Blue & Gold Day
Posted by Lewis on July 11, 2003
In Reply to: Blue & Gold Day posted by R. Berg on July 11, 2003
: : : 1. As far as I can gather, a Blue and Gold day is a fun day in American schools and colleges. Students, teachers and sometimes parents too participate in competitions, entertainments and fund-raising events. Teams wear either blue of gold clothing. No doubt our American contributors will correct me if I'm wrong.
: :
: : So can we say, it is a bit like a non-uniform day?
: It's more like a festival.
Last night I saw a documentary about Seemore Butts (allegedly an American porn legend) and in that he went to a high school reunion. interesting thing was that all the ballons and bunting was blue and gold. It looks like that is some kind of tradition, not coincidence.
In English football tradition, the "away" strip of clubs that wear red as their first choice kit is very often primarily golden yellow and blue - or sometimes blue with gold edgings. (That combination is unlikely to clash with the strip of the opposing team.)