Classical Gas
Posted by Lewis on May 13, 2005
In Reply to: Caught between the Scylla and Charibdes posted by Mark on May 13, 2005
: What is the meaning of "Caught between the Scylla and Charibdes"? What is "Scylla"? What is "Charibdes"?
It is a reference for those classics buffs (a friend who has a 1st in classics from Oxford can hardly tie his laces and seems typical of the breed) - however, a mere mortal such as moi, knows it refers to a naval hazard - probably faced by Odysseus or somebody of that ilk. I think one was the rocks and the other a whirlpool - in any event it has come to mean the same as 'between a rock and an hard place' i.e. no safe place to be.
- Classical Gas David FG 13/May/05
- Scylla Question Lewis 13/May/05
- Scylla Question David FG 13/May/05
- Scylla and Charybdis Smokey Stover 15/May/05
- Scylla Question David FG 13/May/05
- Scylla Question Lewis 13/May/05