Lies, Lies and more Lies

Posted by ESC on September 04, 2003

In Reply to: Lies, Lies and more Lies posted by Fred Ward on September 04, 2003

: It is said that there are a series of phrases in english that are normally lies. This series includes:

: 1) the check is in the mail
: 2) I'll respect you in the morning

: Does anyone have more phrases that should be taken with a grain of salt and a lie detector?

We'll try and get you a raise after you've been here a while.

  • Lies, Lies and more Lies Bob 04/September/03
    • Lies, Lies and more Lies Word Camel 04/September/03
      • C'mon, bob, say it! Bruce Kahl 04/September/03
        • Lies R. Berg 05/September/03
          • Lies Henry 05/September/03
            • Lies Comical Ali 05/September/03
              • Lies Ward Fredericks 07/September/03