100% versus 6% That's the Total difference (Total Toothpaste advertising slogan)
1001 Cleans a Big, Big Carpet for Less than Half a Crown (1001 advertising slogan)
11:30, Diet Coke break (Coca Cola advertising slogan)
167 days of foggy, foggy dew can't claim all the credit for beautiful English complexions (Elizabeth Arden advertising slogan)
501 blues (Levi's Jeans advertising slogan)
57 varieties (H J Heinz advertising slogan)
99.44% pure (Ivory Soap advertising slogan)
A Double Diamond works wonders (Double Diamond advertising slogan)
A Mars a day helps you work, rest and play (Mars Chocolate advertising slogan)
A bank you can bank on (Westpac Bank advertising slogan)
A better bus service all round (Carousel Buses advertising slogan)
A better idea (Ford Cars advertising slogan)
A buck well spent (Springmaid Sheets advertising slogan)
A child is an island of curiosity surrounded by a sea of question marks (Shell advertising slogan)
A day without orange juice is like a day without sunshine (Florida Citrus Commission advertising slogan)
A finger of Fudge is just enough to give your kids a treat (Cadbury's advertising slogan)
A glass and a half in every half pound (Cadbury's Dairy Milk Chocolate advertising slogan)
A hazelnut in every bite (Topic advertising slogan)
A little dab'll do ya (Brylcreem advertising slogan)
A mind is a terrible thing to waste (United Negro College Fund advertising slogan)
A minty bit stronger (Trebor Mints advertising slogan)
A newspaper, not a snoozepaper (Mail on Sunday advertising slogan)
A product of the master mind (Senior Service cigarettes advertising slogan)
A symbol of freedom (Southwest Airlines advertising slogan)
A taste of paradise (Bounty advertising slogan)
A totally organic experience (Clairol Herbal Essences advertising slogan)
A whole different animal (Frontier Airlines advertising slogan)
A, B, C, D, E, Your public library has arranged these in ways that make you cry, giggle, laugh, love, hate, wonder, ponder and understand (American Library Association advertising slogan)
A-1 makes hamburgers taste like steakburgers (A-1 Steak Sauce advertising slogan)
ABC: America's broadcasting company (ABC advertising slogan)
Aah, Bisto (Bisto gravy advertising slogan)
Absolut magic (Absolut Vodka advertising slogan)
Absolute cleanliness is Godliness! (Dr Bronner's Magic Soap advertising slogan)
Absolutely pure (Cadbury's Cocoa Essence advertising slogan)
Accelerate your life (US Navy advertising slogan)
Access – your flexible friend (Access Credit Card advertising slogan)
Access takes the waiting out of wanting (Access Credit Card advertising slogan)
Accuracy to seconds a month (Pulsar Watches advertising slogan)
Ads work harder in the new Granada (Granada advertising slogan)
Afore ye go (Bells Scotch Whisky advertising slogan)
After dark (Tia Maria advertising slogan)
Ain't no reason to go anyplace else (Wendy's advertising slogan)
Air Power is Peace Power (Lockheed Aircraft advertising slogan)
Alarmed? You should be (Moss Security advertising slogan)
All human life is there (News Of The World advertising slogan)
All the news that's fit to print (New York Times advertising slogan)
All the taste, 1/3 of the calories (Pepsi Max advertising slogan)
All you add is love (Ralston Purina Pet Food advertising slogan)
Always Coca Cola (Coca Cola advertising slogan)
Always good, all ways (Golden Flake Potato Chips advertising slogan)
Always pick Flowers (Flowers Fine Ales advertising slogan)
Ambassador, with these Ferrero Roche? You're really spoiling us (Ferrero Roche advertising slogan)
America is turning 7-Up (7-Up advertising slogan)
America lives in Dacron (Dacron Fabric advertising slogan)
America loves burgers, and we're America's Burger King (Burger King advertising slogan)
America spells cheese, KRAFT (Kraft advertising slogan)
America's best record (Puritan Records advertising slogan)
Hold it up to the light, not a stain and shining light (Surf Washing Powder advertising slogan)
Home suite hotel (Larkspur Landing Hotel advertising slogan)
Honor thy self (Johnny Walker Black Whiskey advertising slogan)
Horlicks guards against night starvation (Horlicks advertising slogan)
Hot chocolate, drinking chocolate – the late, late drink (Cadbury's Drinking Chocolate advertising slogan)
How are you? (Vodafone advertising slogan)
How do you feel? I feel like a Toohey's (Toohey's beer advertising slogan)
How do you spell relief? (Rolaids advertising slogan)
How do you spell soap? Why P-E-A-R-S, of course (Pears' Soap advertising slogan)
How does the wireless industry make you feel? (Sprint PCS advertising slogan)
How many bars do you have? (AT&T Wireless advertising slogan)
How much can you handle (Bubble Tape advertising slogan)
How refreshing How Heineken (Heineken advertising slogan)
Hurry on down to Hardee's (Rolaids advertising slogan)
I Can See Clearly Now (Johnny Cash and Jimmy Cliff song and Nescafe advertising slogan)
I am Canadian (Molson Canadian beer advertising slogan)
I bet he drinks Carling Black Label (Carling Black Label advertising slogan)
I can't believe I ate the whole thing (Alka Seltzer advertising slogan)
I dreamed I stopped traffic in my Maidenform bra (Maidenform advertising slogan)
I dreamed I went shopping in my Maidenform bra (Maidenform advertising slogan)
I feel like a Guinness – I wish you were (Guinness advertising slogan)
I know I packed it (Horlicks advertising slogan)
I like Ike (Political slogan)
I like the Sprite in you (Sprite advertising slogan)
I liked it so much I bought the company (Remington shavers advertising slogan)
I love what you do for me Toyota! (Toyota advertising slogan)
I never knew it had so much in it (TV Times advertising slogan)
I never knew you had dandruff (Head and Shoulders shampoo advertising slogan)
I think, therefore IBM (IBM advertising slogan)
I want YOU for the US Army (World War I and World War II advertising slogan)
I want my MTV (MTV advertising slogan)
I want my Maypo (Maypo advertising slogan)
I wish I was an Oscar Meyer Wiener (Oscar Meyer advertising slogan)
I wish they all could be Caledonia girls (Caledonia Airlines advertising slogan)
I'd like to buy the world a Coke (Coca Cola advertising slogan)
I'd love a Babycham (Babycham advertising slogan)
I'd rather have a bowl of Coco Pops (Coco Pops advertising slogan)
I'd walk a mile for a Camel (Camel Cigarettes advertising slogan)
I'm Margie. Fly me (National Airlines advertising slogan)
I'm Ross, and you're the Boss (Ross Perot slogan)
I'm a secret lemonade drinker (R White's advertising slogan)
I'm convinced the Goodyear Grand Prix-S is a major contribution to road safety (Goodyear Tyres advertising slogan)
I'm going to Walt Disney World! (Disney World advertising slogan)
I'm lovin' it (Mcdonalds advertising slogan)
I'm meaty, fry me (Walls Sausages advertising slogan)
I'm only here for the beer (Double Diamond advertising slogan)
I'm the decider (Political slogan)
I've fallen and I can't get up! (LifeCall Personal Emergency Response Systems advertising slogan)
If I've only one life, let me live it as a blonde! (Clairol Hair Colouring advertising slogan)
If all the world were Jell-O, And whipped cream filled the sea, Then the only spoon from here to the moon Would have to belong to me (Jell-O Gelatin Dessert advertising slogan)
If enough people would stop smoking and start drinking, we could get out of ashtrays and into vermouth (Cinzano advertising slogan)
If gas pains persist, try Volkswagen (Volkswagen advertising slogan)
If it ain't Stiff it ain't worth a f*ck (Stiff Records advertising slogan)
If it doesn't get all over the place, it doesn't belong in your face (Carl's Jr advertising slogan)
If it feels good then just do it (Nike advertising slogan)
If it isn't an Eastman, it isn't a Kodak (Kodak advertising slogan)
If it wasn't in VOGUE It wasn't in vogue (Vogue Magazine advertising slogan)
If it's Borden's, it's got to be good (Borden Inc advertising slogan)
If it's got to be clean, it's got to be Tide (Tide Washing Powder advertising slogan)
If it's on, it's in (Radio Times advertising slogan)
If life were like that, you wouldn't need a VISA card (VISA advertising slogan)
If man were meant to fly, God would have lowered the fares (American Coach Lines advertising slogan)
If only everything in life was as reliable as a Volkswagen (Volkswagen advertising slogan)
If you don't get it, you don't get it (The Washington Post advertising slogan)
If you got the munchies, nothing else will do! (Hostess potato chips advertising slogan)
If you have to ask the price you can't afford it (Rolls Royce slogan)
If you haven't looked at Ford lately, look again (Ford Cars advertising slogan)
If you keep late hours for Society's sake, Bromo-Seltzer will cure that headache (Bromo-Seltzer advertising slogan)
If you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit join our Club (Jacob's Club advertising slogan)
If you smoke, please smoke Carlton (Carlton Cigarettes advertising slogan)
If you vote for Goldwater, you'll get a war in Vietnam (Political slogan)
If you want Kentucky Fried Chicken, you have to visit me (Kentucky Fried Chicken advertising slogan)
If you want to get ahead, get a hat (Hat Council advertising slogan)
If you want to impress someone, put him on your Black list (Johnny Walker Black Whiskey advertising slogan)
If you've got the time, we've got the beer (Miller Beer advertising slogan)
If your friendly neighborhood grocer doesn't have a jar knock something off a shelf on the way out (Dilly Beans advertising slogan)
Imagination at Work (General Electric advertising slogan)
Imagine yourself in a Mercury (Mercury advertising slogan)
Impossible is nothing (Adidas advertising slogan)
In a world full surrounded by Windows, we're handing out rocks (BeOS Radio advertising slogan)
In the Army, the edge (Australian Army advertising slogan)
In the valley of the Jolly Green Giant (Green Giant advertising slogan)
Incredible India! (India advertising slogan)
Inexpensive. And Built to Stay That Way (Subaru advertising slogan)
Inspire me Surprise me AMD me (AMD advertising slogan)
A, B, C, D, E, Your public library has arranged these in ways that make you cry, giggle, laugh, love, hate, wonder, ponder and understand (American Library Association advertising slogan)
A-1 makes hamburgers taste like steakburgers (A-1 Steak Sauce advertising slogan)
ABC: America's broadcasting company (ABC advertising slogan)
Aah, Bisto (Bisto gravy advertising slogan)
Absolut magic (Absolut Vodka advertising slogan)
Absolute cleanliness is Godliness! (Dr Bronner's Magic Soap advertising slogan)
Absolutely pure (Cadbury's Cocoa Essence advertising slogan)
Accelerate your life (US Navy advertising slogan)
Access – your flexible friend (Access Credit Card advertising slogan)
Access takes the waiting out of wanting (Access Credit Card advertising slogan)
Accuracy to seconds a month (Pulsar Watches advertising slogan)
Ads work harder in the new Granada (Granada advertising slogan)
Afore ye go (Bells Scotch Whisky advertising slogan)
After dark (Tia Maria advertising slogan)
Ain't no reason to go anyplace else (Wendy's advertising slogan)
Air Power is Peace Power (Lockheed Aircraft advertising slogan)
Alarmed? You should be (Moss Security advertising slogan)
All human life is there (News Of The World advertising slogan)
Hold it up to the light, not a stain and shining light (Surf Washing Powder advertising slogan)
Home suite hotel (Larkspur Landing Hotel advertising slogan)
Honor thy self (Johnny Walker Black Whiskey advertising slogan)
Horlicks guards against night starvation (Horlicks advertising slogan)
Hot chocolate, drinking chocolate – the late, late drink (Cadbury's Drinking Chocolate advertising slogan)
How are you? (Vodafone advertising slogan)
How do you feel? I feel like a Toohey's (Toohey's beer advertising slogan)
How do you spell relief? (Rolaids advertising slogan)
How do you spell soap? Why P-E-A-R-S, of course (Pears' Soap advertising slogan)
How does the wireless industry make you feel? (Sprint PCS advertising slogan)
How many bars do you have? (AT&T Wireless advertising slogan)
How much can you handle (Bubble Tape advertising slogan)
How refreshing How Heineken (Heineken advertising slogan)
Hurry on down to Hardee's (Rolaids advertising slogan)
I Can See Clearly Now (Johnny Cash and Jimmy Cliff song and Nescafe advertising slogan)
I am Canadian (Molson Canadian beer advertising slogan)
I bet he drinks Carling Black Label (Carling Black Label advertising slogan)
I can't believe I ate the whole thing (Alka Seltzer advertising slogan)
I dreamed I stopped traffic in my Maidenform bra (Maidenform advertising slogan)
I dreamed I went shopping in my Maidenform bra (Maidenform advertising slogan)
I feel like a Guinness – I wish you were (Guinness advertising slogan)
I know I packed it (Horlicks advertising slogan)
I like Ike (Political slogan)
I like the Sprite in you (Sprite advertising slogan)
I liked it so much I bought the company (Remington shavers advertising slogan)
I love what you do for me Toyota! (Toyota advertising slogan)
I never knew it had so much in it (TV Times advertising slogan)
I never knew you had dandruff (Head and Shoulders shampoo advertising slogan)
I think, therefore IBM (IBM advertising slogan)
I want YOU for the US Army (World War I and World War II advertising slogan)
I want my MTV (MTV advertising slogan)
I want my Maypo (Maypo advertising slogan)
I wish I was an Oscar Meyer Wiener (Oscar Meyer advertising slogan)
I wish they all could be Caledonia girls (Caledonia Airlines advertising slogan)
I'd like to buy the world a Coke (Coca Cola advertising slogan)
I'd love a Babycham (Babycham advertising slogan)
I'd rather have a bowl of Coco Pops (Coco Pops advertising slogan)
I'd walk a mile for a Camel (Camel Cigarettes advertising slogan)
I'm Margie. Fly me (National Airlines advertising slogan)
I'm Ross, and you're the Boss (Ross Perot slogan)
I'm a secret lemonade drinker (R White's advertising slogan)
I'm backing Britain
I'm convinced the Goodyear Grand Prix-S is a major contribution to road safety (Goodyear Tyres advertising slogan)
I'm going to Walt Disney World! (Disney World advertising slogan)
I'm lovin' it (Mcdonalds advertising slogan)
I'm meaty, fry me (Walls Sausages advertising slogan)
I'm only here for the beer (Double Diamond advertising slogan)
I'm the decider (Political slogan)
I've fallen and I can't get up! (LifeCall Personal Emergency Response Systems advertising slogan)
If I've only one life, let me live it as a blonde! (Clairol Hair Colouring advertising slogan)
If all the world were Jell-O, And whipped cream filled the sea, Then the only spoon from here to the moon Would have to belong to me (Jell-O Gelatin Dessert advertising slogan)
If enough people would stop smoking and start drinking, we could get out of ashtrays and into vermouth (Cinzano advertising slogan)
If gas pains persist, try Volkswagen (Volkswagen advertising slogan)
If it ain't Stiff it ain't worth a f*ck (Stiff Records advertising slogan)
If it doesn't get all over the place, it doesn't belong in your face (Carl's Jr advertising slogan)
If it feels good then just do it (Nike advertising slogan)
If it isn't an Eastman, it isn't a Kodak (Kodak advertising slogan)
If it wasn't in VOGUE It wasn't in vogue (Vogue Magazine advertising slogan)
If it's Borden's, it's got to be good (Borden Inc advertising slogan)
If it's got to be clean, it's got to be Tide (Tide Washing Powder advertising slogan)
If it's on, it's in (Radio Times advertising slogan)
If life were like that, you wouldn't need a VISA card (VISA advertising slogan)
If man were meant to fly, God would have lowered the fares (American Coach Lines advertising slogan)
If only everything in life was as reliable as a Volkswagen (Volkswagen advertising slogan)
If you don't get it, you don't get it (The Washington Post advertising slogan)
If you got the munchies, nothing else will do! (Hostess potato chips advertising slogan)
If you have to ask the price you can't afford it (Rolls Royce slogan)
If you haven't looked at Ford lately, look again (Ford Cars advertising slogan)
If you keep late hours for Society's sake, Bromo-Seltzer will cure that headache (Bromo-Seltzer advertising slogan)
If you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit join our Club (Jacob's Club advertising slogan)
If you smoke, please smoke Carlton (Carlton Cigarettes advertising slogan)
If you vote for Goldwater, you'll get a war in Vietnam (Political slogan)
If you want Kentucky Fried Chicken, you have to visit me (Kentucky Fried Chicken advertising slogan)
If you want to get ahead, get a hat (Hat Council advertising slogan)
If you want to impress someone, put him on your Black list (Johnny Walker Black Whiskey advertising slogan)
If you've got the time, we've got the beer (Miller Beer advertising slogan)
If your friendly neighborhood grocer doesn't have a jar knock something off a shelf on the way out (Dilly Beans advertising slogan)
Imagination at Work (General Electric advertising slogan)
Imagine yourself in a Mercury (Mercury advertising slogan)
Impossible is nothing (Adidas advertising slogan)
In a world full surrounded by Windows, we're handing out rocks (BeOS Radio advertising slogan)
In the Army, the edge (Australian Army advertising slogan)
In the valley of the Jolly Green Giant (Green Giant advertising slogan)
Incredible India! (India advertising slogan)
Inexpensive. And Built to Stay That Way (Subaru advertising slogan)
Inspire me Surprise me AMD me (AMD advertising slogan)
Writer and researcher on the origins of phrases and the creator of the Phrase Finder website. Over the past 26 years more than 700 million of his pages have been downloaded by readers. He is one of the most popular and trusted sources of information on phrases and idioms.