Naked as a Jaybird
Posted by Lotg (OZ) on July 23, 2004
In Australia we have a native bird called the Kurrawong. He's a large, handsome bird who can be black or grey with some white on his tail, and I think also elsewhere, and a powerful beak, and an impressive song. But he's also trouble. He raids the nests of other birds, uses them and destroys them. Because of that, we try to discourage them (although I don't try very hard really).
As a kid growing up in rural Victoria, we always called them Jaybirds. In fact, I never knew their real names until I moved to the city. At our house in the Blue Mountains we have hundreds of stunning native birds come calling - among them the Kurrawongs. When I first called them Jaybirds, no local New South Welshmen knew what I was talking about.
Today, while reading a murder mystery set in Minnesota, they referred to the victims as being found 'naked as jaybirds'. So I concluded that a Jaybird might be an American bird. Therefore, I looked up Jaybirds in America. All I could find was reference to Blue Jay Birds. They look absolutely NOTHING like our Kurrawongs, but their antisocial nest raiding behaviour is exactly the same. Which makes me suspect may be the reason we called our Kurrawongs - Jaybirds in Victoria.
So - there are two questions here:
1. Does anyone know why we Victorians call Kurrawongs - Jaybirds, and is it, as I suspect, because of their antisocial behaviour?
2. How did the saying 'naked as a jaybird' come about? I mean, why a jaybird, what's so naked about a jaybird as opposed to any other animal?
- Naked as a Jaybird ESC 23/July/04
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- Naked as a Jaybird Word Camel 24/July/04
- Naked as a Jaybird Bob 24/July/04
- Naked as a Jaybird art 24/July/04
- Naked as a Jaybird ESC 24/July/04
- Naked as a Jaybird Bob 24/July/04
- Naked as a Jaybird Word Camel 24/July/04
- Naked as a Jaybird platypus 24/July/04