. . .and the Whistling Bridge

Posted by James Briggs on December 30, 2003

In Reply to: . . .and the Whistling Bridge posted by Shae on December 29, 2003

: : KOKOMO HUM -- "...It's what has come to be known as the 'Kokomo hum' ? a mysterious, low-level sound that not everyone in the north-central Indiana city of 46,000 people can even hear." From "City wants to muffle 'Kokomo hum'/Companies try to silence suspected sources, but ill people want help" by Lesley Stedman Weidenbener, The Courier Journal, Louisville, Ky., December 29, 2003. Online at [Dead link removed - ed] Accessed December 29, 2003.

: Interesting article, ESC, illustrating how some individuals can sense supposedly ultra- or subsonic frequencies. It reminds me of a state-of-the-art bridge built over the river Shannon in Limerick (yes, the place in Ireland where Limericks originated) several years ago. On its completion, the bridge generated a very eerie, banshee-like, sound that could be heard for miles, and it became known as the 'Whistling Bridge.' Engineers eventually discovered that the sound occurred when the wind caused the hollow railings on each side of the bridge to reverborate. The problem was resolved by filling each railing with concrete. Nevertheless, the Shannon Bridge, its official name, will always be known as the 'Whistling Bridge.'

We've had a 'hum', off and on, in Bristol UK for at least 40 years. The source has never been found. Pity!