Posted by Lotg on November 25, 2004
In Reply to: Shock-headed posted by ESC on November 24, 2004
: : : : : : : "On it[balcony] sat a shock-haired young man gazing upward with a bold, urgent look..." from The Master and Margarita
: : : : : : : Has anyone heard this expression before? What does it mean? My guess would be shock-haired = white.
: : : : : : My intrepretation would be a wild haired person with hair sticking out in all directions (similar to the pictures of people connected to a static machine with their hair standing straight out).
: : : : : I picture a mop of thick hair. On an old episode of The Simpsons, Homer caught a big fish in a lake and either let it go or lost it. Anyway, the legend grew until Homer was described as having, among other heroic physical attributes, "...a shock of hair-- red, like the fires o' hell".
: : : : I think the original image meant to be conjured up by "shock-haired" is agricultural rather than electrical. That is, the hair is standing on end and disordered like a shock of wheat.
: : : I immediately thought of shocks of grain when I read the subject line. I thought of color as much as arrangement.
: : Albert Einstein leapt to my mind.
: Found this on
: shock-headed
: \Shock"-head`ed\, a. Having a thick and bushy head of hair.
: Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
: shock-headed
: adj : having a shock (or untidy mass) of hair; "shock-headed teenagers"
: Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University
I agree with ESC. It's not unusual here to describe someone as having a shock of hair - indicating they have lots of thick hair.
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