Myth: George Washington and the Cherry Tree

Posted by Patricia C. Graef on June 28, 2000

Would like history on the myth of George Washington and his cutting down the cherry tree.
Thank you.

  • Myth: George Washington and the Cherry Tree Anon 06/28/00
    • Myth: George Washington and the Cherry Tree Frankie 06/28/00
      • Myth: George Washington and the Cherry Tree Frankie 06/28/00
        • Myth: George Washington and the Cherry Tree Bob 06/28/00
          • Myth: George Washington and the Cherry Tree Anon 06/28/00
            • Myth: George Washington and the Cherry Tree Bob 06/29/00
              • We seem to reinvent our basic creation stories every so often, adam&eve, jc and the virg.m ,geo and martha [immaculate birth father ], adam's apple or cherry pit?t: hue smyth 09/23/00
              • Myth: George Washington and the Cherry Tree hue smyth 09/23/00
              • Myth: George Washington and the Cherry Tree Anon 06/29/00