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Hit the jackpot

Posted by Bob on December 08, 2002

In Reply to: Hit the jackpot posted by tamio on December 08, 2002

: Can anyone help me with the meaning / origin the phrase *hit the jackpot*

: thanks in advance.

You "hit the jackpot" when you suddenly get a lot of money. Jackpot, according to the dictionary:
Main Entry: jack·pot
Pronunciation: 'jak-"pät
Function: noun
Date: 1881
1 a : a hand or game of draw poker in which a pair of jacks or better is required to open : a large pot (as in poker) formed by the accumulation of stakes from previous play b : a combination on a slot machine that wins a top prize or all the coins available for paying out : the sum so won c : a large fund of money or other reward formed by the accumulation of unwon prizes
2 : an impressive often unexpected success or reward

My question to our UK posters: in the US, jacks in a deck of cards have never been called knaves (except perhaps in the nursery rhyme where the knave of hearts stole some tarts) ... in the UK, are knaves still knaves? Has "jacks" taken over? Is this something changing over time?

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