Lush--The Noun
Posted by R. Berg on March 26, 2002
In Reply to: Lush--The Noun posted by Bruce Kahl on March 26, 2002
: Here in the US someone who abuses alcohol is called a "lush".
: Anybody know the origin/derivation?
: I thank you in advance,
: bk
The American Heritage Dict. says "Origin unknown." The Dict. of Amer. Slang gives "liquor" as one meaning of "lush": archaic since c. 1920. "Lush" as a heavy drinker is labeled "very widespread since c. 1920." So possibly the word for the person developed from the word for the beverage.
- Lush--The Noun Bob 03/26/02
- "Lush Life" R. Berg
- The City of Lushington ESC
- The City of Lushington
James Briggs 03/27/02
- The City of Lushington Bruce Kahl 03/27/02
- The City of Lushington
James Briggs 03/27/02
- The City of Lushington ESC
- "Lush Life" R. Berg