Hatred of clowns
Posted by Michael on December 25, 2001
I do not like clowns! They give the creeps. I am 45 years old - you think I would have outgrown this by now, but I haven't. The odd thing is that when I went into a room full of people, nearly 40% of them agreed that they didn't like them either. Anybody have any information as to why people tend to dislike clowns?
- Hatred of clowns ESC 12/25/01
- hatred of clowns R. Berg 12/25/01
- Fear of cotton ESC 12/25/01
- Coulrophobia-
Fear of clowns. Bruce Kahl 12/25/01
- Coulrophobia
R. Berg 12/25/01
- Coulrophobia Bruce Kahl 12/26/01
- Coulrophobia
R. Berg 12/25/01
- Coulrophobia-
Fear of clowns. Bruce Kahl 12/25/01
- Fear of cotton ESC 12/25/01
- hatred of clowns R. Berg 12/25/01