With one bound...

Posted by TheFallen on May 13, 2003

In Reply to: Who wrote this, in what? posted by joan king on May 12, 2003

: 'With a bound he was free' or 'and with a bound he was free'?

I remember reading a book dealing with the history of comics (not the stand-up variety, but the paper variety) which recounted a story that went something like this:

A popular weekly comic a few decades ago gave its readers the usual fare of long episodic melodramatic tales where the hero was invariably put in a seemingly inescapable position with improbable regularity, the theory being that the suspense-filled cliffhanger ending would persuade more readers to buy the comic again next week - a tactic later adopted tongue-in-cheek by US TV serials such as Batman and anything produced by Irwin Allen Productions. This was in the days where comics were largely text-based, with illustrations being the exception, rather than the norm. Much panic set in at the offices of said comic one week when the writer of the most popular storyline didn't show up for work for a couple of days. The publishing deadline grew ever nearer, and the editor was at his wits' end, since neither he, nor any of the comic's other staff writers could come up with any credible way to extricate the hero from the impossible predicament that the absent writer had left him in. Disaster loomed, until the missing writer turned up with the deadline just hours away. He took a look at last week's storyline to remind himself of how he'd left things, and with no further thought wrote "With one bound, our hero was free".

I'll try to track down some more details on this and post them if I can find them. It may be an apocryphal tale, but it was certainly quoted in whatever it was that I read.

  • With one bound... R. Berg 05/13/03
    • With one bound... cent 05/13/03
      • With one bound... TheFallen 05/13/03
        • Missed calling Word Camel 05/13/03