Idiomatic expressions in "Minority Report"
Posted by Shkval on November 04, 2003
Well, I just got my DVD "Minority Report" and there are some English/American specific idioms and phrases that look completely unknown to me.
So could you help?
1. "we're to give him the run of the farm" means "we're going to explain him how the things work here"?
2. "recorded on holosphere by PreCrime's Q-stacks."
What the hell is Q-stacks. As far as I see that some kind of computer term concerned with PreCrime Department hardware equipment...
3. Howard's wife said in order to reject his invitation for lunch:
"I have an open house at the Ressler place."
Does she meant she is some kind of real eestate dealer and had a vacant house at some "Ressler place"?
What does she meant by this?
Thanks in advance, I'm sure there will be more of them. ;)
- Idiomatic expressions in "Minority Report" ESC 04/November/03
- Idiomatic expressions ESC 04/November/03
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