What is MT in biblical context

Posted by Shae on January 08, 2004

In Reply to: What is MT in biblical context posted by Miri Barak on January 08, 2004

: Hello dear friends
: I came upon this MT while translating an article about biblical subject.
: examples:
: The first Hebrew word of Psalm 2:12 MT is clear enough
: or
: Unexplained MT "im lo" in vs. 2 fulfills a semantic and metrical function when attached to the end of vs. 1.

: I could not find an acronym that could make sense here.
: My thanks to you

MT = Masoretic Text. There are several versions of the Old Testament, and each differs slightly from the other. The Masoretic Text version is favoured by Christians. See: www.taylor-edu.ca/codex/REL102/pdfs/Text_Canon_handouts.pdf

  • Fantastic Miri Barak 08/January/04
    • Fantastic Miri Barak 08/January/04
      • Sorry Shae 08/January/04
        • Thank you Miri Barak 08/January/04
        • UT - 42. Lewis the Googler 08/January/04
          • It's not always laziness Bob 08/January/04
            • It's not always laziness Word Camel 08/January/04
              • Consider myself Lewis 08/January/04
                • Consider myself Word Camel 08/January/04
                  • Consider myself Miri Barak 08/January/04
                    • Consider myself ESC 09/January/04