Fashion statement

What is the meaning of the phrase ‘Fashion statement’?

An item someone wears to draw attention to themselves. (Usually an unusual or eccentric item.)

What is the origin of the phrase ‘Fashion statement’?

The word ‘fashion’ is derived from the Latin word ‘facere’ which means ‘to make, do’, which in Old French became ‘façon’, meaning ‘a making, style, appearance, behaviour. Then, in Middle French it became ‘fashion’ which meant ‘shape, manner and appearance’.

Today, the word ‘fashion’ is used, more generally, to describe the making and wearing of clothing items. In narrower terms, fashion can also be described as an expression of someone’s personality and/or culture.

For instance, wearing trousers as opposed to jeans may be considered formal attire, for business or for significant events, while wearing leggings is considered casual attire for more informal gatherings.

When someone is making a fashion statement, they are said to be wearing something unexpected, so as to stand out in a crowd. This would usually be to achieve a bold look, such as by wearing something that was previously deemed unfashionable by the general population.

While the precise first origin of the phrase ‘fashion statement’ is not 100% clear, it is believed by many to have emerged in the 20th century, during a time of great change in the world of fashion.

That said, there were fashion trends that occurred prior to the 20th century that we would now consider to have been the ‘fashion statements’ of the time, such as the introduction of women’s bloomers in 1851, named after Amelia Bloomer, which allowed for better freedom of movement for women.

What are some notable uses of the phrase ‘Fashion statement’?

You will often find the term ‘fashion statement’ banded around in women’s magazines, and on various influencer platforms such as YouTube and Instagram.

The phrase is frequently used in modern literature, such as in “The Devil Wears Prada” by Lauren Weisberger, published 2003, and ‘Confessions of a Shopaholic’ by Sophie Kinsella published 2000, where fashion statements are key to the storyline.

It also crops up in TV and film, such as in the US TV series ‘Sex in the City’ and many of today’s celebrities and cultural icons are known for their bold and striking ‘fashion statements’. The best example of which may be Lady Gaga. Fashion statements also play a big part in advertising and marketing strategies.

Occasionally, clothing items are worn as a form of political statement, and in this instance, the term ‘fashion statement’ can be used synonymously with ‘political statement’.

Trend of fashion statement in printed material over time

Cari Mayhew - Author at Phrase Finder

Cari Mayhew

Lifelong learner, phrase fanatic, and lover of literature across multiple genres. Cari Mayhew has a passion for expression, and a keen curiosity for how phrases begin and how their use transforms over time. She is often found looking for the ideal idiom to convey her thoughts and musings.
Fashion statement

Phrases & Meanings



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