Running with Wolves?

Posted by R. Berg on February 01, 2001

In Reply to: Running with Wolves? posted by Curious on February 01, 2001

: I hope this doesn't show up as a reply to an existing message, but this is the only way I could pose my question:

: Does anyone know the meaning of "running with wolves" - does it relate to "dancing with wolves"?

My guess is that running with wolves simply means being wild and rowdy or having a group of friends who are. Maybe others can give a better answer. "Dances with Wolves" was the name of a character Kevin Costner played in a film and the title of the film-and I think (having seen just a bit of it on TV) it had the same structure as nicknames like "Drinks Coffee All Day" or "Never Pays the Check." That is, "dances" was a verb. Probably not related.

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