Piss and vinegar
Posted by ESC on March 29, 2001
In Reply to: Piss and vinegar posted by R. Berg on March 29, 2001
: : Does anyone know the origin of the phrase (being full of) "piss and vinegar"? The way it was used in our family had to do with someone being full of mischief, energy, etc.
: : Thanks to all!
: Your family was right on the button about the meaning. Dict. of Amer. Slang says:
: piss and vinegar: Energy; vivaciousness; mischievousness. Not considered taboo.
: Nothing about the origin, though, and the phrase isn't in my other references at all.
I haven't been able to find anything about the origin. The closest I came was "full of ginger." I know from previous reading that the force of the urine stream was (and probably still is) a point of pride with young men. There was a sentiment that a boy wasn't ready for women until he could rattle leaves.
Isn't it amazing the subjects we get into here on the Discussion Forum.
- Piss and vinegar Barney 03/29/01
See also - the meaning and origin of 'full of piss and vinear'.