An Early 1900's American Poem

Posted by Esc on November 01, 2003

In Reply to: An Early 1900's American Poem posted by Robin on November 01, 2003

: Does anybody know the rest of this poem, or the name of it? My mother's wanted for years to find the rest of it. She can remember this much from her childhood:
: "Who took me from my nice warm cot
: And put me on this cold, cold pot?
: My mother!"
: If anybody could help, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

I went to Google and searched "cold, cold pot" and found a couple of versions but no information on author. A couple of sites just noted that it was a "family tradition." If I find anything more, I'll post again.


I so tired
I so weary
Who pick I up and call I dearie?
Who take me from my warm, warm spot
And put me on this cold, cold pot?
My mommy, my mommy, dat's who!
Somebody, somebody, I froo!


When my prayers were poorly said,
Who tucked me in my widdle bed,
And spanked my butt til it was red.
Me Mudder!

Who took me from my warm warm spot,
And put me on that cold cold pot,
And made me p*e if I could or not.
Me Mudder!