Dinner... & Chinese Whispers

Posted by James Briggs on August 07, 2005

In Reply to: Dinner... & Chinese Whispers posted by James Briggs on August 07, 2005

: : : : : : : dinner is judged by desserts

: : : : : : I've never heard that one. But I am guessing that it means that the end, results or conclusion of something is how it is judged.

: : : : : Or the last impression is the one that lasts. I have never heard it either. It sounds a little dodgy. SS

: : : : Could this possibly be "the proof of the pudding is in the eating" translated into another language and back again by a computer - one of those "Chinese whispers" phrases? VSD

: : : What's a Chinese whisper? SS

: : "Chinese whispers" is the name used in England for the game called Telephone or Gossip in the U.S. Apparently there are no persons of Chinese descent in England, or British Caucasians don't mind offending them. ~rb