Contributors please note: this is an archived page of the Phrase Finder Discussion Forum. You cannot add to these posts.
- What does it mean? - nick 08/01/03
- What does it mean? - Anwar 08/01/03
- What does it mean? - MP 08/01/03
- What does it mean? - Anwar 08/01/03
- 'envision' vs 'envisage' - GPP 08/01/03
- 'envision' vs 'envisage' - Kit 08/01/03
- Bring em' on ! - kathaab afandi 07/31/03
- Plan B - K 07/31/03
- Plan B - James Briggs 07/31/03
- Golligor - Shae 07/31/03
- Fabulous word - Word Camel 08/01/03
- Wear your heart on your sleeve?? - Lauren Dunne 07/31/03
- Wear your heart on your sleeve?? - Gary 07/31/03
- Ride the pine - S. 07/31/03
- Ride the pine - Bob 07/31/03
- Ride the pine - masakim 07/31/03
- Ride the pine - Bob 07/31/03
- Some phrases plz. - kathaab afandi 07/31/03
- Somewhat curiously - Mei 07/31/03
- Somewhat curiously - R. Berg 07/31/03
- News creation of apprehension and its
narrative resolution - celia 07/31/03
- News creation of apprehension - R. Berg 07/31/03
- Trivia/how-to Web site - ESC 07/31/03
- Asking age - Bob Newrith 07/30/03
- Asking age - R. Berg 07/30/03
- Asking age - ESC 07/31/03
- Asking age - R. Berg 07/30/03
- Esquire culture awards - Rated PG - ESC 07/30/03
- Esquire culture awards - Rated PG - Shae 07/30/03
- Stick one's spoon in the wall - A
Pace 07/30/03
- Stick one's spoon in the wall - ESC 07/30/03
- Stick one's spoon in the wall - Shae 07/30/03
- Stick one's spoon in the wall - ESC 07/30/03
- I'll eat my hat - James Briggs 07/30/03
- I'l eat my hat - Gary Martin 07/30/03
- Collective nouns, redux - GPP 07/30/03
- Collective nouns, redux - James Briggs 07/30/03
- Bad hair day - Mark 07/30/03
- More phrases. - kathaab afandi 07/30/03
- More phrases. - Bob 07/30/03
- More phrases. - ESC 07/30/03
- Origins of term 'stroppy' - christian 07/29/03
- Origins of term 'stroppy' - Shae 07/30/03
- 'scot-free' - GPP 07/29/03
- A tension - Celia 07/29/03
- Party politics - Henry 07/29/03
- Party politics - ESC 07/30/03
- Party politics - Henry 07/29/03
- Origin of the word '****' - Doug Franklin 07/29/03
- The Merch? - pinetaj 07/29/03
- The Merch? - ESC 07/29/03
- The Merch? - Bob 07/29/03
- The Merch? - ESC 07/29/03
- Pulling for you - Deanne 07/29/03
- E-mail notification - Gary Martin 07/29/03
- Street credible socialbility/ a shared
joke - Celia 07/29/03
- Street credible socialbility/ a shared joke - Bob 07/29/03
- 'as if' stance - Celia 07/29/03
- 'as if' stance - R. Berg 07/29/03
- One question - Mei 07/29/03
- One question - Henry 07/29/03
- Sock it to me - rozaka 07/29/03
- Kick a Big Band - Ayoung 07/31/03
- Sock it to me - ESC 07/29/03
- Sock it to me - masakim 07/29/03
- Shoot pool - sphinx 07/29/03
- "Write if you find work" - Lissa Hunt 07/28/03
- Camel's nose - S. 07/28/03
- Camel's nose - Bob 07/28/03
- Jack move - Pawe#322; 07/28/03
- Some phrase plz. - kathaab afandi 07/28/03
- Origin and meaning of " O.K. " - Jason Fletcher 07/28/03
- Origin and meaning of " O.K. " - ESC 07/28/03
- In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida - ESC 07/28/03
- In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida - Rod Reinhart 07/29/03
- In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida - Bob 07/28/03
- Thank your mother for the rabbit - Patrick 07/28/03
- I am so old... - ESC 07/28/03
- To make a Bee Line for something - Rachel 07/28/03
- Bee line - ESC 07/28/03
- Bee line - rachel 07/30/03
- Bee line - ESC 07/28/03
- Irish fortune - sphinx 07/28/03
- Irish fortune - Shae 07/28/03
- Irish fortune - ESC 07/28/03
- Irish fortune - Shae 07/28/03
- Go to the mattresses - Gina 07/28/03
- Origin of ''wheels of justice" .. - Ron Nash 07/28/03
- Origin of ''wheels of justice" .. - GPP 07/28/03
- "Finger-in-the-water test" - GPP 07/27/03
- What does scug mean? - Nima 07/27/03
- Smoke and a Pancake - DOOG 07/27/03
- While vs whilst - Word Camel 07/27/03
- Making the familiar strange - Jacqueline 07/27/03
- Making the familiar strange - Henry 07/27/03
- The word "Bum" - Dick 07/26/03
- The word "Bum" - Bob 07/26/03
- The word "Bum" - janes_kid 07/27/03
- The word "Bum" - Bob 07/26/03
- Back to back - Karen 07/26/03
- Back to back - ESC 07/26/03
- Use of the word "Truck" - Bob Yeomans 07/26/03
- Indian and Indo-British English - James
Briggs 07/26/03
- Hobson-Jobson - Henry 07/26/03
- "Ye Olde ..." - GPP 07/26/03
- Hear ye this - Henry 07/26/03
- Curious why mm/dd/yy used on uk site - GPP 07/26/03
- Curious why mm/dd/yy used on uk site - Gary 07/26/03
- 9/11 - Henry 07/26/03
- 9/11 - Barney 07/26/03
- Customer Compromise - MM 07/26/03
- Customer Compromise - James
Briggs 07/26/03
- Customer Compromise - Barney 07/26/03
- Customer Compromise - James
Briggs 07/26/03
- 'Lat*n' me this: "Don't let the bastards wear you down" - Peter 07/26/03
- People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.. - Marilyn Getty 07/26/03
- "It is argued" and "in column
" - sphinx 07/26/03
- "It is argued" and "in
column " - Henry 07/26/03
- "It is argued" - R. Berg 07/26/03
- "It is argued" and "in
column " - Henry 07/26/03
- Tarriers - Lotg 07/26/03
- Tarriers - Peter 07/26/03
- Searching for a concise phrase or synonym - Stubor 07/26/03
- Searching for a concise phrase or
synonym - Bob 07/26/03
- Time is short - R. Berg 07/26/03
- Searching for a concise phrase or
synonym - Bob 07/26/03
- Meaning..plz? - kathaab afandi 07/25/03
- Meaning..plz? - R. Berg 07/26/03
- Thank you..R.Berg. - kathaab afandi 07/26/03
- Meaning..plz? - R. Berg 07/26/03
- "A B in your Bonnett" - msperk 07/25/03
- "Prairie preems to flip burgers at
Stones gig" - CC 07/25/03
- "Prairie preems to flip burgers
at Stones gig" - woody 07/25/03
- "Prairie preems to flip burgers at Stones gig" - ESC 07/25/03
- "Prairie preems to flip burgers at Stones gig" - ESC 07/25/03
- "Prairie preems to flip burgers
at Stones gig" - woody 07/25/03
- Odds bodkins - William 07/25/03
- Easy Squeezy Lemon Peasy - Sleemo 07/25/03
- Wellerism - ESC 07/25/03
- Wellerism - Lewis 07/25/03
- " Jerries " & Laughing - Woody 07/25/03
- Lots of laughs - Henry 07/25/03
- "At one fell swoop" - Peter 07/25/03
- Who's talking? - Miri Barak 07/25/03
- "Glass ceiling" revisited - ESC 07/24/03
- " Thick as a brick " - woody 07/24/03
- Keep it in the family - Krapp 07/24/03
- Keep it in the family - Kit 07/24/03
- To laugh like hyenas - Karen 07/24/03
- To laugh like hyenas - R.
Berg 07/24/03
- To laugh like hyenas - Henry 07/24/03
- To laugh like hyenas - R.
Berg 07/24/03
- "Busting his chops" - Word Camel 07/24/03
- "You don't know what you have until you lose it." - AA 07/24/03
- Word meaning please - Barbara 07/24/03
- At sixes & sevens, and At odds - Lotg 07/24/03
- At sixes & sevens, and At odds - R. Berg 07/24/03
- Phrase in Bible - Rick Nowlan 07/23/03
- Phrase in Bible - Barney 07/24/03
- The Child is father of the Man - ESC 07/24/03
- Phrase in Bible - Barney 07/24/03
- Sweet as a nut - Willy 07/23/03
- Berried treasure - Henry 07/23/03
- Berried treasure - Henry 07/23/03
- Archived explanation - R. Berg 07/23/03
- Archived explanation - M Phill 07/25/03
- Fate and destiny - sphinx 07/23/03
- A few questions - sphinx 07/23/03
- MacGuffin - ESC 07/23/03
- Oy gaoggle vey! - Pamela Myhre 07/22/03
- Kill him and tell God he died - Pamela
Myhre 07/22/03
- Kill him and tell God he died - Doug 07/23/03
- Kill him and tell God he died - Kevin 07/23/03
- Kill him and tell God he died - Doug 07/23/03
- Fun like people - Pamela Myhre 07/22/03
- Fun like people - Barney 07/23/03
- Hack writer - BB 07/22/03
- Apparent of - sphinx 07/22/03
- Apparent of - Barney 07/22/03
- Apparent of - Bob 07/22/03
- What does "get away with" mean
here? could it be replaced with "get rid of"? - sphinx 07/22/03
- Get away - Henry 07/22/03
- Get away - sphinx 07/22/03
- Get away - Henry 07/22/03
- What does "get away with" mean
here? - sphinx 07/22/03
- What does "get away with" mean here? - sphinx 07/22/03
- Crème de la crème - AA 07/22/03
- Who said: "strong like bull"? - ESC 07/22/03
- An irrelevant question... - sphinx 07/21/03
- Wotcher - Brian from Shawnee 07/21/03
- Haymaker - Adrian Burns 07/21/03
- Haymaker - ESC 07/21/03
- Haymaker - masakim 07/21/03
- Haymaker - ESC 07/21/03
- Aussie sayings - Lotg 07/21/03
- Baby-farm, baby-farmer - Roman Korolenko 07/21/03
- Baby-farm, baby-farmer - James
Briggs 07/21/03
- Baby-farm, baby-farmer - Lewis 07/21/03
- Baby-farm, baby-farmer - James
Briggs 07/21/03
- In good nick - Christopher Wilson 07/21/03
- In good nick - ESC 07/21/03
- In good nick - Colin Goddard 07/22/03
- In good nick - ESC 07/21/03
- Full monty--OED - R. Berg 07/21/03
- Thanks - Word Camel 07/21/03
- Thanks - R. Berg 07/21/03
- Thanks - Word Camel 07/21/03
- Electrigying recent photo - Mei 07/20/03
- Electrifying recent photo - R. Berg 07/21/03
- Everything changes idioms please - alien 07/20/03
- Everything changes idioms please - R. Berg 07/21/03
- Everything changes idioms please - Bob 07/21/03
- Everything changes idioms please - R. Berg 07/21/03
- Electric storm - Alien 07/20/03
- Like a redheaded step child? - Joe 07/20/03
- Like a redheaded step child? - R. Berg 07/20/03
- The difference between old and middle english? - Kristian 07/20/03
- The difference between old and middle
english? - Bob 07/20/03
- The difference between old and middle english? - Kristian 07/21/03
- The difference between old and middle
english? - Bob 07/20/03
- Bitter end - nancy k 07/19/03
- Bitter end - ESC 07/20/03
- Bitter end - masakim 07/20/03
- Bitter end of my search - P R Downey 07/20/03
- Bitter end - ESC 07/20/03
- "Scamels" - the unsolved Shakespeare
mystery - Dave Butterfield 07/19/03
- "Scamels" - the unsolved Shakespeare mystery - William Bard 07/21/03
- Run of the mill - AA 07/19/03
- Run of the mill - Bruce Kahl 07/19/03
- I'm you huckleberry - Richard Moreno 07/19/03
- I'm you huckleberry - Bruce
Kahl 07/19/03
- I'm you huckleberry - Henry 07/19/03
- I'm you huckleberry - Bruce
Kahl 07/19/03
- "..innocent until proven guilty.." - janes_kid 07/19/03
- "On the other hand" - Ward
Fredericks 07/19/03
- "On the other hand" - Henry 07/19/03
- Phrases or idioms about lost love - Lelise 07/19/03
- Asking phrases or idioms - leslie 07/19/03
- Asking phrases or idioms - Brad 07/20/03
- Asking phrases or idioms - R.
Berg 07/19/03
- Asking phrases or idioms - ESC 07/20/03
- "A watched pot never boils." - Karl 07/19/03
- Phrase/Expression - Mo Khan 07/19/03
- Deal depth? - ESC 07/19/03
- Deal depth? - Bob 07/19/03
- Deal depth? - ESC 07/19/03
- Baby and bath water - Arnie H 07/19/03
- What is the meaning? - Joan 07/18/03
- Five Cents Plain - Turk1 07/18/03
- Five Cents Plain - R. Berg 07/18/03
- Five Cents Plain - James Briggs 07/19/03
- Five Cents Plain - R. Berg 07/18/03
- Meaning plz? - kathaab afandi 07/18/03
- Rat - ESC 07/18/03
- Rat - Henry 07/18/03
- Meaning plz? - ESC 07/18/03
- Meaning plz? - kathaab afandi 07/19/03
- Rat - ESC 07/18/03
- Walk One's Faith - MM 07/18/03
- Walk One's Faith - Lewis 07/18/03
- Walk One's Faith - ESC 07/18/03
- Walk One's Faith - Lewis 07/18/03
- Chow - AA 07/18/03
- Fice - James Briggs 07/18/03
- What does "a bunch of bull" mean? and its origin? - willy 07/18/03
- The Girl Next Door - Carlin Jones 07/18/03
- The Girl Next Door - brianm 07/20/03
- The Girl Next Door - Carlin Jones 07/28/03
- The Girl Next Door - Carlin Jones 07/28/03
- The Girl Next Door - brianm 07/20/03
- 2 phrases - kathaab afandi 07/17/03
- Let hair down; snake in grass - R. Berg 07/17/03
- Ten Four...Over and Out - Paul 07/17/03
- Ten Four...Over and Out - Shae 07/17/03
- Ten Four...Over and Out - Henry 07/17/03
- Ten Four...Over and Out - Shae 07/17/03
- The sun shines and the sea is blue - Gary Martin 07/17/03
- "A transgressive challenge to the valorization of hegemonic narrativity?" - Word Camel 07/17/03
- The Real Origin of Cheers - Cloudesley 07/17/03
- The Real Origin of the word Cheers - cloudesley 07/17/03
- Wotcha! - Lewis 07/18/03
- The Real Origin of the word Cheers - cloudesley 07/17/03
- Enquiry - Yuri 07/17/03
- Brass tacks - woody 07/17/03
- Several points - Phil 07/17/03
- The Thin Red Line - John Milligan 08/01/03
- Making mice that bark - Fahad 07/17/03
- Making mice that bark - Lewis 07/17/03
- Phrases: "beat one's time" and
"cut away" - sphinx 07/17/03
- Phrases: "beat one's time"
and "cut away" - James Briggs 07/17/03
- Beat one's time, cut away - R. Berg 07/17/03
- Phrases: "beat one's time"
and "cut away" - James Briggs 07/17/03
- "A tot" of a house - janes_kid 07/16/03
- John Hancock - Phil 07/16/03
- John Hancock - Kit 07/16/03
- John Hancock - masakim 07/16/03
- John Hancock - Kit 07/16/03
- Where does the saying "the great white
way come from?" - Jack 07/16/03
- Where does the saying "the great white way come from?" - Jack 07/17/03
- "The great white way" - R. Berg 07/16/03
- Mickey Finn - James Briggs 07/16/03
- Help: What is a Hot Potatoe? - James
Haynes, Jr. 07/16/03
- Help: What is a Hot Potatoe? - Bob 07/16/03
- Phrase: Clear the air - michael
ketit 07/16/03
- Clear the air - ESC 07/16/03
- Phrase: Clear the air - Henry 07/16/03
- Phrase: Clear the air - ESC 07/16/03
- More Bodies Found Behind Bank Till - Mei 07/15/03
- Nice little article: a few origins - Bob 07/15/03
- Nice little article: a few origins - Gary 07/16/03
- Nice little article: a few origins - Bob 07/15/03
- Nice little article: a few origins - ESC 07/16/03
- Learning joy from dogs without collars - ESC 07/15/03
- Eye for an eye - al 07/15/03
- Eye for an eye - ESC 07/15/03
- Eye for an eye - masakim 07/15/03
- Eye for an eye - ESC 07/15/03
- Balls-up - Miles Golding 07/15/03
- Bread-and-butter apartment - Denis 07/14/03
- New use of "spoof"? - ESC 07/14/03
- New use of "spoof"? - masakim 07/14/03
- New use of "spoof"? - ESC 07/15/03
- New use of "spoof"? - masakim 07/14/03
- Phrase meaning and origin - Amanda 07/14/03
- Phrase meaning and origin - James
Briggs 07/14/03
- "Dancers" for stairs - R. Berg 07/15/03
- Phrase meaning and origin - James
Briggs 07/14/03
- One question - Christine 07/14/03
- One question - Henry 07/14/03
- One question - Lewis 07/14/03
- Need to find the origin - Smita 07/14/03
- Need to find the origin - Gary 07/14/03
- Subdued sartorial and acting codes - Mei 07/14/03
- Butterflies - Leigh 07/13/03
- Butterflies - Bruce Kahl 07/13/03
- Cost of tea in china - Caryn 07/13/03
- Cost of tea in china - sphinx 07/14/03
- Meaning - R. Berg 07/14/03
- Cost of tea in China - R. Berg 07/13/03
- Cost of tea in china - sphinx 07/14/03
- Heat! - sphinx 07/13/03
- Lived process - Celia 07/13/03
- Thackeray: Vanity Fair - Holman 07/13/03
- Help - puk 07/12/03
- Wring your neck - ESC 07/12/03
- Wring your neck - puk 07/12/03
- Wring your neck - ESC 07/12/03
- As with? - sphinx 07/12/03
- As with? - ESC 07/12/03
- As with? - GPP 07/26/03
- As with? - ESC 07/12/03
- Is there such a phrase as..... - kevin 07/12/03
- Help - chinese 07/12/03
- Upside - R. Berg 07/12/03
- Upside - Henry 07/12/03
- Upside - R. Berg 07/12/03
- Found phrase - Bible dip - ESC 07/12/03
- Found phrase - cut for sign - ESC 07/12/03
- For or of - english learner 07/12/03
- For or of - R. Berg 07/12/03
- For or of - emma 07/29/03
- For or of - R. Berg 07/12/03
- Literary reference - ESC 07/12/03
- Is there a phrase for...... - Saunter 07/11/03
- Manila Folders - Susannah 07/11/03
- Manila Folders - ESC 07/11/03
- 111 runs at cricket known as a 'Lord Nelson'
or a 'Nelson' - Ron Jones 07/11/03
- 111 runs at cricket known as a 'Lord Nelson' or a 'Nelson' - Henry 07/11/03
- Light in the loafers - Lindsay 07/11/03
- Light in the loafers - ESC 07/11/03
- Light in the loafers - masakim 07/11/03
- Light in the loafers - ESC 07/11/03
- Straw Dog - Ben 07/11/03
- Graveyard Shift - denise wallace 07/11/03
- "Keep your fork duke, there's pie' - woody 07/11/03
- "Keep your fork duke, there's pie' - ESC 07/11/03
- To Get the upper hand. - woody 07/11/03
- To Get the upper hand. - ESC 07/11/03
- Gruding and dismissive - Celia 07/11/03
- Gruding and dismissive - ESC 07/11/03
- Mufti (Mufty - spelling?) Day - Lap of the Goddess 07/11/03
- Fine Comestibles - Lotg 07/11/03
- Dutch treat or Let's go Dutch - EE 07/11/03
- The function of .... - english learner 07/11/03
- The function of .... - R. Berg 07/11/03
- On The Box - Kate Scribens 07/10/03
- On The Box - Gary 07/11/03
- On The Box - Kate Scribens 07/14/03
- Poor Box - Lewis 07/11/03
- On The Box - Gary 07/11/03
- The pen is mightier than the sword - Paul L. James 07/10/03
- The pen is mightier than the sword - ESC 07/10/03
- The pen is mightier than the sword - Phil 07/17/03
- Penis mightier than sword - shock - Rude Boy 07/11/03
- The pen is mightier than the sword - ESC 07/10/03
- Bad hair day - JIMBO 07/10/03
- Bad hair day - Gary 07/11/03
- Bad hair day - ESC 07/10/03
- Please help... - sphinx 07/10/03
- Hi, Gary... - sphinx 07/10/03
- Who wrote this and what is it from? - Doris 07/10/03
- I.e. - Sherry 07/09/03
- I.e. - masakim 07/09/03
- 86ed - James McNelly 07/09/03
- 86ed - ESC 07/09/03
- I.e. - Sherry 07/09/03
- I.e. - ESC 07/09/03
- "I gussed up the recipe by adding" what is the origin of guss up - Les 07/09/03
- Is there any equivelent expression? - iulian 07/09/03
- Whats the meaning of thisphrase - Joseph
Oye Esther 07/09/03
- Whats the meaning of thisphrase - James Briggs 07/09/03
- In over your head; over your head - ESC 07/09/03
- Whats the meaning of thisphrase - James Briggs 07/09/03
- Curse a blue streak. - Adrian 07/09/03
- Curse a blue streak. - Bookworm 07/09/03
- Curse a blue streak. - Lewis 07/10/03
- Curse a blue streak. - Bookworm 07/09/03
- Might as well, can't dance - Donna
Thomas 07/09/03
- Might as well, can't dance - ESC 07/10/03
- Thousand Island Dressing - EE 07/08/03
- Thousand Island Dressing - Lewis 07/10/03
- Thousand Island Dressing - Bruce
Kahl 07/08/03
- Thousand Island Dressing - ESC 07/08/03
- What about "Whatever Floats Your Boat"? - Me 07/08/03
- What about - bonne 07/09/03
- What about "Pushing up daisies"? - Me 07/08/03
- What about - abc 07/08/03
- For ESC, our W Virginia lass - James
Briggs 07/08/03
- For ESC, our W Virginia lass - ESC 07/08/03
- You got a pretty mouth... - Oinker 07/11/03
- For ESC, our W Virginia lass - ESC 07/08/03
- The Bee's Knees - Kit 07/08/03
- Horse of a different color - saxon 07/08/03
- Horse of a different color - ESC 07/08/03
- Horse of a different color - ESC 07/08/03
- Horse of a different color - ESC 07/08/03
- Sound-bite - Mei 07/08/03
- Sphinx - phone in sick 07/08/03
- "Friday practice"? - sphinx 07/08/03
- "Friday practice"? - Shae 07/08/03
- Freak show? - sphinx 07/08/03
- Freak show? - ESC 07/08/03
- Two little questions - sphinx 07/08/03
- Two little questions - Gary 07/08/03
- 'Strike a Committee' - Paul King 07/08/03
- Toeing The Line? - jerry 07/08/03
- Playing for sheep stations - jf 07/08/03
- Playing for sheep stations - Bruce Kahl 07/08/03
- Playing for sheep stations - Andrew 07/10/03
- Playing for sheep stations - Bruce Kahl 07/08/03
- Throw a spanner in the works - SFC 07/08/03
- Spanner - R. Berg 07/08/03
- "Done like Dinner" - Mable 07/08/03
- "Done like Dinner" - ESC 07/08/03
- Shakespeare's King John - Doris 07/08/03
- Shakespeare's King John - Bob 07/08/03
- Shakespeare's King John - Doris 07/08/03
- Shakespeare's King John - Bob 07/08/03
- Means to an end - crackity jones 07/07/03
- Means to an end - masakim 07/07/03
- "OK" - Carey Ball 07/07/03
- Like a snowball's chance in hell - MM 07/07/03
- Displace - Celia 07/07/03
- Displace - Ryan 07/07/03
- Displace - Bob 07/07/03
- Displace - Ryan 07/07/03
- Create Knowledge - Lotg 07/07/03
- Meaning of "Wreck of the Hespress"? - Dave 07/06/03
- Cooking up a storm - tammy 07/06/03
- Cooking up a storm - ESC 07/07/03
- Beauty is only skin deep - Kathy 07/06/03
- Baited breath - Clarice 07/06/03
- Baited breath - Sid Willis 07/27/03
- Bated breath - ESC 07/06/03
- No Dice - Word Camel 07/06/03
- No Dice - Bob 07/06/03
- Whigmaleerie - Jennie 07/05/03
- Whigmaleery, -me-, -ie - R. Berg 07/06/03
- Rag & - William 07/04/03
- Putting the 'b' in subtle - K. Anderson 07/04/03
- Putting the 'b' in subtle - Lewis 07/07/03
- Sheffield expressions and sayings - Hannah 07/04/03
- Where it's at - milena 07/04/03
- Pop goes the weasel - ken kesner 07/04/03
- Pop goes the weasel - Gary 07/04/03
- Pop goes the weasel - Lap of the Goddess 07/07/03
- Pop goes the weasel - Gary 07/04/03
- Language equations - Marjesmart 07/04/03
- Taking the soup - Austin 07/04/03
- Taking the soup - Bruce Kahl 07/04/03
- Taking the soup - Austin 07/05/03
- Taking the soup - James Briggs 07/04/03
- Taking the soup - Bruce Kahl 07/04/03
- High Horse - Maggie 07/04/03
- High Horse - ESC 07/04/03
- High Horse - James Briggs 07/04/03
- High Horse - ESC 07/04/03
- Call a spade a spade - andrew 07/03/03
- Call a spade a spade - ESC 07/04/03
- Call a spade a spade - Lewis 07/07/03
- Call a spade a spade - ESC 07/04/03
- 23 Skidoo - Mark 07/03/03
- 23 Skidoo - Bob 07/06/03
- The v sign / two fingers - John Howard 07/03/03
- This Forum - Lewis 07/03/03
- San Fairy Ann - Katharine Hill 07/03/03
- San Fairy Ann - Gary 07/03/03
- San Fairy Ann - ESC 07/03/03
- San Fairy Ann - Gary 07/03/03
- Save the baby...... I have some!! - jenny 07/03/03
- Workbrickle - Stacy 07/03/03
- The worm turns - Jennie 07/03/03
- The worm turns - R. Berg 07/03/03
- The worm turns - ESC 07/03/03
- The worm turns - R. Berg 07/03/03
- Kitty - Emma 07/02/03
- Kitty in archives - R. Berg 07/03/03
- Urgent: What´s the meaning of "Lounge Lizard Heaven"? - mirela 07/02/03
- Origins of Guinea Pig - AMJ 07/02/03
- Shake a stick - Katy 07/02/03
- Shake a stick - archives - Bookworm 07/02/03
- Exchange vows? - sphinx 07/02/03
- Exchange vows? - Word Camel 07/02/03
- How is "peddling"? then how is "hard-peddling"? - sphinx 07/02/03
- Hosepipe - puk 07/02/03
- Hosepipe - puk 07/03/03
- Garden hose - Word Camel 07/02/03
- Drinking from the garden hose - ESC 07/02/03
- Early to bed... - Trish 07/02/03
- Early to bed... - Gary 07/02/03
- Spaghetti bowl of alliances - MM 07/01/03
- Spaghetti bowl of alliances - Bruce Kahl 07/02/03
- Call one's tone and raise it a note - MM 07/01/03
- Call one's tone and raise it a note - Bob 07/02/03
- Starlight, starbright --- it's origin, it's entirety - rivka 07/01/03
- A doula - ESC 07/01/03
- More on doulas - pdianek 07/03/03
- More on doulas - ESC 07/04/03
- More on doulas - pdianek 07/03/03
- Hanky-panky - Helen 07/01/03
- Hanky-panky - ESC 07/02/03
- It gets better! - Bruce Kahl 07/02/03
- Hanky-panky - ESC 07/02/03
- What does "i get the point" mean? - sphinx 07/01/03
- What does "i get the point"
mean? - Bookworm 07/01/03
- What does "i get the point" mean? - sphinx 07/02/03
- What does "i get the point" mean? - ESC 07/01/03
- What does "i get the point"
mean? - Bookworm 07/01/03
- Phrases for ephemerality - Weston 07/01/03
- A difficult sentence - Miri Barak 07/01/03
- Holy Cow - nickswuman 07/01/03
- Holy Cow - ESC 07/01/03
- Bartisms v Batmannerisms - Lewis 07/03/03
- Holy Cow - ESC 07/01/03
- Pass the fifth - Bookworm 06/30/03
- "Pass the fifth" - Guest 06/30/03
- Pass and take the 5th - Lewis 07/03/03
- Origin of the term "grave-digger" - Andrew 06/30/03
- Origin of the term "grave-digger" - ESC 07/02/03
- Origin of the term "grave-digger" - masakim 07/02/03
- Origin of the term "grave-digger" - ESC 07/02/03
- Phrase - cliff perkins 06/30/03
- Phrase - ESC 07/01/03
- Spanish/Hispanic/Latino - ESC 06/30/03
- X - ESC 06/30/03
- Whiter shade of pale - patrick 06/30/03
- Whiter shade of pale - Gary 06/30/03
- Whiter shade of pale - Lewis 07/03/03
- Whiter shade of pale - Gary 06/30/03
- Sayings - Jim 06/30/03
- Create Knowledge
- Hell freezes over
- Sound bite
- Oc
- Please help...
- Low Countries
- Thackeray: Vanity Fair
- Bible dip
- Lose their moorings
- More Bodies Found Behind Bank Till
- Bread-and-butter apartment
- Brass tacks & nitty gritty
- Chow
- What cheer!
- Crème de la crème
- Fate and destiny
- Comparing 'with' and 'to'
- " Thick as a brick "
- Use of the word "Truck"