Had the biscuit
Posted by David FG on June 21, 2009 at 18:53
In Reply to: Had the biscuit posted by Daniel Driscoll on June 21, 2009 at 08:51:
: Wondering if anyone has heard the explanation re Phrase 'had the biscuit', that it derives from WW1 trench warfare in France. When a soldier was mortally wounded the Chaplain administered 'last rites' which included the Eucharist---wafer of bread---which in soldiery slang became 'the biscuit'. Ergo, if so-and-so 'had the biscuit' he had died. It bcame applicable to almost anything that was 'worn out', 'finished.
I can't speak for any other Christian denomination (but I strongly suspect they are similar) but in the Catholic Church the Sacrament of Extreme Unction (the 'last rites') does not involve taking the consecrated Host, but in anointing with oil.
It might be rather difficult trying to get someone on the point of death to swallow a 'biscuit' - or indeed, anything else.
- Had the biscuit RRC 22/June/09
- Had the biscuit David FG 22/June/09
- Had the biscuit RRC 23/June/09
- Had the biscuit David FG 23/June/09
- Had the biscuit RRC 23/June/09
- Had the biscuit ESC 22/June/09
- Had the biscuit David FG 22/June/09