This page rules!
Posted by Ocho on December 23, 2002
Sweet Jesus!
You guys are great! I really have to remember this page. Finally, a discussion group not about porn, yet still interesting!
Tell me, do you guys follow urban American street lingo? There are volumes and they are easiestly tracked in Rap.
When I was in grade school we used the term "gay" as bad, lame, or uncool. Last week I was in a pizza parlor and I heard a group of kids use a new word in the same way. The line was, "Dude, I can't believe you did that! That was so racist." "No, you're a racist!" "No, you are!"... ad nauseum. I think that might prove to be an interesting trend.
- This page rules! ESC 12/23/02
- This page rules! Ocho 12/23/02