Shock and Awe

Posted by ESC on March 21, 2003

In Reply to: Shock and Awe posted by Brian from Shawnee on March 21, 2003

: This may be a good time to note when the phrase "Shock and Awe" was first used. It seems that a Pentagon spokesperson must have been the first. It's been in use now for a couple of weeks.

: Now, it's too soon to tell if this phrase will become as popular as the 1991 war's "Mother of All...", as in "Mother of All Used Car Deals", etc. That phrase is still yielding results, as witness the new "M.O.A.B." bomb, which officially stands for "Massive Ordnance Aerial-Burst Bomb".

We're going to have quite a collection of "war words" before this is over.