To Put "Paid" To

Posted by James Briggs on March 26, 2003

In Reply to: To Put "Paid" To posted by R. Berg on March 26, 2003

: : : Hello, I was just hoping some one might know the origin and meaning of the phrase "to put paid to". Thanks in advance for any assistance.

: : My opinion: It means to be done with -- all accounts in order, everything settled. The expression calls to mind the word "paid" stamped on bills. "Winning the race 'put paid to' the idea that he was a quitter."

: The expression makes more sense if you write it like this:
: to put "paid" to
: showing that the WORD "paid" is to be put to something.

This is what I found out some time ago - it agrees with the above.

To put paid to something is to finish it; to make it over and done with. The background is that of counting houses; when accounts were settled and closed the word Paid was written at the bottom. They were over and done with; finished.

  • To Put "Paid" To S. 03/27/03