
Posted by JSC on January 07, 2001

In Reply to: Translation? posted by blue on January 07, 2001

: trying to trnslate thiese phrses into something that makes sense:
: "O curas hominum! O quantum est in rebus inane!"
: thought this was latin but nothing comes out right, nor in german or italian. can someone translate an give meaning?

My Latin isn't too good (I'm just a HS student, and not a particularly good one) and I don't have my latin book on me, but my not-so-educated guess would be "O cares [loves?] of man! O how it is in things inane!" I don't know how to translate "inane" but I'm guessing it means the same as the English word.

  • Meaning of word? dan 03/03/01
  • Translation? Bruce Kahl 01/07/01
    • Translation? NeilB 01/22/01
    • Latin Resources Bruce Kahl 01/07/01