Hag ridden.
Posted by Shane Edwards on May 05, 2000
In Reply to: Hag ridden. posted by Louise on May 05, 2000
: This was mentioned in the Nightmare subject and I thought you might be interested to know that I have heard Hag ridden used in reference to horses.
: It was an old fashioned term used to describe a horse that had got into a sweat in its stable overnight, eg "That horse has been hag ridden"
: Implying that witches or fairies had been hammering it about during the night causing exhaustion.
: These days if it happens at all, its attributed to the horse not being cooled off properly or fed too soon after exercise.
: I guess the witches have moved on to cars.
: Louise
Get out of here, 'Hag Ridden' is the definitive explanation for the hang dog expression seen on the face of many a married digger as he creeps of home early leaving his mates to celebrate withouth him.
- Hag ridden. Lou 05/05/00
- Hag ridden. Bruce Kahl 05/05/00
- Hag ridden. lou 05/08/00
- Hag ridden. Bruce Kahl 05/05/00