Get lost in the shuffle

Posted by ESC on August 02, 2003

In Reply to: Get lost in the shuffle posted by Kit on August 02, 2003

: : I have stumbled on such expression " get lost in the shuffle". What does it really mean in most cases. It seems that it has several interpretations. Like: 1. to be in chaos. 2. to be confused by the number of departments in a big organization. 3. do not receive the deserved attention. Anyone out there can illuminate it? Thanks in advance.

: Sounds to me as though it is alluding to a card getting "lost in the shuffle" of a deck, which could work for all three interpretations I guess. Or is this too literal?

I can't find "lost in the shuffle" in any of my references. I spent the morning at a bookstore and, coincidentally, I did see the phrase in a book I DIDN'T buy and cards were cited as the origin.