. 03/18/03
- Cowl-light - S. 03/18/03
- Monkey-shine - S. 03/18/03
- Waiting on a line... - KNelson 03/18/03
- Bad
news - Sax 03/18/03
- Bad news - R. Berg 03/18/03
- Bad news - masakim 03/18/03
- Bad news - R. Berg 03/18/03
- Straw
Argument - S. 03/18/03
- Straw Argument - James Briggs 03/18/03
- Straw Argument - S. 03/18/03
- Straw Argument - James Briggs 03/18/03
- Dropping
Like Flies - S. 03/18/03
- Dropping Like Flies - ESC 03/18/03
- Smoking
gun - Kate 03/17/03
- Smoking gun - ESC 03/17/03
- Smoking gun - Lewis 03/21/03
- Smoking gun - ESC 03/17/03
- Know by heart - gail 03/17/03
- Final ultimatum - ESC 03/17/03
- Lights & bushels - Sandy Cullen 03/17/03
- Lights & bushels - ESC 03/17/03
- Lights & bushels - ESC 03/17/03
- Lights & bushels - ESC 03/17/03
- Age/sex/enthnicity/area of influential residence - Monica Christofili 03/17/03
- I NEED REACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Monica 03/17/03
- English grammar - HCD 03/17/03
- Quarter? - tcl 03/17/03
- Difficult - Chinese 03/17/03
- When life gives you lemons, make lemonade - giselle 03/16/03
- So, dear friends, in modern english - jee-an 03/16/03
- Help - Chinese 03/16/03
- help - Bruce Kahl 03/16/03
- "Daddy" - Prakash 03/15/03
- Epitaph question - ESC 03/15/03
- Mystery
word in Charlkes Lamb Poem - rur42 03/15/03
- Mystery word in Charlkes Lamb Poem - Bob 03/16/03
- Meaning of expression "cold enough
to freeze the balls off a brass monkey - Chris Roberts 03/15/03
- Meaning of expression "cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey - Gary 03/15/03
- Meaning of expression "cold
enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey - James Briggs 03/15/03
- "Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey - Lewis 03/21/03
- Sweatin' - Jim 03/15/03
- Amusing - Shae 03/14/03
- Amusing - ESC 03/14/03
- Study:
Spell-Check Can Make Writing Worse - ESC 03/14/03
- Study: Spell-Check Can Make Writing Worse - S. 03/18/03
- Torch song - Miri Barak 03/14/03
- Culturally solvent? - Chinese 03/14/03
- Go to the wall... - S. Ryan 03/14/03
- Fire
in the belly - Dave M. 03/14/03
- Fire in the belly - R. Berg 03/14/03
- Fire in the belly - ESC 03/14/03
- Fire in the belly - R. Berg 03/14/03
- Terminate
with extreme prejudice - Andy Sporner 03/14/03
- Terminate with extreme prejudice - masakim 03/14/03
- Who ate all the pies? - john 03/14/03
- Who ate all the pies? - Gary 03/14/03
- Who ate all the pies? - john 03/14/03
- Who ate all the pies? - Gary 03/14/03
- Weapons
of mass destruction - Michael Chamberlain 03/14/03
- Weapons of mass destruction - Lewis 03/14/03
- Born in..... - Saunta Gantt 03/14/03
- Born in..... - ESC 03/14/03
- Spending
more time with ones family - Word Camel 03/14/03
- Spending more time with ones family - Henry 03/14/03
- Throught the mists of time - Word Camel 03/15/03
- Spending more time with ones family - Henry 03/14/03
- Could someone tell me the meaning - curious 03/13/03
- Looking for a phrase similar to 'downward spiral.' - peter noyes 03/13/03
- Not so good at it - Chinese 03/13/03
- Epitaph - S. Ryan 03/13/03
- epitaph - author unknown - Lewis 03/13/03
- Behold and see - ESC 03/14/03
- epitaph - author unknown - Lewis 03/13/03
- Chinese
asking for help! - Chinese 03/13/03
- Chinese asking for help! - S.Ryan 03/13/03
- Santayana reprised - TheFallen 03/13/03
- The past is another country - ESC 03/13/03
- My
heart is cryin' Indian - Aranel 03/13/03
- my heart is cryin' Indian - Word Camel 03/13/03
- Bar-none - TF 03/13/03
- Bar-none - TheFallen 03/13/03
- All that glitters is not gold - jee-an 03/13/03
- Breaking the mould - Kerry Sanchez 03/13/03
- Who invented Just In Time economics - ash 03/13/03
- A
bull in a china shop - Sax 03/13/03
- A bull in a china shop - R. Berg 03/13/03
- A bull in a china shop - masakim 03/13/03
- A bull in a china shop - R. Berg 03/13/03
- A buynch of stuff for school - stuff 03/13/03
- Phat - Alex Cue 03/13/03
- Another Crime Scene Invesigation investigation - Gary 03/12/03
- ABRACADABRA - ESC 03/12/03
- Suggestions on how to find the source roots of scientific names? - janes_kid 03/12/03
- Smell a rat - S. Ryan 03/12/03
- smell a rat - ESC 03/12/03
- smell a rat - James Briggs 03/12/03
- smell a rat - ESC 03/12/03
- Mind like a steel trap - S. Ryan 03/12/03
- Easier
said than done - sax 03/12/03
- easier said than done - ESC 03/12/03
- Origin
of "Raining Cats and Dogs" - Andy Sporner 03/12/03
- Origin of "Raining Cats and Dogs" - James Briggs 03/12/03
- Origin of "Raining Cats and Dogs" - Fred 03/12/03
- James Bond mishmash - Miri Barak 03/12/03
- Negative
positive and religion - sadashivan 03/12/03
- negative positive and religion - ESC 03/12/03
- negative positive and religion - Bob 03/12/03
- negative positive and religion - ESC 03/12/03
- Gods and generals - robin1966 03/12/03
- Origin of phrase - a mares nest - Colin R Parkin 03/12/03
- Tootle-loo??? - monq 03/12/03
- Help! - piggy 03/11/03
- "Just short of" - R. Berg 03/11/03
- Finish
and origin - Ole 03/11/03
- Best laid plans... - Bookworm 03/11/03
- . . . gang aft a-gley - R. Berg 03/11/03
- Best laid plans... - Bookworm 03/11/03
- 'Brand
New' - Joe 03/11/03
- Archived explanation - R. Berg 03/11/03
- What does 'How you hanging?' mean? - quest 03/10/03
- To put your a** in a sling - Xudong 03/10/03
- Cochise - S. 03/10/03
- Cochise - Alex Cue 03/12/03
- Eat your heart out - Stan 03/10/03
- Slow
up slow down - psycholinguini 03/09/03
- slow up, slow down - R. Berg 03/10/03
- slow up, slow down - Bob 03/11/03
- slow up, slow down - R. Berg 03/10/03
- Joe
Bloggs - Stella Dixon 03/09/03
- Joe Bloggs - ESC 03/09/03
- Expanded
phrase? - Larry 03/09/03
- expanded phrase?, ORIGINAL PHRASE? - Larry 03/10/03
- The Original Phrase - TheFallen 03/11/03
- The Original Phrase - Larry 03/12/03
- The Original Phrase - TheFallen 03/11/03
- How
is it misquoted? - Word Camel 03/09/03
- Followup attempt - Larry 03/10/03
- expanded phrase?, ORIGINAL PHRASE? - Larry 03/10/03
- Nautical
reference - Adeline 03/09/03
- nautical reference - Henry 03/09/03
- nautical reference - James Briggs 03/09/03
- nautical reference - Henry 03/09/03
- Pee
like a racehorse - Ooga 03/09/03
- Archived answer - R. Berg 03/09/03
- Lie like a cheap rug - Miri Barak 03/08/03
- Descriptive nouns - Sandy 03/08/03
- Idiom - HCD 03/08/03
- A gift for a (?) - R. Berg 03/08/03
- Please
help - queer 03/08/03
- Hands down & dances - TheFallen 03/08/03
- Hands down & dances - ESC 03/08/03
- Hands down & dances - queer 03/08/03
- Hands down & dances - TheFallen 03/08/03
- Effing and blinding - Jon 03/08/03
- Mugwhump - Hart 03/08/03
- "Babushka" - Pavel 03/08/03
- "Babushka" - Archives - TheFallen 03/08/03
- The
road to hell is paved with good intentions - joan 03/08/03
- The road to hell is paved with good intentions - TheFallen 03/08/03
- I
am a foreigner - stile 03/07/03
- I am a foreigner - ESC 03/07/03
- to name but two . . . - R. Berg 03/07/03
- I am a foreigner - ESC 03/07/03
- Red
carpet - Victor Ndobe 03/07/03
- Red carpet - James Briggs 03/07/03
- Color
Me... - S. 03/07/03
- Color Me... - Henry 03/07/03
- True Colours - Lewis 03/10/03
- Color Me... - Henry 03/07/03
- Miss
the sea??? - Mahesh 03/07/03
- Miss the sea??? - James Briggs 03/07/03
- Right Hand/Left Hand - Shacheendra 03/07/03
- Cherchez La Femme - Mel 03/07/03
- Randy
Dog ethics - Rosemary 03/06/03
- Randy Dog ethics - greg 03/06/03
- Randy-dog ethics - R. Berg 03/07/03
- Randy Dog ethics - greg 03/06/03
- Idiom - HCD 03/06/03
- Idiom - S. 03/06/03
- It keeps for love - ESC 03/06/03
- It keeps for love - Lewis 03/07/03
- Fresh
fields to conquer - Henry 03/06/03
- Fresh fields to conquer - Harikrishnan Menon 03/07/03
- Fresh fields to conquer - ESC 03/07/03
- Fresh fields to conquer - S. Ryan 03/06/03
- Fresh fields to conquer - Harikrishnan Menon 03/07/03
- He's
got a heart. - Xudong 03/06/03
- He's got a heart. - S. Ryan 03/06/03
- He's got a heart. - ESC 03/06/03
- "To Light Into" - S. 03/06/03
- Put
your foot in your mouth - ESC 03/06/03
- Roche and others - Shae 03/07/03
- Draw
the line/cross the line - S. Ryan 03/06/03
- draw the line/cross the line - ESC 03/06/03
- Many thanks - S. Ryan 03/06/03
- draw the line/cross the line - ESC 03/06/03
- British
accent = smarts? - ESC 03/06/03
- British accent = smarts? - Gary 03/06/03
- British accent = smarts? - ESC 03/06/03
- British accent = smarts? - Gary 03/06/03
- Catch
the brass ring - Jan 03/06/03
- Archives: brass ring - R. Berg 03/06/03
- Stop
on a dime - S. Ryan 03/06/03
- stop on a dime - Jason Drew 03/06/03
- Curse be upon your mustache - ESC 03/06/03
- Bayonne
Bleeder - stile 03/06/03
- Bayonne Bleeder - TheFallen 03/06/03
- Hard
word puzzle - Jacob 03/06/03
- hard word puzzle - Lewis 03/13/03
- Buried six feet under - Tim B 03/06/03
- Some
Interesting State Department Jargon... - S. 03/06/03
- Some Interesting State Department Jargon... - ESC 03/06/03
- Want to know the origin of "Want to go dutch" - Joe 03/06/03
- ...with
all my heart - kelly 03/05/03
- ...with all my heart - R. Berg 03/06/03
- ...with all my heart - S. 03/06/03
- ...with all my heart - R. Berg 03/06/03
- Relationship of heart to emotions - Kelly 03/05/03
- Racino: casino + racetrack - ESC 03/05/03
- The cat that swallowed the canary - Poindexter 03/05/03
- March - Tiko 03/05/03
- March - S. Ryan 03/05/03
- March - S. Ryan 03/05/03
- Month of March sayings - ESC 03/05/03
- Flabbergasted - S. Ryan 03/05/03
- flabbergasted - R. Berg 03/05/03
- flabbergasted - gobsmacked - Lewis 03/06/03
- flabbergasted - R. Berg 03/05/03
- Matinee - Margaret Bell 03/05/03
- matinee - TheFallen 03/05/03
- Not a nice expression - Miri Barak 03/05/03
- Q&A
at The Times - James Briggs 03/05/03
- Q&A at The Times - Harikrishnan Menon 03/05/03
- To Squeeze Some One's Shoes - S. 03/05/03
- To Squeeze Some One's
Shoes - Bruce Kahl 03/05/03
- To Squeeze Some One's Shoes - ESC 03/05/03
- To Squeeze Some One's
Shoes - Bruce Kahl 03/05/03
- To Put (Some One) on Ice - S. 03/05/03
- To
Sail Close to the Wind - Shacheendra 03/05/03
- To Sail Close to the Wind - James Briggs 03/05/03
- To Sail Close to the Wind - S. Ryan 03/05/03
- To Sail Close to the Wind - James Briggs 03/05/03
- Bring
something to the table. - LarryBS 03/04/03
- Bring something to the table. - R. Berg 03/05/03
- Bring something to the table. - Lewis 03/06/03
- Bring something to the table. - R. Berg 03/05/03
- Put A Hat On Every Duck - Foggy Starborn 03/04/03
- 'Happy
Hour' - Stephan 03/04/03
- 'Happy Hour' - masakim 03/04/03
- Stone
the Crows - James Briggs 03/04/03
- Stone the Crows - ESC 03/04/03
- Yellow-dog
Contract - S. 03/04/03
- Yellow-dog Contract - Word Camels 03/04/03
- Yellow-dog Contract - masakim 03/04/03
- Yellow-dog Contract - S. 03/04/03
- Yellow-dog Contract - Word Camels 03/04/03
- To Force One's Hand - S. 03/04/03
- "Milk
in the Coconut" - S. 03/04/03
- "Milk in the Coconut" - masakim 03/04/03
- "Milk in the Coconut" - Shacheendra 03/05/03
- "Milk in the Coconut" - masakim 03/04/03
- Befrogged? - S. 03/04/03
- Till the cows come - Mon 03/03/03
- "Rassafrassarickarackets":
cartoon phrase? - billygoat 03/03/03
- "Rassafrassarickarackets": cartoon phrase? - TheFallen 03/03/03
- "Rassafrassarickarackets": cartoon phrase? - TheFallen 03/04/03
- "Rassafrassarickarackets": cartoon phrase? - Word Camel 03/03/03
- "Rassafrassarickarackets": cartoon phrase? - billygoat 03/05/03
- "Rassafrassarickarackets": cartoon phrase? - billygoat 03/05/03
- "Rassafrassarickarackets": cartoon phrase? - TheFallen 03/03/03
- Bare-foot and Pregnant - S. 03/03/03
- Essential
oils - janes_kid 03/03/03
- essential oils - R. Berg 03/03/03
- essential oils - notation - Lewis 03/06/03
- essential - essence - TheFallen 03/03/03
- essential oils - R. Berg 03/03/03
- Patent - English Learner 03/03/03
- Found phrase:
earworms - Woodchuck 03/02/03
- Found phrase: earworms - ESC 03/02/03
- Bait - Annie 03/02/03
- Archives: bated breath - R. Berg 03/02/03
- All mouth and trousers - jim 03/02/03
- Search - fred 03/02/03
- Phrases - michelle 03/02/03
- Tarred with the same brush - ESC 03/02/03
- Definition - Maria 03/02/03
- No
man is an island - Robert Hammond 03/02/03
- No man is an island - Robert Hammond 03/02/03
- No man is an island - R. Berg 03/02/03
- No man is an island - ESC 03/02/03
- No man is an island - Robert Hammond 03/02/03
- Poor
man's Marilyn (for example) - michael wade wicks 03/01/03
- Poor man's Marilyn (for example) - masakim 03/01/03
- Cocking a snook - Fred 03/01/03
- Origin
of "babysitting" - Josh 03/01/03
- origin of "babysitting" - R. Berg 03/01/03
- Origin of "babysitting" - masakim 03/01/03
- Origin of "babysitting" - ESC 03/01/03
- origin of "babysitting" - R. Berg 03/01/03
- Green-eyed
monster - Adam King 03/01/03
- green-eyed monster - TheFallen 03/01/03
- Cruelty? - Word Cat 03/01/03
- green-eyed monster - TheFallen 03/01/03
- Proverb
from bible - MARK 03/01/03
- proverb from bible - R. Berg 03/01/03
- Acronyms - Cindy 03/01/03
- Acronyms - Gary 03/01/03
- Acronyms - S. 03/04/03
- Acronyms - Gary 03/01/03
- One-eyed
Jack - S. 03/01/03
- One-eyed Jack - S. 03/01/03
- Hell-bent - S. 03/01/03
- Hell-bent - R. Berg 03/01/03
- "Falling" in Love - S. 02/28/03
- Slang term "my trout" - Patty 02/28/03
- "Tickled pink" - mose 02/28/03
- Patty - Slang term my trout 02/28/03
- Patty - ESC 03/01/03
- Blue moon in your eye - ESC 02/28/03
- Any
one's guess? What does it mean? - stile 02/28/03
- any one's guess? What does it mean? - James Briggs 02/28/03
- Anyone's guess - R. Berg 02/28/03
- any one's guess? What does it mean? - James Briggs 02/28/03
- Strike
a cord / chord / accord? - John 02/28/03
- strike a cord / chord / accord? - TheFallen 02/28/03
- Meaning of mind your Ps and Qs - prissy 02/28/03
- Ps and Qs - R. Berg 02/28/03
- An
eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth - Theodore 02/28/03
- An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth - ed 02/28/03
- Wet work - Fred 02/27/03
- Phrase - Steve 02/27/03
- Be there with bells on - ESC 02/27/03
- I don't understand many discussion group responses - janes_kid 02/27/03
- Help on phrase puzzle - jacob 02/27/03
- Help - stile 02/27/03
- 23
skidoo - Will 02/26/03
- 23 skidoo - R. Berg 02/26/03
- What does it mean - ic 02/26/03
- Word help please! - S. Ryan 02/26/03
- Bigotry for bucks, cracker comedy, hick hunt - ESC 02/26/03
- Yosemite Sam on amphetamines - ESC 02/26/03
- Ride the Lightning - S. 02/26/03
- Throw the book at em! - Ray Jay 02/25/03
- Rediscover their happy place - ESC 02/25/03
- Dunderhead - S. Ryan 02/25/03
- "Self-fulfilling
prophecy" - Bruce Kahl 02/25/03
- "Self-fulfilling prophecy" - ESC 02/25/03
- Phrase - Lmo 02/25/03
- Phrase - Bruce Kahl 02/25/03
- Phrase - Bruce Kahl 02/25/03
- Quick Off The
Mark - Gareth 02/25/03
- Quick Off The Mark - S. Ryan 02/25/03
- Birmingham & Brummagem - PDM 02/25/03
- Phrase - jackie 02/25/03
- Phrase - S. 02/25/03
- Promise Ring - S. 02/25/03
- Head Shop - S. 02/25/03
- "Being
in a brown study" - Neil Barrett 02/24/03
- "Being in a brown study" - TheFallen 02/24/03
- "Being in a brown study" - masakim 02/24/03
- "Being in a brown study" - TheFallen 02/24/03
- Cloud
9 - Wayne Roberts 02/24/03
- cloud 9 - TheFallen 02/24/03
- Temptations - Lewis 02/27/03
- cloud 9 - TheFallen 02/24/03
- Help - stile 02/24/03
- Why would it . . . - R. Berg 02/24/03
- help - ESC 02/24/03
- Thank you two! - stile 02/24/03
- Marriage - qq 02/24/03
- To put on the long finger - ruth 02/24/03
- Origin: Only the good die young - Flowerchild 02/24/03
- Making
hay - Saxon 02/23/03
- making hay - TheFallen 02/23/03
- Sobeit, albeit and farbeit, dammit! - TheFallen 02/23/03
- Baker's
dozen - Brekke 02/23/03
- Baker's dozen - ESC 02/23/03
- Baker's dozen - Lewis 02/27/03
- Baker's dozen - ESC 02/23/03
- Woo woo - JA Lyons 02/22/03
- To
set ones teeth on edge - Word Camel 02/22/03
- To set one's teeth on edge - R. Berg 02/23/03
- To set one's teeth on edge - Brekke 02/23/03
- To set one's teeth on edge - R. Berg 02/23/03
- On
the sauce - Steph Benjamin 02/22/03
- On the sauce - S. 02/24/03
- The
Cat's Ass - Bec 02/22/03
- The Cat's a** - A guess - Bookworm 02/24/03
- Thank you! - Bec 02/26/03
- The Cat's a** - A guess - Bookworm 02/24/03
- Good
morning Vietnam! - Kev 02/22/03
- good morning Vietnam! - James Briggs 02/22/03
- good morning Vietnam! - Brekke 02/23/03
- good morning Vietnam! - James Briggs 02/22/03
- Live
to the hilt - David Dye 02/22/03
- Live to the hilt - R. Berg 02/22/03
- Live to the hilt Thank you for the response - David Dye 02/24/03
- Live to the hilt - R. Berg 02/22/03
- "Laughter is the
Best Medicine" - S. 02/22/03
- "Laughter is the Best Medicine" - ESC 02/23/03
- "Laughter is the Best Medicine" - Brekke 02/24/03
- "Laughter is the Best Medicine" - ESC 02/23/03
- Confused - stile 02/21/03
- Angler
- Word origin - Joe 02/21/03
- Angler - Word origin - TheFallen 02/21/03
- Angler - Word origin - dale 02/27/03
- Angler - Word origin - TheFallen 02/21/03
- "A
Friend in Need" - Peter McLean 02/21/03
- Archived discussion - R. Berg 02/21/03
- The
ins and outs of cricket - Lewis 02/21/03
- the ins and outs of cricket - TheFallen 02/21/03
- the ins and outs of cricket cheers! - Lewis 02/27/03
- the ins and outs of cricket - TheFallen 02/21/03
- Word/Phrase for "Did I say just that out loud?" - Tito Matito 02/21/03
- All
at sea - Jack Quinn 02/21/03
- All at sea - R. Berg 02/21/03
- Mind
your p's and q's - hwttdz 02/21/03
- Mind your p's and q's - Robert 02/26/03
- Mind your p's and q's - Robert 02/26/03
- Mind your p's and q's - Robert 02/26/03
- Help - qq 02/21/03
- Overgrown Children - TheFallen 02/21/03
- 86 - dick swinger 02/21/03
- What
is bezzing? - qq 02/21/03
- what is bezzing? - TheFallen 02/21/03
- what is bezzing? - qq 02/21/03
- what is bezzing? - TheFallen 02/21/03
- "On
top of data" - ramesh 02/20/03
- "On top of data" - ESC 02/21/03
- Sayings for the months - katrine 02/20/03
- Use of comma in a series - S. Ryan 02/20/03
- Hand
over fist - k bailey 02/20/03
- Archived answer - R. Berg 02/20/03
- Buffaloed - Murphy 02/20/03
- John
Donne and No man is an island... - Deborah Najarro 02/20/03
- John Donne and No man is an island... - Harikrishnan Menon 02/20/03
- John Donne and No man is an island... - Bob 02/21/03
- John Donne and No man is an island... - Harikrishnan Menon 02/20/03
- Heart out - AlexanderP 02/20/03
- Heart out - ESC 02/20/03
- Point made? - AlexanderP 02/20/03
- Pales
into insignificance - Taz 02/20/03
- Pales into insignificance - TheFallen 02/20/03
- Pales into insignificance - S. Ryan 02/20/03
- Pales into insignificance - TheFallen 02/20/03
- Mind games - Ali 02/20/03
- Take
This Job and Shove It - ESC 02/20/03
- Take This Job and Shove It - S.Ryan 02/20/03
- Take This Job and Shove It - ESC 02/21/03
- Take This Job and Shove It - S.Ryan 02/20/03
- Everything that rises - N 02/19/03
- "Overpaid, oversexed..." - Proud American 02/19/03
- Strange, very strange expression - Elaine 02/19/03
- Shoot one's cuffs - Nano 02/19/03
- French/Mexican
Shower - S. 02/19/03
- French/Mexican Shower - S. Ryan 02/19/03
- French/Mexican Shower - Bruce Kahl 02/21/03
- French/Mexican Shower - S. Ryan 02/19/03
- Go
to Seed/Go to Pot - S. 02/19/03
- Go to Seed/Go to Pot - James Briggs 02/19/03
- Go to Seed/Go to Pot - R. Berg 02/19/03
- Go to Seed/Go to Pot - James Briggs 02/19/03
- Grape-Vine - S. 02/19/03
- Grape-Vine - James Briggs 02/19/03
- Grape-Vine - ESC 02/20/03
- Grape-Vine - James Briggs 02/19/03
- "Every woman's first husband" - Eunice 02/19/03
- The fat lady - Jaime 02/19/03
- Archives: fat lady sings - R. Berg 02/19/03
- The opera ain't over till the fat lady sings - ESC 02/19/03
- Archives: fat lady sings - R. Berg 02/19/03
- Light in the Loafers - S. 02/18/03
- "Its
all good" - John 02/18/03
- "It's all good" - R. Berg 02/19/03
- "It's all good" - S. Ryan 02/19/03
- "It's all good" - S. Ryan 02/19/03
- "It's all good" - R. Berg 02/19/03
- Up
and at em!(them) - johnnygalt 02/18/03
- Up and at em!(them) - ESC 02/18/03
- Up and at em!(them) - James Briggs 02/19/03
- Up and at em!(them) - ESC 02/18/03
- Snap
bean truck - WEM 02/18/03
- Snap bean truck - ESC 02/18/03
- Dog
don't hunt - WEM 02/18/03
- Dog don't hunt - ESC 02/18/03
- Origin
of a saying - lee 02/18/03
- If it was a donkey - ESC 02/18/03
- If it was a donkey - TheFallen 02/18/03
- If it was a donkey - ESC 02/18/03
- Blood
is thicker than water - Lorrie 02/18/03
- Blood is thicker than water - ESC 02/18/03
- Blood is thicker than water - charlie 03/13/03
- Blood is thicker than water - Lorrie 02/18/03
- Blood is thicker than water - ESC 02/18/03
- Hog out of the tunnel - Fred 02/18/03
- Jaundiced
eye - Travis 02/18/03
- Jaundiced eye - ESC 02/18/03
- No real answer on divine mockery - neal 02/18/03
- Origin of "Knock you into Next Week" - Andy Sporner 02/17/03
- Biblical
-- Kiss of death - Andy Sporner 02/17/03
- Biblical -- Kiss of death - masakim 02/17/03
- The
torch to the pile! - daniela 02/17/03
- the torch to the pile! - R. Berg 02/17/03
- Bearded clam - bobs your uncle 02/17/03
- Paste-Pot - S. 02/17/03
- Slicking up to them nines - beerbelly 02/17/03
- Red
Cent - Albert Torres, jr. 02/17/03
- Red Cent - S. 02/17/03
- "Straw
boss" - FrostByte 02/17/03
- "Straw boss" - R. Berg 02/17/03
- "Straw boss" - masakim 02/17/03
- "Straw boss" - R. Berg 02/17/03
- Phrases
I cannot find - Ran 02/16/03
- phrases I cannot find - masakim 02/16/03
- Light
out and ride - the CyberSaddleTramp 02/16/03
- light out and ride - masakim 02/16/03
- Mark Twain's famous use - R. Berg 02/16/03
- light out and ride - masakim 02/16/03
- You
may have won the battle; but you've lost the war - Joe 02/16/03
- Battle and war - R. Berg 02/16/03
- Battle and war - Bob 02/16/03
- Battle and war - R. Berg 02/16/03
- Keep your nose... - George 02/16/03
- Quote and source - John 02/16/03
- What does it mean? - ss 02/16/03
- Miles,
you're as cozy as barbed wire. - Yj 02/16/03
- Miles, you're as cozy as barbed wire. - Bookworm 02/17/03
- Miles, you're as cozy as barbed wire. - masakim 02/17/03
- Miles, you're as cozy as barbed wire. - Bookworm 02/17/03
- Six
Ways to Sunday - S. 02/16/03
- Six Ways to Sunday - ESC 02/16/03
- Proverb question - GIselle 02/16/03
- Don't
solve the problem solve the cause - Kenneth 02/16/03
- Don't solve the problem solve the cause - neal 02/17/03
- Know
which side your bread is buttered?? - Lee 02/15/03
- Know which side your bread is buttered?? - Jondo 02/15/03
- Know which side your bread is buttered?? - R. Berg 02/15/03
- Know which side your bread is buttered on - ESC 02/16/03
- Know which side your bread is buttered?? - Plymishire 02/15/03
- Geese Louise! - Joanne
Hoefer 02/15/03
- Geese Louise! - R. Berg 02/15/03
- Flapdoodle - Fred Johnson 02/15/03
- "Black
over our Bill's mother's" - Mike Stanley 02/15/03
- "Black over our Bill's mother's" - R. Berg 02/15/03
- Black over Will's mother's - Lewis 02/21/03
- "Black over our Bill's mother's" - R. Berg 02/15/03
- Chin
music? - JB 02/15/03
- Chin music? - Andy Sporner 02/17/03
- Chin music? - masakim 02/17/03
- Chin music - ESC 02/15/03
- Chin music - ESC 02/15/03
- Chin music? - Andy Sporner 02/17/03
- At Bay - S. 02/15/03
- Bums
rush - Roger Fitch 02/15/03
- Bums rush - Lewis 02/21/03
- To cotton to - ESC 02/15/03
- Quotation - PE Duffy 02/15/03
- Dosh - Roger Fitch 02/15/03
- Right/Left
Provenance - S. 02/14/03
- Left wing/right wing - ESC 02/15/03
- War talk - ESC 02/14/03
- Devine
mockery of words - Neal 02/14/03
- divine mockery of words - Call me Ishmael 02/14/03
- Divine mockery of words - neal 02/15/03
- divine mockery of words - Call me Ishmael 02/14/03
- A day's work for a day's pay - Antoinette 02/14/03
- Weapon of mass distraction - ESC 02/14/03
- "Live
by the Sword. Die by the Sword." - Tanglia 02/14/03
- "Live by the Sword. Die by the Sword." - ESC 02/14/03
- "Live by the Sword. Die by the Sword." - masakim 02/14/03
- "Live by the Sword. Die by the Sword." - ESC 02/14/03
- Phrases as they may have been
written - brandon 02/14/03
- phrases as they may have been written - TheFallen 02/14/03
- Phrases as they may have been written - masakim 02/14/03
- phrases as they may have been written - TheFallen 02/14/03
- Valentine
with heart - hopin 02/14/03
- valentine with heart - ESC 02/14/03
- valentine with heart - ESC 02/14/03
- valentine with heart - ESC 02/14/03
- Called On(to) The Carpet - Repost - TheFallen 02/14/03
- Telltale
- Repost - TheFallen 02/14/03
- Too many tales - TheFallen 02/14/03
- Too many tales - S. Ryan 02/18/03
- Too many tales - TheFallen 02/14/03
- The
tables have turned? - peeg 02/13/03
- To turn the tables - ESC 02/14/03
- Nitpick
- Repost - Bookworm 02/13/03
- Nitwit, nitpick, nitty gritty - ESC 02/14/03
- "in future" and "in the future"
- Shock and Awe
- What's with the ??
- Origination of "worry wort"
- To Put "Paid" To
- Tanks a LOT ....
- Phrase
- No real answer on "divine mockery" - but that's the point?
- Shoot one's cuffs
- "overpaid, oversexed..."
- Point made?
- Buffaloed
- Sayings for the months
- Promise Ring
- Derwood? It's a place in Maryland...
- Right back at you
- I don't understand
- "Falling" in Love
- Wet work
- Till a snapping turtle turns loose
- To Put (Some One) on Ice
- Claim morbid embarrassment
- It's all true...
- Mm?
- Scientific names
- Dictionary of biological names
- Breaking the mould
- Contracts again
- Confusing even to native speakers
- Keep them straight
- Quarter?