Dis? McJob? All in the new edition of Webster's Dictionary...

Posted by Word Camel on August 12, 2003

Here's a link to an article about the new words included in the new edition of Webster's Dictionary. On a philosophic note, I know the language is bound to change but I can't help but feel like the barbarians are at the gate.

  • Dictionaries / M-W2 / "9th" Collegiate / OED GPP 13/August/03
  • Webster's Dictionary... ESC 12/August/03
    • Webster's Dictionary... Bob 12/August/03
      • Webster's Dictionary... ESC 12/August/03
        • Webster's Dictionary... R. Berg 13/August/03
          • Webster's Dictionary... GPP 13/August/03
            • Well, we do say LABoratory here, though GPP 13/August/03
              • Well, we do say LABoratory here, though R. Berg 13/August/03
                • Well, we do say LABoratory here, though GPP 13/August/03
                • Well, we do say LABoratory here, though Gary 13/August/03
                  • Well, we do say LABoratory here, though GPP 13/August/03
                    • Well, we do say LABoratory here, though Gary 13/August/03
                      • Well, we do say LABoratory here, though GPP 13/August/03
                        • Well, we do say LABoratory here, though Word Camel 13/August/03
                          • Well, we do say LABoratory here, though James Briggs 13/August/03