'It's a dirty job . . .'
Posted by R. Berg on April 18, 2001
In Reply to: 'It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it' posted by Alex Feigelson on April 18, 2001
: I'm looking for an original source for the phrase 'It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it'. I'm thinking this is a movie or book quote, but I couldn't find anything concrete. Any help would be appreciated.
I always get a little glow of satisfaction when somebody asks about a phrase that our team (the yobs = Yankees on Board) suggested adding to the database. I couldn't find an origin for it either. It seems to be a cliché from war movies--maybe, before that, war novels--but I don't know which ones. If it was used in the real military, the veterans among us might know.
- 'It's a dirty job . . .' Alex Feigelson 04/18/01
- 'It's a dirty job . . .' R. Berg 04/18/01
- John Wayne line ESC 04/21/01
- 'It's a dirty job . . .' R. Berg 04/18/01