Well, we do say LABoratory here, though

Posted by Gary on August 13, 2003

In Reply to: Well, we do say LABoratory here, though posted by R. Berg on August 13, 2003

: : : Does anyone other than me still say EXquisite (rather than exQUISite), HOSpitable, PREparatory, etc? Americans, at least, are seemingly incapable of accenting the first syllable of any multisyllabic word. I cringe whenever I hear forMIDable or apPLICable.

: : Or preFERably.

: This American here says EXquisite, hosPITable, prePARatory, FORmidable, and APplicable. I believe all five pronunciations are correct.

That's the way I pronouce them, although I have to admit to never having thought about them before. My pet hate is 'conTROVersy', which I maintain should be 'CONTROversy'.

We are in the middle of a heat wave here in the UK - yes, really. Talking about the weather is a national obsession, so there's lots of that lately. For the sake of my health I must give up on reacting to the irritatingly wrong 'hot temperatures'. Even on the BBC - I ask you. Bring back the lash.

  • Well, we do say LABoratory here, though GPP 13/August/03
    • Well, we do say LABoratory here, though Gary 13/August/03
      • Well, we do say LABoratory here, though GPP 13/August/03
        • Well, we do say LABoratory here, though Word Camel 13/August/03
          • Well, we do say LABoratory here, though James Briggs 13/August/03