Fanites, Vanites, Veynites Veinites? Awaken North Kent!
Posted by James Briggs on February 03, 2001
In Reply to: Fanites, Vanites, Veynites Veinites? Awaken North Kent! posted by James Briggs on February 03, 2001
: : Help us in our hour of need. Please help us find the origin of this term used by children to signify surrender, capitulation or giving in in child's play or games. Spelling suggestions and sources welcome.
: From Collins English Dictionary:
: Fainites (or Fains): Dialect. A cry for rest or truce from the rules of a game. C19 originally from Old French 'se fendre' in the sense: back out, esp of battle.
: There's bee a past discussion of this word, but I can't find it in the Archive at the moment.
Just found it! Search on 'fain'