Waltzing Matilda
Posted by Itinerant Brain Surgeon - Listed on April 19, 2000
In Reply to: Waltzing Matilda posted by Brett Rose on April 15, 2000
: : : I thought I would add my bit of Australian Folklaw to the archives.(As I understand it)
: : : The famous Australian poem/song Waltzing Matilda, originated from Germany, where the young men of a village would travel the countrside going from town to town working as whatever was going at the time - this was called "Waltzing" (sp).Then during the war a "Matilda" was a nickname given to the woman of the night that kept the soldiers warm, this was also the name of the thick army coats the soldiers would wear.
: : : From this the Australian Swagman, (A drifter or tramp , who wanders around on foot , living on gratuity and odd jobs), would carry his "Swag" which contained all his worldly posessions/tools etc ...this was also his bed for the night.
: : : I look forward to hearing any one elses version of this.
: : : B
: : On that same subject (Aussie-speak) here's one of my favorite sites: www.sunburntcountry.au.com/ sayings/
: A must for any would be Aussie is the Dinkum Dictionary, all the phrases andd sayings you could ever want
OK, will someone put their hands up to the spoof "Folklaw" contribution above. It's a total wind up and not worthy of analysis. Wandering Germans boys, thick coats, war - what war? Get out of here you pommie blags, we're not all hayseeds down under 'ya know'.
- Waltzing Matilda Brett Rose 04/20/00
- Waltzing Matilda Itinerant Brain Surgeon - Listed 04/20/00