Fate and destiny
Posted by Kit on July 23, 2003
In Reply to: Fate and destiny posted by sphinx on July 23, 2003
: www.apple.com/
: (the trailer)
: I believe it is our fate to be here.
: It is our destiny.
: I believe this night holds for each and every one of us, the very meaning of
: our lives.
: This is a war and we are soldiers.
: What if tomorrow the war could be over?
: Isn't that worth fighting for?
: Isn't that worth dying for?
Is this Morpheus from the movie Matrix Reloaded, or is is President Bush to his troops stationed in Iraq????? Either way I think they're both full of B.S.
- Fate and destiny sphinx 07/24/03
- Fate and destiny Kit 07/24/03