Contributors please note: this is an archived page of the Phrase Finder Discussion Forum. You cannot add to these posts.
- Gone Dolally - Bill Seaman 08/February/06
- Tee someone up - Kashima 07/February/06
- Run around the table - Mary 07/February/06
- "A rub and a tug" - siliq 07/February/06
- Swing for the fences - siliq 07/February/06
- I am going to Disneyland - Skipper 07/February/06
- Rat Shop - Glenn Beighton 06/February/06
- Down the banks - Jools 06/February/06
- "Giddup (or get-up) Napoleon, it looks like rain"? - Jim Connolly 06/February/06
- A means to an end - Ken 06/February/06
- A means to an end - Smokey Stover 06/February/06
- A means to an end - ESC 07/February/06
- A means to an end - ESC 07/February/06
- A means to an end - Smokey Stover 06/February/06
- Get it rough? - Faizulin 06/February/06
- Kick the snot out of him - Faizulin 06/February/06
- Kick the snot out of him - ESC 06/February/06
- Wag the dog - olaf 05/February/06
- Ask no questions and hear no lies - susan robinson 05/February/06
- Somebody walked over your grave - John McKeown 04/February/06
- Green on Thursday... - ESC 04/February/06
- Eat your heart out - Lula 03/February/06
- "The lady in red" - richard 03/February/06
- Stopped in their tracks - SJones 03/February/06
- Icing on the cake - Christina 02/February/06
- For the sake of a nail - kirsty 02/February/06
- For the sake of a nail - Victoria S Dennis 02/February/06
- "Get over yourself" - charlotte 02/February/06
- "Get over yourself" - Gary Martin 02/February/06
- "Get over yourself" - pamela 03/February/06
- "Get over yourself" - Gary Martin 02/February/06
- Where the woodbine twineth - twebb-martin 31/January/06
- Where the woodbine twineth - Smokey Stover 01/February/06
- "And how!" - Steph 31/January/06
- 'Keep your nose close'? - Lilly 31/January/06
- What in/where in sam's hell - Nikki 30/January/06
- Some found phrases - ESC 28/January/06
- Separate the sheep from the goats - rosemary 27/January/06
- "Chelsea Set" - nast 27/January/06
- Is all fair in love and war? - erika 26/January/06
- is all fair in love and war? - Bob 26/January/06
- "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies and statistics" - ginger 26/January/06
- A big fat nothing - Shirley 25/January/06
- OXO - Mary 25/January/06
- OXO - Brian from Shawnee 25/January/06
- OXO - Bob 25/January/06
- OXO - Brian from Shawnee 25/January/06
- Oh, the humanity - cicek 24/January/06
- Oh, the humanity - Smokey Stover 24/January/06
- 'Pissing in the wind' - Chantelle 24/January/06
- 'Pissing in the wind' - Bob 24/January/06
- Borehog with ten t i t s - Mark Byrd 23/January/06
- 'that'll put a lining on your stomach' - mandy 22/January/06
- RailRoad Frog - Paul 22/January/06
- Military brat - Robin 21/January/06
- Muddy the water - W. S. Foster 20/January/06
- Drop five and punt - Cara 20/January/06
- Pull no punches - Carol 18/January/06
- Thats a lot of blue sky - mk 18/January/06
- By George - D N 17/January/06
- Long tall drink of water - Prue 17/January/06
- Quid Pro Quo - C.J. Gossage 17/January/06
- Quid Pro Quo - Bruce Kahl 17/January/06
- You wanna buy a duck? - Rich 16/January/06
- An early dart - FRANY 15/January/06
- Sit long, talk much, laugh often - amy 15/January/06
- Took it on the chin - Lindsay 15/January/06
- Would that it were so - Ruth 13/January/06
- Would that it were so - R. Berg 14/January/06
- To tar someone with the same brush - Leslie 13/January/06
- If you want to get ahead, get a hat - Sarah 13/January/06
- Stop and smell the roses. - Lo 13/January/06
- Piffy - Tony 13/January/06
- I'm all brown cows today - Peter McCormack 12/January/06
- The fix is in - Romi Elnagar 12/January/06
- The whole is greater than the sum of its parts - Aidan Campbell 12/January/06
- Fashion stash - taka again 12/January/06
- Call it a day - Jon Denver 12/January/06
- Head in the clouds - Ben 11/January/06
- Up the yin yang - Steve Vogel 11/January/06
- Up the yin yang - Smokey Stover 13/January/06
- You are in good hands - taka 11/January/06
- Run into - kent pak 11/January/06
- "Drive a hard bargain" and "cutting edge" - Michelle 11/January/06
- Ten to the dozen - Karen 09/January/06
- Ten to the dozen - Smokey Stover 10/January/06
- No news is good news - Bernadette 09/January/06
- No news is good news - ESC 10/January/06
- Ninja bitch - Anders 09/January/06
- Close up and personal - Yannick Schepens 09/January/06
- Cry me a river - Jayson 09/January/06
- Linguists Vote 'Truthiness' Word of 2005 - ESC 08/January/06
- 'one to grow on' - jl 07/January/06
- "I spy with my little eye..." - Jacob 07/January/06
- Better out than in - Laima 07/January/06
- Better out than in - ESC 07/January/06
- Better out than in - Victoria S Dennis 07/January/06
- Better out than in - ESC 07/January/06
- Ramp up - pamela 06/January/06
- Ramp up - Bob 06/January/06
- Carry a torch - Rachel 06/January/06
- All souls on board - pamela 06/January/06
- All souls on board - Victoria S Dennis 06/January/06
- All souls on board - pamela 06/January/06
- All souls on board - Shae 06/January/06
- All souls on board - Victoria S Dennis 06/January/06
- Get in your face - taka 06/January/06
- ...or bust - Angie 05/January/06
- ...or bust - ESC 06/January/06
- Lestoil makes Water Wetter - R. White 05/January/06
- Lestoil makes Water Wetter - Bruce Kahl 06/January/06
- When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk - harry 05/January/06
- When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk - Smokey Stover 05/January/06
- Screen plays - Lewis 05/January/06
- When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk - Smokey Stover 05/January/06
- I was better at taking five than hanging ten - Jared 05/January/06
- I was better at taking five than hanging ten - Bob 05/January/06
- Oily slope - Barbara 04/January/06
- Fall asleep on a clothes line - Jan Hicks 04/January/06
- Fall asleep on a clothes line - James Briggs 04/January/06
- Hog wash - Bill DuBois 04/January/06
- Let my mind wander - kousan 04/January/06
- To burst the buttons off your jacket - Philipp 03/January/06
- Playing the world's smallest violin - Jimbo 02/January/06
- Knocked over for a six - Rick 02/January/06
- Even a good man falls seven times a day - t. more hynes 02/January/06
- Seeing is believing - mrmeta 02/January/06
- 2006 List of Banished Words (and Phrases) - ESC 01/January/06
- Blow a zero - Sathyaish Chakravarthy 01/January/06
- Not Your Average Joe - lsfrankel 01/January/06
- Knock on wood. - Jim McCracken 01/January/06
- Jet black - joe cushman 01/January/06
- Politics makes for strange bedfellows - Joe Trainor 31/December/05
- Greatest (best) thing since sliced bread - ESC 31/December/05
- A fish rots from the head down - Abhishek 30/December/05
- Ring in the New Year - greggbard 30/December/05
- Mile high club - Bill DuBois 29/December/05
- "Old stomping ground" - Bill DuBois 28/December/05
- Head out - Kurt 28/December/05
- Break and Run - Std 27/December/05
- Stapled to the chicken - la 26/December/05
- A case of the black ass - DK 26/December/05
- Put the hurt on someone - taka 26/December/05
- "Keeping up with the joneses" - a. walker 25/December/05
- "Jeez, get over it" - Camilo Ferreira 25/December/05
- Do a good turn - Chris 24/December/05
- Festivus for the rest of us - ESC 24/December/05
- Somebody walked over your grave
- get it rough?
- Down the banks
- Swing for the fences
- "the lady in red"
- Eat your heart out
- Tee someone up
- A fish rots from the head down
- Jet black
- Blow a zero
- Knock on wood.
- Politics makes for strange bedfellows
- Let my mind wander
- Hang ten
- 'one to grow on'
- Do a good turn
- You are in good hands
- Run into
- Close up and personal
- Call it a day
- The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
- If you want to get ahead, get a hat
- Would that it were so
- Fashion stash
- You wanna buy a duck?
- Thats a lot of blue sky
- Pull no punches
- By George
- borehog with ten t i t s
- Perhaps not.
- What in/where in sam's hell