The good old days
Posted by Kate on May 24, 2001
I need some help locating how things were in the good old days vs. how things are now. i.e. In the past I could fill the car with gas for what a loaf of bread costs today.
- Clarify your question? R. Berg 05/25/01
- Clarify your question? kate 05/25/01
- Past vs. present R. Berg 05/25/01
- Past vs. present ESC 05/26/01
- Past vs. present ESC 05/26/01
- Past vs. present Bob 05/28/01
- Past vs. present ESC 05/26/01
- Past vs. present ESC 05/26/01
- Past vs. present R. Berg 05/25/01
- Clarify your question? kate 05/25/01