Behold and see
Posted by ESC on March 14, 2003
In Reply to: Epitaph - author unknown posted by Lewis on March 13, 2003
: : The following was inscribed on a very old stone inside the rear door of St. Mary's Church in Youghal, Ireland. I first became aware of it while growing up in Youghal, but have also heard similar sayings here in the US.
: : "Remember man as you pass by,
: : As you are
now, so once was I.
: : As I am now, so you shall be.
: : Remember man,
: : Can anyone help with the origin, age, author of this...?
: popular in Ireland - I think 150 years at least - there are memorial sites
preserving the inscriptions and it appears quite popular. Author Unknown - from
a gravestone.
"Newport, R.I., has this early paraphrase in America of the epitaph of Edward the Black Prince, son of Edward III of England, who died in 1376. (A variation, usually a couplet, was popular in New England and appears as late as 1873.):
Josiah Lyndon
Died Augt 8 1709
Behovld and See
For as I am Soe
shalt Thov Bee
Bvt as Thov Art
Soe Once Was I
Bee Svre of This
Thov Mvst Dye."
From "Over Their Dead Bodies: Yankee Epitaphs & History" by Thomas C. Mann and Janet Greene (The Stephen Greene Press, Brattleboro, Vermont, Pioneer Printing Co. Inc., 1962).