Piss in your pocket???
Posted by ESC on January 15, 2004
In Reply to: Piss in your pocket??? posted by Claire Kelly on January 15, 2004
: Hi,
: I am writing from Australia. We have a very odd expression here; Piss in your pocket. It means to brown-nose, favour, flatter or suck up to.
: There are two ways to use it:
: "I don't want to piss in your pocket, but that was fantastic!"
: "I'm going to have to piss in your pocket, mate, that was great."
: I think this is only an Australian term.
: Hope you have some luck with it,
: Claire
I'm in the U.S. (Kentucky) and I've never heard it. I have heard: "pump sunshine" up someone's skirt or a*s. Or blow smoke up his or her skirt/a*s. Means to flatter or toady.
- Piss in your pocket??? Lewis 16/January/04
- Piss in your pocket??? brad 21/January/04