"a Bee in your Bonnett"
Posted by Bob on July 25, 2003
In Reply to: "A B in your Bonnett" posted by msperk on July 25, 2003
: I am just wondering if anyone has ever heard the expression of "having a B in your Bonnett?" My sister heard it the other day and we were just wondering what it meant and the origin of it. Anything will help.
Putting a "bee in your bonnet" is putting an idea in your head. An idea buzzes around your brain the way a bee buzzes around, and your bonnet (hat) is a metaphor for your head..
- A head full of bees ESC 07/25/03
- A head full of bees Kit 07/26/03
- A head full of bees ESC 07/26/03
- A head full of bees Kit 07/26/03