'Bog Standard'
Posted by Cliff on January 14, 2004
This expression may derive from commerce as a very recent corruption adopted by journalists of 'bulk standard', rather than being a corruption of 'box standard' (meaning the standard of an item newly purchased and taken out of its box).
The commercial meaning was that goods purchased in bulk should by law correspond with the standard specified in the contract or with the agreed standard in a previously agreed sample or description ie. be of 'bulk standard' namely that the bulk would correspond with the agreed contract description or sample.
- 'Bog Standard' ESC 15/January/04
- 'Bog Standard' - Journalists & the pretty Andrew Gilligan Cliff 16/January/04
- Sexed Up Lewis 19/January/04
- 'Bog Standard' - Journalists & the pretty Andrew Gilligan Cliff 16/January/04
- 'Bog Standard' - Journalists Can't use English Cliff 14/January/04
- Journalists & English Lewis 19/January/04
- Journalists & English pdianek 19/January/04
- Journalists & English Lewis 19/January/04