Virgin Test
Posted by Lotg (OZ) on September 02, 2004
In Reply to: Virgin Test posted by Bookworm on September 02, 2004
: : : : : : I'm now listening to a song "Sadder-But-Wiser Girl" from the famous musical "Music Man".
: : : : : : Professor Hill sings to his friend that he prefers sadder-but-wiser woman to innocent, eager, pure, baby-doll girls, because the latter type of girls will merely take away his independence.
: : : : : : The lyrics are:
: : : : : : I spark, I fizz for the lady lady who knows what time it is,
: : : : : : I cheer, I rave for the virtue I'm too late to save,
: : : : : : The sadder-but-wiser girl for me.
: : : : : : Would someone help me with the meaning of the phrase
: : : : : : "a lady who knows what time it is", please?
: : : : :
: : : : : A lady who has 'been around the block', who knows the way of the world, who knows what's what, who is experienced.
: : : : A woman who isn't a virgin.
: : : Ah - at last a reliable 'virgin' test - if she knows the time she's not!
: : : Why didn't I hear that before...
: : She knows what time it is because she hears the clock ticking--for her. SS
: I was once told that there was no such test to determine a woman's virginity. Is this true?
Firstly just an opinion of mine: A woman who isn't a virgin, isn't necessarily a woman who's 'been around the block' or who's experienced. Likewise a man.
As for the original query, I must say that this 'I fizz for the lady lady who knows what time it is' is perplexing to me. The rest of the lyrics make the general meaning clear - but the 'knows what time it is' bit is strange to me. Smokey, I don't know about your theory re her hearing the clock ticking - makes her sound almost menopausal - or maybe I'm missing your point. Could it simply mean, 'knows what time it is' as in 'time to hit the cot and get on with it'?
- Oh, and I forgot... Lotg (OZ) 02/September/04
- Test Ward 02/September/04
- How could I have forgotten Lotg (OZ) 03/September/04
- How could I have forgotten Smokey Stover 03/September/04
- Raising the tone Lewis 03/September/04
- Raising the tone - correction Lewis again 03/September/04
- Marvell indeed. Smokey Stover 04/September/04
- Thank you! Kashima 04/September/04
- Thank you! Kashima 04/September/04
- Sounds good to me - that'll do... Lotg (OZ) 10/September/04
- Thank you! Kashima 04/September/04
- Re:Thank you! 04/September/04
- Thank you! Kashima 04/September/04
- Marvell indeed. Smokey Stover 04/September/04
- Raising the tone - correction Lewis again 03/September/04
- Raising the tone Lewis 03/September/04
- How could I have forgotten Smokey Stover 03/September/04
- How could I have forgotten Lotg (OZ) 03/September/04
- Test Ward 02/September/04