More Bodies Found Behind Bank Till

Posted by Henry on July 16, 2003

In Reply to: More Bodies Found Behind Bank Till posted by ESC on July 15, 2003

: : Hi,

: : Could anyone tell me what the following headline means?

: :
: : More Bodies Found Behind Bank Till

: : Thanks.

: I'm not sure. Unless it means more bodies were found behind the bank counter...not evident when a person first walks in the door.

: A till (Merriam-Webster online) is:

: Main Entry: 4till
: Pronunciation: 'til
: Function: noun
: Etymology: Anglo-French tylle
: Date: 15th century
: 1 a : a box, drawer, or tray in a receptacle (as a cabinet or chest) used especially for valuables b : a money drawer in a store or bank; also : CASH REGISTER
: 2 a : the money contained in a till b : a supply of especially ready money

What is the context? It sounds like a newspaper headline. It could describe the scene after a violent bank robbery, with more dead bodies found behind the till of the bank.
That's my imagination racing away. There's probably a more mundane explanation!

  • More Bodies Found Behind Bank Till Lewis 07/17/03