Eyebrow raising (something that creates shock or surprise)
Future shock
In for a shock
In shock
Shell shock
Shock and awe
Shock horror
Shock jock
Short sharp shock
Sticker shock
The shock of the new
Phrases about shock
A, B, C, D, E, Your public library has arranged these in ways that make you cry, giggle, laugh, love, hate, wonder, ponder and understand (American Library Association advertising slogan)
Acoustic shock
At sixty miles an hour the loudest noise in the new Rolls-Royce comes from the electric clock (Rolls Royce advertising slogan)
Writer and researcher on the origins of phrases and the creator of the Phrase Finder website. Over the past 26 years more than 700 million of his pages have been downloaded by readers. He is one of the most popular and trusted sources of information on phrases and idioms.